
Bronze Award for Rio

Congratulations to Rio, he has achieved his Bronze level as a Young Leader.
Rio has been helping teach some of of the clubs newest and youngest students
and will now be working towards his Silver award.
Well Done Rio.

Rio Young Leader Bronze


2nd Interclub Training Session

Students from Stock SKC and Senshuken SKC trained together today at the second Interclub training session of the year.
The class lead by Sensei Adam Purkiss 6th Dan and Sensei Jack Somers 5th Dan was held at Stock SKC in Thundersley Essex.
The 3 hour lesson consisted of Katas, Heian Yondan, Enpi and Jiin.
Also kumite drills, working on reaction, pressing attacks and defensive movements.
Well done to all that trained today. Oss
2nd Interclub Training Session 2024



Thriftwood 2024


Thriftwood 2024 was held over the weekend of Friday 28th, Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th of June at Thriftwood Scout Campsite in Brentwood, Essex.
Wow what a weekend we had.
4 lessons working on some different reaction skills,
then some single attacks and defences then a double attack with double defence then a triple attack and triple defence moves.
Followed first by the Kata Enpi for everyone, then the Kata Meikyo for the Black Belts.
Quiz night of games on both nights 
The onsite activities and a water fight.
Plus much more
Fun was had by one and all.
Thriftwood 2025 already booked
Below group photos but look at the gallery page for more photos and the Facbook page for even more plus videos.
Thriftwood 2024 Gis
Thriftwood 2024 T-shirts



Club Kyu Grading and lesson 

Congratulations to our 16 students, who under the watchful eye of examiner Sensei Frank Brennan 8th dan, 
passed their respected grades on Monday the 24th of June 2024.
After the grading had finished, the Black and Brown belts were put through their paces, as they got to train under Sensei Frank. 
It was a very hot and humid class, working on blocks and counters then some kicking drills followed by Heian Yondan and some kumite to finish the class. 
Another excellent lesson, from an excellent instructor. 
Well Done everyone who passed and who trained.
Club Kyu grading 24 June 2024
Training session with Sensei Brennan 24 June 2024


One day two events

On Sunday the 23rd of June 2024, some of our members had the chance to train under Sensei Frank Brennan 8th dan in Chelmsford.
Sensei Adam and Lee along with Kenzi, Angel and Skylar all took the opportunity to train.
First working on some 4 move combination techniques, then Kata Nijushiho for the Black belts and Bassai Dai followed by Heian Nidan for the brown belts.
Then to finish some Jiyu Ippon Kumite for the Brown belts and some different block and counters for the Dan grades.
At the same time Young Leader Rio was representing the club in Clacton at The English Karate Club Championships Southern Cup.
He had a very good day winning Silver in the Kata just 0.1 behind the winner and then a Bronze in the Kumite winning some tough fights. Well Done Rio.
Also thanks to Sensei Jane and Richard from Chelmsford SKC for the invite to train there.

Rio Silver Kata Clacton June 23rd 2024  Rio Bronze Kumite Clacton June 23 2024  Sensei Brennan course in Chelmsford June 23 2024


Sunday 12th of May, a small team of 7, went south over the bridge to Bexleyheath in Kent, to compete in a new competition for us.
The ESKF Cup was a Open Karate Championships, with many Karate-Ka from different associations taking part.
It was a very hot day and so was the competition as many of the other associations competing it was with their National squads.
We did have some success as Kenzi won a bronze in her Kata event and Lucie also won a bronze in her Kumite category.
Lucie also finished in 5th place for her Kata and Rio finished in 6th from his group.
The team Kata of Rio, Sarvesh and Kenzi a new team for the day came 5th, so close to gaining more medals.
There were good performances from Joseph, Isabella and Thomas in their team kata and their individual events.
Congratulations to them all.
2024 Kata Standardisation Course
On Saturday 11th of May, the KUGB held its Kata Standardisation course in Grantham.
Sensei Adam and Sensei Lee B made the trip to Grantham to attend the course.
The lesson was to focus on detail of certain Katas, Heian Shodan, Heian Sandan, Heian Godan, Bassai-Dai, Jion and Nijushiho.
These Katas were lead by Sensei Frank Brennan and Sensei Billy Higgins.
Another excellent course to be a part of and thanks to the KUGB for this free lesson, and the use of the photos.
Kata Standardisation Course Grantham 2024
Kata Standardisation Course 2024
Double Success at 57th KUGB National Championships
The 57th KUGB National Championships took place at the David Ross Sporting Village at Nottingham University on Saturday the 27th of April 2024.
Stock SKC had a squad of 15 taking part.
Karate-Ka from all over the UK were there, to fight their way to be crowned KUGB National Champions.
All of our students performed well on the day.
Sensei Lee B won his sheet and found himself in the last 8 of the Mens Kata for the first time.
The seeds enter at this stage and they all get to chose what kata they want to do.
Lee performed the kata Gojushiho-Sho, but unfortunately it was not good enough to see him to the final this time.
Sensei Sam also won his sheet in the Mens Kumite,
but the same fate awaited him in the quarter-finals as that was a far as he went, two great performances from our club instructors.
Connor had some hard fights on his way to winning a 3rd place medal in the 14-15 year old boys kumite.
The children Team Kata of Erin, Kenzi and Skylar, made it to the final 4
and they performed the Kata Bassai-Dai and finished with a 4th place, they did so well, as most of the other teams were Black belts.
It was the two sisters of Erin and Scarlett who stole the show for us.
First up was Scarlett in the Girls Individual Kata - 4th Kyu and below.
She performed the Kata Heian Shodan and WON
Not to be out done by her little sister, Erin was in the Girls Individual Kata - 3rd to 1st Kyu event Final.
There she performed the Kata Bassai-Dai and she Won too.
Two National champions at the same time, we have waited years for one and they are like buses two come along at once.
This is the clubs first success at the Nationals since 2021,
but it was the girls uncle who won the Boys Kumite way back in 1996 the clubs first National Champion.
Before the finals started, there was a special presentation for those students that had reached 20,30,40 and 50 years training with the KUGB.
This year Sensei Sam reached his 20 year mark and was presented with a certificate and a black leather licence holder by KUGB Chairman Sensei Frank Brennan.
Congratulations to them and all of Stock SKC members for another great day of competing.
ScarlettNational Champion2024
Erin NationalChampion2024
Erinand ScarlettNational Champions2024
6th Dan success for Sensei Adam
Congratulations to Sensei Adam. 
On Sunday 21st of April 2024 a the KUGB Special Dan grade course and grading held at the Hoyland leisure centre Barnsley, Sensei Adam gained his 6th Dan, Rokudan. 
The day started with a 2 hour lesson with Senseis Billy Higgins, Jimmy Brennan and Frank Brennan all 8th Dans. 
The class focused on all of the Kihon (basics) in the grading syllabus, plus the Kata Chinte for 3rd dan and above and Nijushiho for 1st and 2nd dans.
Then those grading on the day were pulled to the front of the class and whilst everyone else went through Chinte/Nijushiho again those grading went through their chosen Kata.
After that the 4th and 5th Dans grading were put into groups to practice their Bunkai from their chosen Kata, everyone else worked on some kumite drills.
Once the lesson had finished there was a 1 hour break before the grading for 3rd dan and above, started.
Watched by the 3 senior examiners of Senseis Higgins, Brennan and Brennan, all the grading candidates were put through their grading syllibus.
First was the Kihon, the basics of kicks blocks and punch combinations.
Then Kata and this was followed by the Kumite.
For those going for 5th and 6th dan, Bunkai was required of the katas performed.
they were only 2 students going for 6th Dan
and they both passed, and one of them was our Club Chief Instructor Sensei Adam.
The first person in the clubs history to gain this grade. Once again Congratulations to Sensei Adam 6th Dan.
Also congratulations to club friend Sensei Jack Somers from Senshuken on passing his 5th Dan.
Sensei Adam 6th Dan
 Adam and Jack grading 2024

Torbay 2024

Wow another great week of training at Torbay on the KUGB Train with the Champions course.
The week long course was held on the Monday through to Friday 8th-12th of April 2024.
The Instructors this year were, Sensei Billy Higgins 8th dan, Sensei Jimmy Brennan 8th dan, Sensei Frank Brennan 8th dan and Sensei Garry Harford 8th dan.
This year we had 9 members of Stock SKC train and 19 in total with family members.
9 excellent lessons plus 2 special dan grade lessons, plus a first aid course, plus a Kata competition also the social do and Sensei Higgins quiz.
At the Kata competition held on the Thursday afternoon we came away with 4 medals.
Kenzi 2nd, Skylar 3rd in the brown belt group, Joseph 2nd and Thomas 3rd in the novice to 4th kyu group.
Lee went out to the event winner and Rio lost in the last round before the finals in the Black belt category.
Isabella just missed out on a final spot to Joseph.
Thanks to the KUGB for once again arranging a superb course.
Great seeing so many old friends, and also made some new ones.
We are very blessed to belong to a great organisation Thanks to all of the Senseis for passing on their knowledge to us all,
we all enjoyed it.
Some photos from the week away
The start of the week
The medal winners
Sensei Higgins, Sensei J Brennan, Sensei F Brennan and Sensei Harford with the Stock SKC gang.
Torbay course 2024
Torbay 2024 Medal winners


2024 Southern Region Championships 

What a day we had at the 2024 KUGB Southern Region Championships in Reading.
Stock SKC had a squad of 22, and between them they won a massive 44 medals and 9 winners trophies.
Plus Rio won the Trophy for Best under 16 competitor.
The first time anyone from Stock SKC has won this award. 
Congratulations to everyone who entered if you won or not, you are all winners, and I am one very proud Sensei today.
GOLD - Sam, Male Individual Kumite - Over 21 
GOLD - Lucie, Junior Female Kumite 16-20 
GOLD - Rio, Boys Individual Kumite 14-15 years 
GOLD - Rio, Children's Individual Kata - Dan Grades 
GOLD - Angel, Girls Individual Kumite 12-13 years 
GOLD - Ayden, Boys Individual Kumite 10-11 years
GOLD - Erin, Children's Individual Kata - Brown Belts
GOLD - Skylar, Children's Ippon Kumite
GOLD - Scarlett, Children's Individual Kata - Novice to 4th Kyu (under 10) 
SILVER - Sam, Lee B, Lee R, Adam, Male Team Kumite
SILVER - Eloise, Lee B, Lucie, Adult Team Kata
SILVER - Rio, Connor, Sarvesh, Children's Team Kata
SILVER - Lee B, Junior Male Kumite 18-20 
SILVER - Eloise, Female Dan Grade Kata 
SILVER - Jason, Male Individual Kyu Grade Kumite - Over 21 
SILVER - Connor, Boys Individual Kumite 14-15 years 
SILVER - Kenzi, Girls Individual Kumite 10-11 years
BRONZE - Jason, Taylan, Logan, Male Team Kumite 
BRONZE - Lee B, Male Dan Grade Kata
BRONZE - Eloise, Female Individual Kumite - Over 21
BRONZE - Logan, Mixed Adult Kyu Grade Kata 
BRONZE - Taylan, Junior Male Kumite 16-17
BRONZE - Logan, Junior Male Kumite 16-17
BRONZE - Erin, Kenzi, Skylar, Children's Team Kata
BRONZE - Jay, Boys Individual Kumite 10-11 years
BRONZE - Sarvesh, Children's Individual Kata - Brown Belts 
BRONZE - Joseph, Children's Individual Kata - Novice to 4th Kyu (10-15 years)
4th place, Sam, Lee R, Jason, Adult Team Kata
4th place, Lucie, Female Dan Grade Kata
4th place, Sam, Male Dan Grade Kata
4th place, Jay, Children's Individual Kata - Brown Belts.
Isabella and Thomas no medals this time, but great effort from them both.

 southerns winners 2024



Lucie takes GOLD at the KDF Open


On Sunday the 3rd of March we had our 2nd competition of the year.
It was being held in Dagenham, the KDF Open Championships.
A new competition for us and we had only 3 students enter as alot of us were away on a Central Region Kata Course.
Lucie, Rio and Joseph represented the club on the day.
The day started with the Kata events.
Joseph was first up out of our trio.
Joseph won through a couple of rounds, before losing to the eventual winner.
There was a better outcome for the other two as 
Rio won a Bronze medal in the 14-15 year old Boys Kata.
Lucie was the star of our 3,
as she won GOLD in the Cadet Female Kata.
Unfortunately the Kumite did not go as well.
Rio lost to a much bigger lad who went on to win the event.
Lucie did not fair any better going out in the first round.
It`s all about mat time, onto the next one.
To come away with 2 medals at a new competition can`t be bad though. 
Congratulations to all 3 of them.
KDF Open Championships 2024

1st Club Kyu Grading of 2024

Monday 26th of February was the first Club Kyu Grading of the new year at Stock SKC.

As usual Sensei Frank Brennan 8th Dan was our grading examiner.

Everyone passed, some will have to work a bit harder for their next grade, but congratulations to them all.

For Jason, Chris, Riley and Ayden it was the last time they could grade at the club.

As their all passed their 1st Kyu so their next grading will be for their BLACK BELT.

The grading was followed by a special lesson for the black and brown belts of the club.

We had a good turn out for the lesson and everyone worked very hard on kicks to start with then Kata.


Chelmsford Course

On Sunday 25th of February, Sensei Adam along with Young Leader Lucie drove in the fog up to Chelmsford.

There they met up with Sensei Lee as the 3 of them were to train at the special lesson Chelmsford Karate Club had organised.

The lesson with Sensei Frank Brennan 8th Dan started at 9am.

After the warm up, the class were first put through some punching combinations then followed a five block and five counter combination.

We also worked on the Kata Jion.

Another great lesson.

Thanks again to Sensei Jane and Richard for the invite.

Sensei Brennan course Chelmsford 25Feb2024


First Grand Slam of the Year

Stock SKC had 4 of their 6 KUGB England members competing at the first Grand Slam of the year in Repton on the 18th of March.

Sam and Lee and for the first time Eloise and Connor were all representing England against teams from Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

No medals to win at the Grand Slam, just bragging rights and lots of valuable experience gained.

 Lee though, first time finished in the top 4 gaining a joint 3rd place in the under 21s Kumite.

Well done to him

Thanks to the KUGB for use of these photos.

 KUGBGRANDSLAM2024  Leegrandslam3rd


Free Course

Kenzi travelled up to Grantham at the weekend to train on the Central Region Free Black and Brown belt course.

There she trained under Sensei Jimmy Brennan 8th Dan and Sensei Frank Brennan 8th Dan.

Kenzi is attending as many courses as she can, as this all helps in her preparation to take her Dan grade in November.

Kenzi with the world famous Brennan brothers, Sensei`s Jimmy and Frank

Kenzi with Senseis Brennan

Six make KUGB England Squad for 2024

Over the weekend of the 3rd and 4th of Feburary 6 students of Stock SKC travelled up to Liverpool

Sensei`s Sam and Lee were joined this year by Eloise, Lucie, Rio and Connor.

As they would all be attempting to join the KUGB England Kata and Kumite Squads.

Both selections were overseen by Sensei Frank Brennan 8th dan.

 On the Saturday it was the Kata squad selection, at the world famous, Liverpool Red Triangle Karate Club.

Eloise was making her first attempt to be selected for the Kata Squad.

She was asked to perform the Katas, Heian Yondan and then Heian Nidan, 

At the end of the selection her name was called out by Sensei Brennan

that meant she had been successful and was now on the KUGB England Kata Squad for 2024.

The next day Sam, Lee, Lucie, Rio and Connor were at the University of Liverpool, as thats where the Kumite selection was taking place.

They all fought well and Sam and Lee were once again reselected for the squad.

At the first time of asking, Lucie, Rio and Connor were also successful and now join Sam and Lee onto the KUGB England Kumite Squad for 2024.

Congratulations to them all.

EloiseKUGBKataSquad2024  SamLeeLucieRioConnorKUGBKumiteSquad2024

New Assistant Instructor at the club

 Lee Root has gained his Assistant Instructor qualification certificate.
Lee has been helping in the junior class for a number of months 
He will still be teaching and passing on his knowledge to the children in the first class
and working towards becoming a full KUGB Qualified Instructor. 
Congratulations to Lee.

First competition of 2024


Central Region course and Kata squad selection with Sensei Brennan

Busy Sunday on the 28th of January. 
Two events on the same day. 
Up in Oundle, the Central region All grades course and Kata squad selection was taking place under the watchful eye of Sensei Frank Brennan 8th dan.
Lee Root along with his two girls Angel and Skylar were attending the course as was Kenzi.
Central Region all grades course 2024
Lee then was joined on the kata squad selection by Sensei`s Adam, Sam and Lee B. 
They were all successful in their attempt and were selected for the squad of 2024. 
Then came the lesson, with the katas Heian Godan, Bassai-Dai and Nijushiho-Sho all practised.
Central Region Kata Squad 2024 
At the same time, we had a squad go to Clacton to compete in the EKCC English Open. 
Six members represented the club and they won 5 bronze medals between them. 
Jason in his first competition for the club walked away with a Bronze medal in the over 45s Kata. 
Jason Clacton Jan 2024
Rio and Connor also won Bronze medals in the Black belt pairs Kata event. 
Rio and Connor Clacton 2024
Isabella and brother Thomas won a Bronze medal each for the Pairs kata in their grade category event.
Isabella and Thomas Clacton Jan 2024
Joseph performed a couple of great Katas, but just missed out on a medal this time.
Congratulations to all of them on their success in Oundle and Clacton.

The 2023 Stock SKC Awards Night

The 12th Stock SKC Awards Night took place on Monday the 18th of December.

The night started with a short lesson from the children, then there were a couple of demonstrations.

First from Lucie, Connor and Rio the clubs 3 Young Leaders, they performed the Kata Enpi.

This was followed by Sensei Sam and Sensei Lee with their kumite based demo.

Once the mats were put away and the tables and chairs adjusted we had our usual buffet.

Then the presentation of awards began,

with Sensei Adam`s annual speech, all about the club`s success through-out the past year.

This years winners were:-

Childrens Competitor

3rd place Skylar

2nd place Isabella 

1st place Joseph


Adult Competitor

3rd place Sam Campbell

2nd place Connor Coleman

1st place Lee Root


Junior Attendance Winner


Senior Attendance Winner

Eloise Platt


Junior Star Winner


Senior Star Winner

Jason Dawson


Junior Student of the Year


Senior Student of the Year 

Lucie Smith


Congratulations to all of our winners this year.



Special Course with Sensei Bob Rhodes and Sensei Rob Dale

Sunday 26th of November was the last road trip of the year for Sensei`s Adam, Sam and Lee as they drove over the Dartford bridge into Kent and onto Faversham.

Todays course was a Kata and Kumite course with instructors Bob Rhodes 8th Dan and Rob Dale 6th Dan.

Sensei Rhodes took the class first through some kumite drills and then the Kata Hangetsu, followed with some bunkai from the Kata.

Then Sensei Dale took over with some more Kumite drills and the kata Heian Sandan.

It was a great course and it was also great to catch up with some old friends we have not seen in some years.

Bob&Rob course 26Nov2023 

SenseiBob,Rob Course 26Nov2023


Dan Grading Success in Chelmsford

The last Southern Region Black and Brown Belt course and grading of the year was held at the Mildmay Sports centre in Chelmsford on Saturday 25th of November 2023.

Stock SKC had ten students go and train under 2 of the KUGB senior instructors, Sensei Frank Brennan 8th Dan and Sensei Garry Harford 8th Dan.

Robyn, Charlie and Kenzi trained in the Brown belt lesson and Sensei`s Adam, Sam, Lee along with Louise and Young Leaders Lucie, Connor and Rio all took park in the Dan grade lesson.

In the Black belt lesson the class worked on Kata`s Jiin and Heian Sandan as well as some pairwork and stepping drills.

As always two very good lessons, but that was not the main reason we were there.

We were there so 4 of the clubs students could attempt their next grading.

We had Robyn and Charlie attempting their Black belt and Lucie and Connor their 2nd Dan grading.

We are pleased to announce that Charlie passed his grading as did Lucie and Connor, with Robyn passing two thirds of hers and having to go back for Kata only next time.

Congratulations to them all.

Photos of the Black and Browns classes, Lucie, Connor and Charlie with the KUGB Sensei`s and with the club instructors.

Thanks to the KUGB for the use of the group photo

b&b course 2023 chelmsford

Lucie,Connor,Charlie grading2023



Southern Region Kumite Development Course

Saturday 18th of November, Sensei Adam and Sensei Sam along with Lucie, Angel and Kenzi travelled the short distance to the Mildmay Sports Centre in Chelmsford.

Chelmsford SKC were hosting the Southern Region Kumite Development Course with Sensei Caroline McGrath (5th Dan).

It was an excellent course, well worth attending for anyone wishing to enhance their kumite.

Thank you to Sensei Jane and Richard Naylor-Jones for the invite.


Last Central Region Kata Squad Session of 2023

Sunday the 12th of November, the last Central Region Kata Squad session was held.
There was a change in venue and Sensei`s Adam and Sam along with Eloise had the 3 hour journey to Cannock in Staffordshire.
There they meet up with Lee who had competed the day before in Liverpool at the KUGB National Youth Championships.
The course as always was very well attended.
Sensei Frank Brennan 8th dan was the lead instructor and he put the class through various Katas depending on grade. 
Everyone first worked on the Kata Heian Godan then Bassai-Dai.
Then the Black belts went onto Nijushiho, Sochin and Jitte for some and Jiin for the senior grades. 
Another excellent lesson to be a part of. 
Now, to keep practicing all them katas until next year, when on the 28th of January we start all over again with selection of the 2024 Squad.


Connor strikes GOLD at Youths

At the KUGB National Youth and Student Championships held in Liverpool this year (a late change of venue from Repton).

Sensei Lee along with Rio and Connor all represented the club.

Another tough day at the office for Lee, but success for both Connor and Rio.

Rio fought his way to the Boys over 5ft 5inch Kumite final.

It finished in a draw and it went to a referees decision which went against Rio and he walked away with the Silver medal.

Connor was in 2 finals first up was the Boys Black belt Kata and Connor came away with a Bronze medal.

Then Connor was in the Boys under 5ft 5" Kumite final.

He was once again on top form as he forced the fight against his opponent,

which made him leave the area 3 times,

this ending the contest in a disqualification and leaving Connor this years

National Youth Kumite CHAMPION!!

Congratulations to them all.



Last Club Kyu Grading of 2023

Last night the 6th of November, we held our last Club Kyu grading of the year.
As usual Sensei Frank Brennan 8th dan was our examiner. 
I`m pleased to say that all 20 students grading on the night passed.
We also held a special lesson with Sensei Brennan, after the grading for Black and Brown belts.
During the lesson the class was put through some different combinations, which always helps to keep the mind fresh. 
Then Kata, the Brown belts worked on Bassai-Dai, Heian Nidan and Heian Godan. 
The Black belts depending on grade, Jion, Empi, Jitte, Jiin and then their favourite Kata. 
Another excellent lesson to be a part of. 
Good to see our friends Sensei Richard Naylor-Jones and daughter Megan from Chelmsford SKC attending, always good to see you both. 
Congratulations to everyone who passed last night and to those who stayed for the lesson.


Special Course at Chelmsford with Sensei Frank Brennan


Sensei`s Adam and Lee along with Lucie and also Keith and Robyn took the short trip to Chelmsford on Sunday the 5th of November.
They were there to train under Sensei Frank Brennan 8th dan.
The course hosted by our friends at Chelmsford Karate club started at 9am untill 10.30am.

After the warm up, the class was drilled with some excellent combinations making full use of the hips and chest rotation.

Then for the brown belts it was the kata Bassai-Dai and for the black belts Kanku-Dai.

To finish just a few kumite drills.

Thanks to Sensei`s Jane and Richard for the invite, as always a great lesson to be in.

Chelmsford course 5th nov 2023


Lee hits Gold in Clacton

On Sunday the 5th of November 2023,  Stock SKC had 6 members travel to Clacton-on-Sea for a competition.

Lee and his 2 girls, Angel and Skylar along with Joseph and Brother and Sister Isabella and Thomas, were all there representing the club.
There were some big groups especially in some of the childrens events.
The team came away with 6 medals.
The results are as follows
Lee GOLD over 40s Kata
Lee Silver over 30s Kata
Skylar Bronze in 7-4th Kyu under 4ft 10in Kata
Angel and Skylar Bronze in Pairs Kata
Thomas Bronze in Novice to 8th Kyu under 4ft 10in Kata.
Congratulations to them all.
Medal winners 5th Nov 2023 Clacton

Record haul of medals at Tigers Competition

Wow, What a day we had yesterday,
Sunday 15th of October at the Shotokan Tigers Nation Cup held in South Woodham Ferrers.
The Competition is for children under the age of 16.
Stock SKC had 16 students representing the club.
There were 9 different categories;
and Stock won 4 of them, overall we won 22 medals.
The medal winners were;
GOLD - Isabella, Novice-8th Kyu Kata
BRONZE - Jackson, Novice-8th Kyu Kata
GOLD - Skylar, 7th-4th Kyu Kata
SILVER - Joseph, 7th-4th Kyu Kata
BRONZE - Angel, 7th-4th Kyu Kata
BRONZE - Jay, 7th-4th Kyu Kata
GOLD - Rio, 12-15yrs Kihon Ippon Kumite
GOLD - Novice-4th Kyu Team Kata (Skylar, Angel & Jay)
SILVER - Novice-4th Kyu Team Kata (Joseph, Isabella & Thomas)
SILVER - Black and Brown Belt Team Kata (Rio, Connor & Sarvesh)
BRONZE - Rio, Black Belt Kata
BRONZE - Connor, Black Belt Kata
BRONZE - Kenzi, Brown Belt Kata
BRONZE - Sarvesh, Brown Belt Kata
BRONZE - Thomas, Under 10s Kihon Ippon Kumite
BRONZE - Kenzi, 10-11yrs Kihon Ippon Kumite
Congratulations to them all and not forgetting the ones who missed out this time,
Grace, Anna, Erin, Riley and Ellis you all performed admirably.
Below the Stock SKC Squad and the medal winners with the club instructors
Shotokan Tigers squad 2023
Shotokan Tigers winners 2023


Lucie gains Gold Young Leader Award

Congratulations to Lucie, as she has gained her Gold Young Leaders award. 
She becomes the clubs 3rd gold recipient and the first female in the club to achieve this. 
Lucie has been helping the Sensei`s, by teaching the younger members of the club in Kihon, Kata and Kumite. 
Lucie will now continue to help teach in the junior class and when she reaches 18,
she will start on the road to become an assistant instructor at the club. 
Proud Sensei Adam handing over Lucie`s Gold certificate award.
Lucie Gold YL

Sensei Sam makes the Grade

Saturday the 7th of October 2023, Sensei`s Adam, Sam and Lee drove down to Bath University.

The last Special Dan grade course of the year was being held there.

This is a Free course for all KUGB Black Belts and the Instructors were Sensei Billy Higgins 8th Dan, Sensei Jimmy Brennan 8th Dan and Sensei Frank Brennan 8th Dan.

The lesson was for 2 hours and after the warm up, Sensei Frank had the class working on 4 different, 3 hand techniques on the spot.

Making sure everyone was using correct chest movement and of course everything else (shoulders down, martial attitude, hikite, etc etc).

Then the class moved onto some of the Dan grading syllabus followed by the special Dan grade combination, for what ever grade one was.

Kata finished the lesson, firstly your chosen Kata, by the count, then in your own time.

This was followed by all the 5 katas you need to know for the next grading one might take.

Another great lesson which was followed by a grading for 3rd Dans and above.

This was the main reason we were there as Sensei Sam was going to attempt his 4th Dan grading.

We are very pleased to say he passed.

He becomes the clubs sixth 4th Dan at the club and the youngest one at that.

Congratulations to him.

Below photos from after the lesson and also after Sensei Sams succesfull grading under Sensei`s Higgins, Brennan and Brennan.

Special Dan Grade Course Bath 2023

Sensei Sam 4th Dan


Lancaster Train with the Champions 2023

This year Sensei`s Adam, Sam and Lee were joined again by Ann, Louise, Eloise, Skye and Connor for the week long course held by the senior instructors of the KUGB.

The training started on Monday morning at 8am and then again at 12pm two lessons a day Monday to Thursday with Friday one lesson in the morning followed by a grading.

There were extra classes on Tuesday and Wednesday for those taking Dan grading soon. Sensei Sam took part in both classes and Skye and Connor one a piece.

There was also the Superstars competition between the Dan grades and Kyu grades which Connor and Skye participated in. (Kyu grades won)

Sensei Billy Higgins, Sensei Jimmy Brennan, Sensei Frank Brennan and Sensei Garry Harford were joined by guest instructor Sensei John Bruce.

It was another excellent weeks worth of training.

We even managed a road trip up to Lake Windermere and a boat cruise.


Lancaster bridge 2023


Thriftwood 2023

Another year done, Thriftwood 2023 was a blast.
The action packed weekend of Karate training and having fun is over for another 52 weeks.
From Water fights to pedal car racing, axe throwing and going down the zip line, students losing their ninjas or not wearing the correct T-shirt,
they all got punished, the dreaded dummy (even though some enjoyed having it ! ).
The quiz nights, always competitive and fun (may be not the eating round this year lol).
It all went so quick.
Well, on to next year Thriftwood 2024, lets see what that brings ?



Grading Success

The club held its 2nd grading of the year on Monday the 26th of June.

Once again Sensei Frank Brennan 8th Dan was the examiner.

All 21 students passed and Sensei commented on our good their attitude was during the exam.

Then after the grading had finished the Brown and Black Belts of the club were treated to a special lesson with Sensei.

The class started with a short combination of two blocks followed by 2 counters, changing arms every time.

Then it was on to Kata.

The Brown belts worked on the Katas Heian Nidan and then Heian Godan.

The Black belts were put through their paces on the Katas Kanku-Sho and then Chinte.

The lesson finished with some Kumite drills.

Another great night at the club 100% pass rate in the grading, everyone Happy.

Then another superb lesson from Sensei Brennan.

Congratulations to all who passed.

Club Kyu Grading 26 June 2023

Lesson with Sensei Brennan 26 June 2023


EKCC Open Karate Cup

Another Sunday another competition.

Sunday 18th of June saw the club back in Clacton for the EKCC Open Karate Cup.

A very buzy and tough day, as many Karate-ka were competing.

The club still came away with 9 medals between them.

The pick of the lot was Joseph and Isabella winning Gold in the 9th-8th Kyu Pairs Kata Event.

There was Bronze medal success for Angel and Skylar in the 6th-5th Kyu Pairs Kata

Sam and Lee also won Bronze medals in the Senior Pairs Kata.

Individual medals winners were Lee taking Silver in the over 35s Vets Kata

Bronze medal for Skylar in the 6th-5th Kyu Kata event

and Joseph also Bronze in the 9th-8th Kyu Kata category

Congratulations to them all 

Joseph and Isabella Gold Junior Pairs Kata 18th June 2023 Clacton Angel and Skylar Bronze Junior Pairs Kata 18th June 2023 Clacton Sam and Lee Bronze in Senior Pairs Kata 18th June Clacton

Lee Silver in the vets over 35s Kata 18th June 2023 Clacton Skylar Bronze in Kata Clacton 18th June 2023 Joseph Bronze in Kata 18th June 2023 Clacton

Kings Cup Clacton

On Sunday 14th of May the Kings Cup was held in Clacton-on-Sea.

The club had 4 members competing and they came away with a total of 7 medals.

Lee won bronze in the over 30s Kata and then Silver in the over 40s.
Jay won a Bronze in his Kata event.
Joseph came 2nd and Isabella 3rd in their Kata event.
Then the two of them won a Silver in their Pairs Kata category
Congratulations to all.

Kings Cup 2023 Clacton

KUGB 56th National Championships

The 56th KUGB National Championships took place in Nottingham on Saturday 22nd of April 2023.
Stock SKC had 11 students competing.
It was a very busy day and as always the standard of Karate students competing was very high.
Stock SKC came away with a total of 5 medals.
Connor, fought his way to the boys 5ft to 5ft 5" Kumite final.
With the scores level after both lads had scored some good punches,
Connor was unfortunately second to the punch for the decisive point.
 He clamed the Silver medal.
Erin, had won her sheet and was in the Brown Belt Girls Kata final.
As Erin is a 3rd Kyu (brown belt) she was the lowest grade in the final as the other 3 girls were all 1st Kyus.
Erin performed the kata Bassai-Dai and came away with a 4th place Bronze medal in her first National Championships.
Then Connor, Erin and Kenzi, were in the Childrens Team kata final.
Considering they only practised their first round kata for 30 minutes it came as a shock they made it to the final four.
In the final they were up against it, as the 3 other teams were all made up of black belts.
 With only practicing the kata Bassai-Dai half a dozen times they performed really well together and came away with a 4th place Bronze medal.
Congratulations to them all.
A special mention to Sensei Sam as he was seeded for the first time in the mens kumite.
Sensei Lee, getting through to almost the last round in Kata before the semi finals.
Annalisa losing to the eventual winner in the last round before the semi finals.
Angel last round before the finals.
And also to Lee, Eloise, Skylar and Scarlett well done.
For many of you it was your first National Championships you represented the club very well and Sensei Adam is proud of you all.
KUGB Nationals2023


Torbay 2023

The Train with the Champions week long course was back in Paignton, Torbay over the Easter holidays.

Once again Sensei Adam was joined by Lee, Angel and Skylar for the training.

This year was Lee`s first time in the senior dan grade group after passing his 2nd dan last April and he survived it very well.

The course is called "Train with the Champions" as all of the instructors have been National or Internatinoal champions at one time or another.

The instructors were, Sensei`s Billy Higgins, Jimmy Brennan, Frank Brennan, Garry Harford and guest instructor once again this year Greg Hegarty.

The numbers were up from last year and everyone worked very hard throught-out the week.

There were many different combinations and pair work learnt in all classes as well as lots of kata practice.

Monday night we had the socal evening and quiz lead by Sensei Higgins which was fun, even though many of the questions we did not know.

Thursday was the kata competion and Angel won a 3rd place medal in the novice to 4th Kyu event.

Another week went way to quick, but enjoyed every minute of it, roll on to Lancaster in the summer.


Torbay 2023


KUGB Southern Region Championships

The club had its best competition results in our 46 year history at the weekend.

The Karate Union of Great Britain's, Southern Region Championships, were held at the Lodden Valley Leisure Centre in Reading.

Nineteen members represented the club at the competition

The group came away with 5 Championship Trophies and 31 medals overall.

Three of the clubs instructors won gold on the day.

Sensei Adam Purkiss won Gold in the Veterans over 40s Kata (form)

Sensei Samuel Campbell retained his title he won last year in the Mens Kumite (fighting)

 Sensei Lee Brittney the youngest of the instructors also retained his title from last year in the Male Junior Kumite 18-20s.

This was also the case for young Connor as he won the Boys 5ft – 5ft.5” Kumite for the second year running.

Skye was also successful in winning Gold in the Female Junior Kumite 16-20 year old.

There were Silver medals for

Sam, Lee, Lee Root and Adam in the Mens Team Kumite

Eloise, Skye, Lucie and Katie in the Ladies Team Kumite

Sam, Lee and Skye in the Adult Team Kata

Lucie, Female Junior Kumite 16-20

Kenzi, Childrens Brown Belt Kata

Anna, Girls under 5ft 3” Kumite

Bronze medal winners were

Lee Root, Veterans over 40s Kata

Connor, Childrens Black Belt Kata

Erin, Childrens Brown Belt Kata

Anna, Erin and Kenzi Childrens Team Kata

Eloise, Lucie and Katie Adult Team Kata

Angel, Childrens Novice - 4th Kyu Kata

Skylar, Childrens under 10s Ippon Kumite

Erin, Girls under 5ft 3” Kumite

A special mention to Sarvesh, Ayden, Jay, Scarlett and Joseph no medals this time but were all very close.

Sensei Adam was over the moon with all of his students performances and he is very proud of every single one of them, whether they won or not.

KUGB Southern Regions 2023

First Club Kyu Grading of 2023
Monday 27th of February the club held its first grading of the year.
Congratulations to everyone as they all passed.
Lots of new Katas to learn over the next few weeks.
Also another great lesson from Sensei Brennan for the brown and black belts.
The class first worked on the different combinations for 1st up to 4th dan grading.
Then the brown belts practiced the kata Bassai-Dai and the black belts Sochin.
To finish the lesson some kumite drills.
Thanks to Nick from Senshuken SKC for coming along and training with us.
Special LessonwithSenseiBrennan27Feb2023
First Competition of 2023
Congratulations to our medal winners Sensei Jason, Lee, Erin, Kenzi, Joseph and Isabella.
They all won medals today at the first competition of the year held in Clacton.
Also well done to Lucie, Katie, Sarvesh, Riley, Ellis, Angel, Sophie, Skylar and Jay no medals this time but some valuable mat time gained.   
Sensei Adam is proud of all of his students if you win or lose.
It takes guts to get up and perform and you`re all winners in his eyes,
because you all represented the club and performed to the best of your ability and no one can ask for any more.
The results
Silver Lee over 40s Kata
Silver Joseph and Isabella Novice to 8th Kyu Pairs Kata
Sensei Jason Bronze over 30s Kata
Joseph Bronze Novice to 8th Kyu Kata
Erin and Kenzi Bronze 5th-4th Kyu Pairs Kata
Lee Silver Joseph&Isabella Silver Jason Bronze
Joseph Bronze Erin&Kenzi Bronze
Central Region Kata Squad Selection
Congratulations to Sensei Adam, Sensei Sam, Sensei Lee,
as they were once again selected and for the first time Eloise
by Sensei Frank Brennan to be part of the Central region kata squad of 2023.
They had to travel for 3 hours, up to Repton near Derby for the selection and training which is always worth it.
Well done to the four of them.
2023 Central Region Kata Squad
Sensei`s Sam and Lee make England Squad... Again
Congratulations to Sensei Sam and Sensei Lee who have both been selected again today in Liverpool,
by Sensei Frank Brennan for the KUGB England Kumite Squad of 2023
The 2022 Stock SKC Awards Night
The club held its annual awards night on Monday the 19th of December.
A very busy evening with nearly 100 people in attendance
The night started off with a short lesson from the junior class, so the parents can watch their children train.
Then there were a couple of demonstrations from the Black belts.
Lucie, Connor and Katie performed Team Kata in the way of Empi,
then this was followed with a demo from Sensei Sam and Sensei Lee which went down very well.
After the buffet Sensei Adam presented his end of year speech and this years award winners.
The winners were:-
Childrens Competitor of the Year winners
1st place - Skylar
2nd place - Angel
3rd place - Erin
Junior Competitor of the Year winners
1st place - Lucie
2nd place - Connor 
3rd place Katie
Senior Competitor of the Year winners
1st place - Lee Root
2nd place Sam Campbell
3rd place Lee Brittney
Stock SKC 10 Year Long Standing Members
Jason Sanchez, Lee Root
Harry Russell and Eloise Platt
Jay - Most Improved Student
Ayden - Star Student
Riley - Best Junior Attendance
Eloise Platt - Best Senior Attendance
Erin - Junior Student of the Year
Lee Root - Senior Student of the Year
Below photos of all of the winners including the group photo of all the medals and trophies won in 2022
ChildrenCompWinners2022  Seniorcomp2022  
 JAYmostImp2022   AYDENSS2022  RileyBA2022  EloiseBA2022
ERINJSWinner2022  LeeSSWinner2022  Awards night 2022
Silver Award for Lucie
On the 15th of December Lucie gained her KUGB Young Leader Silver Award.
 She has been coming to the junior classes and helping the Sensei`s with the children.
Taking the warm ups to teaching the lower grades their basic moves and Kata.
Now she has to complete 30 hours of coaching to gain her Gold award.
Congratulations Lucie.
Team Success at last two competitions of 2022
The last two competitions of the year were held over the weekend of the 18th and 19th of November.
The first competition on the Saturday was the Shotokan Tigers held in South Woodham Ferrers.
This event is for under 16s only and organised by our friends Sensei Jane and Richard Naylor-Jones from Chelmsford Karate Club.
There were 8 different clubs competing for the medals and everyone who entered performed very well.
Stock SKC students won a total of 17 medals from 9 events and
winning GOLD in four of them.
Lucie - GOLD - Black Belt Kata
Erin - GOLD - Yellow-Purple/White Belt
Joseph - GOLD - White-Red Belt Kata
Erin, Kenzi, Chloe - GOLD - White-Purple/White Belt Team Kata
Lucie - SILVER - Over 12s Ippon Kumite
Jay - SILVER - 10-11 yr old Ippon Kumite
Skylar, Ayden, Jay - SILVER - White-Purple/White Team Kata
Lucie, Katie, Anna - BRONZE - Black and Brown Belt Team Kata
Kenzi - BRONZE - 10-11yr old Ippon Kumite
Ayden - BRONZE - Yellow-Purple/White Belt Kata
Skylar - BRONZE - Under 10s Ippon Kumite
Congratulations to them all.
So after the success at the Tigers competition, the club was back out competing again the next day in Clacton.
This was to be our last competition of 2022 and what a way to end it.
GOLD - Joseph Novice -8th kyu kata
GOLD - Skylar 7 - 6 Kyu Kata under 4ft 10
GOLD - Angel and Skylar Pairs Kata
GOLD - Lee Root over 30s Kata
GOLD - Skye Girls Champions Cup Kumite
GOLD - Lee Brittney Mens Kumite Champions Cup
SILVER - Lee Root over 40s Kata
BRONZE - Connor Boys Champions cup Kumite
BRONZE - Angel 7 - 8 Kyu Kata over 4ft 10
BRONZE - Skye Girls over 5ft 3 Kumite
Congratulations to everyone.
Tigers Winners
The team for Clacton comp before they won (unfortunately didn`t get a photo with all their medals and trophies)
Free Black and Brown Belt Course Chelmsford
The last course of the year was very well attended as the KUGB held its Free Black and Brown Belt course for the first time in Chelmsford.
Sensei Billy Higgins and Sensei Frank Brennan both 8th Dans were the instructors on the day.
9 students from the club took the opportunity to train.
Another great course enjoyed by all.
The last Central Region Kata Squad of 2022
The last Central Region Kata squad training took place on Sunday 6th of November in Repton, Derby and as usual Sensei Adam, Sam and Lee were in attendance.
Unfortunately this time Sensei Adam could not train due to an ongoing ankle injury.
It has been another excellent year of training and learning under Sensei Frank Brennan 8th dan.
We look forward to next year when we all have to go through the squad selection process again and hopefully have a couple of new members from the club join us.
Below Sensei Brennan with Stock instructors
Safeguarding course
Recently the KUGB held its first online safeguarding and welfare course for its instructors.
 It was well attended and 3 of our instructors were able to attend.
Sensei Adam, Jason and Lee all learnt something new
and were also encouraged to learn that the majority of the content on the course we already enforce at the club to protect our students.
We all received a certificate each for our attendance.
Below is Sensei Adam`s certificate
100% pass at grading
Monday the 17th of October was the last Kyu grading of the year at Stock SKC under our regular examiner Sensei Frank Brennan 8th Dan.
All 18 students passed their grading with flying colours, but still need to work on certain techniques to improve their overall karate stills.
Sensei Brennan who conducted the grading was very impressed with the students attitude.
Once the grading had finished there was a special class just for the Black and Brown belts.
The lesson was split into the 3 elements we practice, firstly Kihon.
Stepping forward sanbon zuki, then back age-uke gyaku-zuki age-uke, then stepping forward again soto-uke, uchi-uke kizami-zuki gyaku-zuki gedan barai.
All using correct hip and chest movement on every technique performed.
Then it was onto Kata, the brown belts practiced the kata Bassai-Dai and the Black belts it was Kanku-Dai.
Once again working on correct technique and form.
Lastly we worked on some kumite drills, the first 3 attacks were Oi-tsuki jodan with 3 different ways to move block and counter.
Then the attacks changed to ushiro-geri and once again 3 different ways to step and counter.
Overall another excellent lesson under Sensei Brennan always working hard to improve our Karate.
Congratulations to everyone who graded, below are photos from the grading group and the high grade class with Sensei Brennan.
More medals for winning family
Three members of the same family won 4 medals between them at the EKKC Karate Open Cup in Clacton-on-Sea recently.
Angel and her younger sister Skylar won a Silver medal each in the Pairs Kata.
Then it was the turn of the girls Dad.
Lee won two medals on the day, one a Bronze in the over 30s Kata then Gold in the over 40s Kata event.
Congratulations to them all.
Lancaster 2022
At last the Summer School course was back.
The week of 8th-12th of August 2022 the KUGB was able to hold the week long course,
Train with the Champions.
Nine lessons with extra ones for those taking Dan grading in the next year plus superstars competition and more.
This year we had the most we have ever taken up to Lancaster (9), usual attendees were Sensei Adam, Sensei Sam, Lee, Emily and Ann.
This year we were joined by Louise, Eloise, Lucie and Connor.
Training started at 8am on the Monday morning in the new sports hall at Lancaster University.
Sensei Billy Higgins, Sensei Jimmy Brennan, Sensei Frank Brennan, Sensei Garry Harford were joined by guest instructor Sensei John Bruce, this year.
Apart from enjoying the training under such great talent, we were there for a couple of different reasons.
On the Tuesday Lee took his KUGB Instructors qualification and we are pleased to say he passed and is now afficially a KUGB Instructor,
Congratulations Sensei Lee.
The other main reason, was Eloise was going to attempt her 2nd Dan grading on the Friday. 
Eloise has been training hard at the club and trained hard all week.
By Friday lunch time in front of a panel of all 5 of the weeks instructors she smashed her grading and became the clubs latest Nidan grade.
Congratulations to Eloise.
There was also a surprise guest after the last class on Friday as Sensei Terry O`Neill made an appearance.
It was good to see Sensei O`Neill as not seen him for a number of years.
We all had a fantastic week away and we are already looking forward to next year.
Below photos of Sensei Lee with Sensei Brennan after passing his Instuctors qualification,
Eloise with Sensei Brennan and Sensei Higgins after gaining her Nidan,
Group photo with all of the Senseis including Sensei O`Neill.
Also the 8 that train on the bridge were we stay.
Lee&Sensei Brennan
Bronze Award for Connor
Last night at the club (Monday 25th of July) Connor received his Bronze level KUGB Young Leader certificate from Sensei Adam.
He has been helping teach the younger students at the club in Kihon, Kata and basic Kumite for over 10 hours.
He will now start working towards his level silver award.
Congratulations to Connor
Double GOLD for Dad Lee
 Clacton-on-Sea saw 7 members of Stock Shotokan Karate Club competing in the EKCC Karate Cup.
It turned out to be another successful day as the club came away with 5 Golds, 3 Silvers and a Bronze medal between them.
Leading from the front was Lee Root as he took home 2 Golds.
The first of these was in the over 30s Kata and then he repeated his efforts winning the over 40s Kata event.
Lee`s Two children Angel and Skylar where not to be out done by their Dad,
as the sisters gained a Silver medal each in their own individual Kata event,
but then the two sisters performed as a team in the lower grade pairs Kata in which they won the Gold.
Sarvesh was another Gold medalist, he teamed up with one of our friends from Sheshuken Karate club from Ipswich,
to make a pair and they won the pairs in the next categery up from the sisters.
Andrew Scott claimed a Silver medal in the novice to brown belt Kata and then won a Bronze in the novice to brown belt Kumite(fighting) event.
Anna and Eva both took part for the first time at this event, even though they did not win any medals this time they have both gained some valuable experience.
Thriftwood 2022
Over the weekend of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd of July, Stock SKC held its annual weekend course at Thriftwood Scout Camp in Brentwood.
This was the busiest year we have ever had.
We were joined by 5 members of Senshuken SKC to take our overall number to 35.
Thriftwood 2022 is spread over two and a bit days, from Friday evening to late Sunday afternoon.
Those attending get to train twice on the Saturday and then again on the Sunday.
Not forgetting the famous quiz night we have on both the Friday and Saturday evening.
They also get to use some of the Scout on-site activities.
Fun was had by all.
Many Thanks to Ann for cooking all the food.
Only a couple of photos here but look at the gallery page for more.
Club Grading Success
On Monday the 27th of June we held our mid-year grading with KUGB Senior Sensei, Sensei Frank Brennan 8th Dan.
It was a warm evening and we had two extra as Regashi SKC had sent down two of their students who missed their grading recently to grade along side Stock students.
I am pleased to say that everyone passed. 
We also held a special course for Brown belts and above with Sensei Brennan after the grading.
It was well attended and we had some guests,
as Sensei Richard Naylor-Jones and Nick from Chelmsford SKC turned up to train, always good to see them.
Congratulations to everyone.
Southern Region Success
At last the Karate Union of Great Britain held the Southern Region Championships in Reading on Saturday 18th of June.
This was the first Southern Regions since 2019, as the weekend the UK went into lockdown was the same weekend we were meant to hold the 2020 event, so 3 long years of waiting.
The 3 year wait was worth it, as 3 new champions were crowned from Stock SKC.
Sensei Sam fighting now in the Senior mens Kumite event, won all of his fights without being scored on all day,
and thus being crowned the Southern Region Senior Mens Kumite Champion.
Sam becomes only the second man in the clubs history to do this as club Founder Sensei Terry won this event way back in 1974, so its been a long time coming.
Sensei Lee also was once again crowned Southern Region Champion as he won the Male 18-20 year old Kumite event.
Lee was half a point down in the final but with under 30 seconds to go he scored two quick points to take the title.
Sam and Lee have now won 4 Southern Region Kumite titles each starting back in 2015,
hopefully there will be a few more to come, from both of them in time. 
After so many years of second and 3rd place finishes at National, Shotokan Cups and Regional events, Connor finally won his first KUGB Title.
He was victorious in all of his bouts and scored with some perfectly timed punches which resulted in him being crowned the Boys 5ft to 5.5ft Kumite Champion.
There were also silver medals for Sam, Lee and Andrew (in his first competition) in the Mens Team Kumite.
Andrew also picked up a Bronze in the 18-20 Kumite.
Erin took home a Silver medal for her performance in the Childrens Novice to 4th Kyu over 10s Kata.
Skylar won a Silver medal in the under 10s Novice to 4th Kyu Kata.
Bethany got to the Senior Ladies Kata final and came away with a 4th place medal.
Bethany along with Sam and Lee also reached the Senior Team Kata final and with only a couple of weeks practice finished with a 3rd place medal each.
There were also good performance from Lee Root, Angel and Sarvesh but no medals this time.
Congratulations to them all. Winners picture below.
Bronze Level Award for Emily
Emily has become the latest student to gain their Bronze level Young Leader Certificate.
She now has to teach for another 20 hours before she can be awarded her Silver Level.
Congratulations to Emily, she is pictured below being presented her certificate from Sensei Adam.
New Young Leader Award
Lucie becomes the latest student at the club to achieve their Bronze Level in the KUGB Young Leader program.
She has been helping in the children`s class for over 10 hours.
She has been taking the warm up and then instructing some of the club`s youngest and newest students.
Lucie is pictured below being presented her certificate by the clubs Chief instructor Sensei Adam.
Its a One Two for Club Instructors
It was another busy weekend the 23rd and 24th of May.
As club Instructors Adam, Sam and Lee on Saturday travelled up to Repton,
for the Central Region Kata squad training under Sensei Frank Brennan.
Sensei Adam still unable to train still learnt bits and pieces just from being there and watching.
Then on the Sunday the 3 of them headed to Ipswich as Sam and Lee were competing in a new competition to us
"The Suffolk Karate Cup".
A smaller competition but still good practice for the lads as they were there only for the Kumite.
Sensei Sam and Lee found themselves in the final against each other.
It was a very good contest and at one stage in the bout,
everyone in the hall stopped what they were doing and watched as the two of them clashed and Kiai`s roared out aloud.
It was Sam who took the honours this day, a one two for the club.
The two of them also competed in the pairs Kumite,
where they were up agaist two very sharp lads in the final.
This time Sam and Lee had to settle for second place.
Well done to them both.
4th Dan success for Sensei Jason
The KUGB held its Special Dan grade course and grading on the 23rd of April 2022 in Grantham.
This is a free lesson run by the senior instructors of the KUGB, Sensei Billy Higgins, Sensei Jimmy Brennan and Sensei Frank Brennan all 8th Dans.
 The lesson is focused on the Dan grading syllabus and especially for those of 3rd Dan and above.
After the 2 hour lesson had finished, there was a break of an hour before the grading began for those taking 3rd Dan and above grades.
Our own club instructor Sensei Jason was in attendance, as he was there to attempt to gain his 4th Dan.
The grading for the higher grades is held behind closed doors
(not even the candidates instructors are allowed in to watch, Sensei Adam had to wait outside).
After what seemed like an eternity, and being able to hear the Kiai`s from those grading it was over.
As Sensei Adam waited by the door he was very happy to see Sensei Jason appear with a massive grin on his face.
He had done it, passed Yondan, becoming the 5th person at the club to gain their 4th Dan.
Congratulations to Sensei Jason, he is pictured below with the grading examiners
L-R Sensei Frank Brennan, Jason, Sensei Billy Higgins and Sensei Jimmy Brennan
Torbay 2022
At last we could return to Paighton, Torbay to attend the week long Spring Karate course "Train with the Champions".
This year saw two new instructors added to the course and a guest instructor.
Sensei Billy Higgins and Sensei Frank Brennan were joined by Sensei Jimmy Brennan and Sensei Garry Harford all 8th Dans.
The guest instructor was Sensei Greg Hegarty 6th Dan.
This year Sensei Adam was not alone as for the first time Lee and his two girls, Angel and Skylar made the trip to the English Riviera.
The lessons started on Monday morning at 8am till 9.30 then again at 12 till 1.30pm.
This was every day apart from Friday when the grading is held instead of the second class.
There were extra lessons for those grading on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons.
As well as Kata competition on the Thursday afternoon.
Monday night was the socal evening and Sensei Higgins held a quiz which was very enjoyable.
Every lesson was well attended and much knowledge was passed on from the instructors.
At the Kata competition Skylar got herself into the final of the white to purple belt category where she picked up a 4th place medal
(as you can see from the photo below she was the lowest grade and youngest one in the final).
She performed very well as did Angel (who went out in the last round before the final) and not forgetting Lee.
For Lee it was all practise, as for him, the next day "Friday" was his grading day.
Lee returned to the club just before lockdown after a twenty something year gap.
He trained on Zoom and when we were allowed to go back to the Dojo he would often train 3 times a week.
All of his hard work paid off, as on Good Friday he passed his 2nd Dan grading almost 30 years since his 1st Dan.
A great week away catching up with old friends and making new ones.
Congratulations to Lee the newest Nidan at the club and to Skylar,
the first person at the club to win a medal at the Torbay competition.
Below photos with the Senseis and medal finalists.
Leehandshake2nddan Lee&SenseiTorbay2022
Skylar4thplaceTorbay2020  Torbay2022group
Lesson with Sensei Brennan
On Sunday the 3rd of April club instructors Sensei Adam, Jason, Sam and Lee travelled to Walthamstow Academy in London.
Tora SKC had a kyu grading and an all grades lesson with Sensei Frank Brennan.
As usual it was an exellent lesson and it was great that all 4 instructors of Stock SKC could attend.
We always try and get to these courses to improve our knowledge and in turn pass that onto our students.
Thanks to our friends at Tora SKC for the invite.
Tora group 2022
Sensei Brennan Tora SKC 2022



English Karate Cup
The EUKF English Karate Cup Championships was held on Sunday in Colchester and Stock SKC won a total of 10 medals.
Skylar kicked started the day off winning a Silver in the under 4ft 10" white to red belt Kata event.

Then Skylar along with big sister Angel won another Silver in the Pairs Kata.

Not to be out done by his daughters and taking part in his first competition for some 20 plus years,

the girls Dad, Lee took home a Bronze medal in the Vets over 35s Kata.
The trio of Lucie, Connor and Katie walked away with a Silver medal each for their performance of the kata Enpi in the Team Kata category.
Sensei Sam won a Silver in the Mens Open Kumite and then a Bronze in the Mens Ippon Kumite events.
Sensei Adam won Gold in the Vets over 45s Kata event with the kata Sochin.
Congratulations to them all.


Lucie is crowned Grand Champion

Well what a day it was at the Shotokan Tigers competition held in South Woodham Ferrers on Saturday 12th of March.
The club came away with 19 medals.
Lucie was crowned GRAND CHAMPION winning both the Black Belt kata and 12-15 yr olds Ippon Kumite events.
Katie came away with a Bronze in the Ippon Kumite while Connor also won a Bronze in the Kata and the 3 of them took 3rd place in the Team Kata event.
It was a clean sweep in the white to red belt Kata event as Isabella won 1st place, Oliver 2nd, Logan 3rd and Angel 4th.
Riley picked up a 3rd place medal in the 10-11 yr old Ippon Kumite.
Erin, Sarvesh and Ayden won silver in the white to purple belt Team Kata and Isabella, Angel and Oliver took 3rd in the same event.
Anna won a 3rd place in the brown belt kata event.
Also well done to Eva, Sophie, Grace, Chloe, Skylar, Kieran and Ellis, no medals today but great spirit and effort from all.
Congratulations to everyone.


100% pass at Club Kyu Grading

On the last day of February, Monday 28th, Stock SKC held its first grading of 2022.

Twentytwo students had been working hard towards this day for the last four months or so.

Sensei Frank Brennan 8th dan was the once again our grading examiner

and he was very impressed with everyones strong attitude throughout the grading.

All their hard work paid off, as everyone passed.

Congratulations to them all.

After the dust had settled, there was a lesson for just the black and brown belts.

Once the warm had finished the class worked on some kihon combinations.

Then the black belts were put through the kata Nijushiho, whilst the brown belts worked on some of the Heian katas.

The lesson finished with some pairwork drills.

 Another excellent and enjoyable lesson.

Also good to see our friends from Chelmsford SKC, Sensei Richard along with Megan and Nick train along with us.

Below the successful students from the grading and the black and brown belts with Sensei Brennan.




Central Region Kata squad success

On Sunday 13th of February the first central region kata squad session since 2020 was held in Oundle near Peterborough.

Once again Sensei Adam, Sam and Lee were in attendance.

 First of all, the three of them had to go through the selection process, where they would have to perform a heian kata of Sensei Brennan choosing.

  All three of them were successful and were selected again.

After a brief warm up, some basic drills were worked on, then onto kata.

The two katas for the first session back were Jion and Bassai-Sho.

Great to be back training again and to see some old friends.

below Sensei Frank Brennan with Stock SKC instructors.



First Competition of 2022


Sunday 6th of February saw Stock SKC begin the year back on the competition circuit with a bang.

12 students from the club descended on Clacton-on-Sea for the Presentation Cup.

Winning a total of 10 medals between them.

Isabella and Angel retained the Novice to 8th Kyu Pairs Kata title they won back in November, with the kata, Heian Shodan.

Isabella also won a Silver in her individual event the under 4ft 10 novice to 8th Kyu.

Ollie won a Silver in the over 4ft 10, Novice to 8th Kyu Kata category.

Sarvesh was asked to help out our friends at Senshuken Karate Club as one of their students had gone down ill

and they were looking for a pairs partner.

Sarvesh stood up and with only ten minutes practice Sarvesh and his new team mate Sofie,

came away with a Silver medal in the 7th-6th kyu Pairs event.

Emily fought her way to a Silver in the 4ft 10 - 5ft 3 girls Kumite event.

There was Bronze medals for Sensei Sam in the Senior mens Kumite,

Lucie over 5ft 3 girls Kumite,

Connor, 4ft 10-5ft 3 boys Kumite,

Skylar won her first ever medal, which came in the under 4ft 10 novice to 8th Kyu Kata event.

There was also strong performances from Katie, Riley and Ellis just missing out this time round.

Congratulations to them all.



England Squad selection success


Liverpool University was the venue for the 2022 KUGB England Kumite squad selection.

Many Karate students travelled to the Sports centre from all parts of England, including our own Sensei Sam and Lee.

Sensei Frank Brennan 8th Dan is the England coach and his elder brother also an 8th Dan Sensei Jimmy Brennan were in attendance.

After the warm up, all the candidates up for selection, were drilled in some basic combinations.

Then the selection process began, where students would have to fight each other while Sensei Frank takes notes and Sensei Jimmy conducts the bouts.

First two fighters were called and Sensei Sam was one of them and he got the cream of the crop as he was paired against Joe Rawcliffe,

a multi National Kumite Champion and a European and World Champion.

The bout lasted about 30 seconds and Sam put in a very good account of himself (its not all about winning the contest,

your attitude and combinations etc all go towards being selected).

About 30 mintues passed by, bout after bout, then Lee`s named was called and he had no easy fight either (which you should not have at this level).

Lee was up with Luciano Zanuni from Leeds another World Champion, a much tougher fight for Lee but he never gave up.

After about an hour or so the selection was finished and everyone lined up and waited to see if Sensei Frank would call their name out and be selected for this years squad.

Yes, they both had made it, Congraulations to Sam for his seventh staight year and Lee three in a row fourth in total.

The 64 students who were selected stood proud along side Sensei Brennan for the Squad photo.

Then the training began, with lots of kumite combinations and tactics.

The two lads will have to travel to Liverpool a further 3 times for training,

in a hope of being selected for the final team, who will represent England at this years European and World championships.

We wish them both luck.



Stock SKC Awards Night

On Monday 20th of December the club held its 10/11 award evening.

There was no Awards night last year due to Covid so this year we doubled them together.

The Evening started with a short lesson from the children performing their Kihon, Kata and Kumite.

This was followed by the Kata Enpi and the Bunkai from Emily, Connor and Lucie.

Then it was the turn of 3 of the Senior members of the club, Sensei Sam, Lee and Eloise with their demonstration.

There was a small buffet, followed by Sensei Adam giving his end of year report, on the successes the club has had through-out these last two years.

The first presentation of the night was for the clubs 10 year Long Standing Membership.

This year we had two students being acknowledged for their loyal commitment to the club.

This year it was Lee Brittany and Charlotte Stanford.

The next award was for the Best Junior and Senior Attendance.

Both the juniors and the seniors were very close, with the winner and runner up just having one or two lessons between them.

Sarvesh won this years Junior award, while the senior winner was Lee.

The Junior and Senior Student of the year winners were,

Junior winner Riley

Senior winner Lucie

Congratulations to them all.

Riley and Sarvesh, Lee and Lucie and Lee and Charlotte.

riley&sarvesh  lee&lucie  lee&charlotte


Shodan Success

On Sunday the 5th of December, Katie travelled to Bath to attempt her Black Belt grading.

After already passing the basics and Kumite earlier in the year, she had to go back for the Kata part of the grading only.

The day started with Katie taking part in the Brown Belt lesson with Sensei Frank Brennan and Sensei Garry Harford both 8th Dans.

Then the Black Belts had their lesson in which Sensei Adam had the chance to train.

The two lessons were one and a half hours each, then there was a break for an hour before the grading would start,

just enough time to go through the katas one more time or ten!

Due to covid and staying safe, Instructors were not allowed into the small hall, but could watch from behind glass on the balcony above.

There were a number of students grading and Katie would have to wait a while before she was called up.

When her name was called she stood up, ran to her spot and performed the Kata Bassai-Dai.

Then the tense wait, will her name be called for the second Kata.

We did not have to wait too long as her name was called and this time it was the Kata, Heian Nidan.

Another great performance from Katie, but another anxious wait.

Then the wait until everyone had been up and the grading was over.

All waiting for those great words everyone wants to hear at the end of the grading 


Well it happened, she passed, hooray another Black Belt at the club.

Many congratulations to Katie on her acheievement.

pictures below with Sensei`s Brennan and Harford and being presented her Black Belt and club certificate from Sensei Adam.

katiedangrade Katie1stdancert


Shotokan Tigers Competition

Saturday the 13th of November the Shotokan Tigers Competition was held at South Woodham Ferrers.

This local competition organised by Chelmsford Karate Club is for under 16s only.

We had a team of 20 young students compete on the day.

All of them performed very well and they came away with a total of 13 medals between them.

Angel won Gold in the Novice to 8th Kyu Kata event.

Eva came 2nd in the 10-11 yr old Ippon Kumite.

The team kata of Emily, Lucie and Connor also won Silver with the kata Enpi.

There were Bronze medals for

Ollie in the 10-11 yr old Ippon Kumite

Katie 12-15 yr old Ippon Kumite

Connor 12-15 yr old Ippon Kumite

Sarvesh 7-4th Kyu Kata

Emily Dan Grade Kata

Anna, Sarvesh and Erin novice-1st Kyu Team Kata

Once again congratulations to them and all who took part on the day.

Below group photo of the winners (unfortunately Erin had already gone when photo was taken)



Two Competitions One Day

Sunday the 7th of November Stock SKC were on the road again as the club went to two different competitions on the same day.

Sensei Adam headed up to Chesterfield with Lee, Emily, Skye and Connor as they were competing in the KUGB National Youth Championships.

Whilst Sensei`s Jason and Sam, along with Lucie, Angel and Isabella travelled the shorter distance to Clacton to take part in the EKCC Karate Cup.

Up in Chesterfield and as usual, it was a very tough day of competition, all four of Stocks students performed exceptionally well.

Connor fought his way to a joint 3rd place medal in the Boys under 5ft Kumite.

He also just missed out on a finals spot in the boys Kata event losing in the round before the final.

Emily won her first fight but was then second to the punch in the next round and went out.

Lee found himself in a position he has not been in before as he got through to the male Kata final for the first time.

Lee performed the Kata Gojushiho-Sho and finished with a 4th place medal.

Skye was on top form again as she punched her way to her second National title in as many months.

Her perfectly timed counter punches gave her the Girls over 5ft 3in National Kumite title.

At the same time in Clacton, Isabella in her very first competition won Gold in the under 4ft 10in White-Red belt Kata event.

Angel also in her first competition was in the next category up for the over 4ft 10in`s she came away with a bronze medal

and the two of the won Gold, in the junior Pairs Kata event.

Lucie put in a good account of the Kata Enpi but missed out this time.

Sensei Jason won a Bronze medal in the Mens Kata event and along with Sensei Sam they both won a Silver medal each for the Adult Pairs Kata.

Sensei Sam had to wait almost 6 hours for his Kumite event to start and he finished the day off with a Bronze Medal.

Well Done to all who represented the club and not forgetting the parents for their support.

Below group photos before the competitions and through-out the day of winning medals etc.

Youths2021group   Clacton2021group

Isabella&Angel2021clacton  Sam2021medalclacton




England Squad training

On Sunday 31st of October, Sam and Lee travelled up to Liverpool to attend the last KUGB England Kumite squad training of the year under Sensei Frank Brennan.

Both of them worked extremely hard, as usual.

The two of them will now have to wait until next year, when they both will be looking to regain their spot on the squad when the selection takes place in late January.

Lee,Sensei Brennan,Sam


Lee achieves Assistant Instructor award 

Congratulations to Lee as he becomes the first ever KUGB Assistant Instructor at the club.

Lee achieved this after he gained his Bronze, Silver and Gold awards in the Young Leader program

and then he continued to help teach the children over the past year. Well Done.


Club Kyu Grading with Sensei Frank Brennan 8th Dan


Finally after a year of lockdown and having to cancel the last grading, back in July, due to a Covid outbreak at the club.

We had our one and only Kyu grading of the year on Monday 11th of October with the KUGB Chairman Sensei Frank Brennan 8th Dan.

Sensei Brennan was very impressed with everyones good attitude and the students went home happy as they all passed.

After the grading had finished there was a Special lesson for the 1st Kyus and Black Belts of the club.

The lesson started with a warm up, then followed some Kihon in the form of blocking and countering techniques.

We were then pair together for some Kumite drills and finished the lesson with Kata.

Another excellent lesson and one we all enjoyed.

It was also good to see one of our friends from Chelmsford SKC, as Sensei Richard Naylor-Jones trained along side us.

Below the successful grading group and the lesson group photos with Sensei Brennan.




45th Shotokan Cup

Skye and Connor were part of a 5 person team from the club, who travelled to Chesterfield in Derbyshire to compete in the Karate Union of Great Britain's 45th Shotokan Cup.

A competition for brown and black belts only, of a very high standard.

Skye, fought her way to the Girls over 5ft 3in Kumite final, where she came up against a much taller opponent.

After many exchanges of techniques it was the taller girl who scored the decisive points to win the bout and Skye walked away with a Silver medal.

Connor fought hard and was outpointed in his Semi-final contest, coming away with a Bronze medal.

Lets not forget their team mates, Sam Campbell, Lee Brittney and Emily Stanford they all deceived a mention for their hard work and support.



KUGB National success
Finally we are back competing after what seems to be a life time of waiting becacuse of covid 19. 

The Karate Union of Great Britain held it's 54 National Championships in Nottingham recently and 7 members of Stock SKC were there fighting for medals.

The young karate students had to perform at a very high standard as they were competing against students from all over the UK.

Skye fought her way to become the 2021 National champion in the girls over 5ft 3in kumite (fighting) event.

She becomes the club's first female National champion.

Connor picked up a silver medal in the boys under 5ft kumite,

narrowing missing out on the gold after his bout went to extra time

and at the end of the match the scores were still level,

the judges had to make a decision and awarded the contest to his opponent. 

Katie in her first National competition came away with a bronze medal in the brown belt girls kata (form) category. 

There was also some strong performances from Sam, Lee, Emily and Lucie all just missing out this time.

Congratulations to them all

Below photo of the team


Thriftwood 2021
August the 13th,14 and 15th saw us finally hold our Thriftwood Karate weekend.
We missed last year because of the Covid19 outbreak and then had to rearrange from July to August this year, but we made it!
We were joined this year by Sensei Jack Somers and some of his students from Senshuken SKC.
On both the Saturday and Sunday morning, the group was led by Sensei Jason and Sensei Sam down to the lake for a gentle warm up.
This was whilst Sensei Adam helped prep the breakfast with Ann.
This year we had 4 lessons and Sensei Daniel from Senshuken and our own trainee instructor, Sensei Lee along with Sensei Jason and Sensei Sam took it in turn to conduct a warm up before each class.
 The first class the group trained together, as Sensei Adam had them working on some reaction drills.
Then Sensei Jack took over and put the group through some strength training and other exercises.
The second and third lessons the class were split into two.
This time working on Kihon Ippon kumite and Kata for the lower grades.
The higher grades worked first on the Kata Gojushiho Sho with Bunkai with Sensei Jack and then the Kata Bassai Sho with Bunkai with Sensei Adam.
The final lesson the class stayed as one and had a pad workout.
There was also the usual two quiz evenings on the Friday and Saturday night, plus the onsite activities.
Thanks to Sensei Jack for coming and teaching and also to Ann for all of the cooking.
We all look forward to Thriftwood 2022.
Below group photo, many more on the gallery page.
Masterclass with Sensei Frank Brennan
On the 3rd of July 2021 half a dozen members of Stock SKC were able to hit the road again and attend a Karate course for the first time since March 2020.
The short trip to the Mildmay Sports Centre in Chelmsford was a step to getting back to some sort of normality in our training.
The lesson organised by Sensei`s Jane and Richard from Chelmsford SKC was with Sensei Frank Brennan 8th dan and Karate-ka from as far away as Portsmouth and Tamworth turned up to train under him.
During the lesson, Sensei had the class working on a blocking and punching combination, this was followed by social distance pairwork and to finish off  the Kata Nijushiho.
It was great to see and train under Sensei Brennan again and to see so many of our Karate friends that we have not seen in over a year.
As well as young Lucie and Connor training we also had 4 of the clubs instructors train on the day.
For Sensei`s Adam, Jason, Sam and trainee assistant Lee to be able to train on these courses is invaluable, as all this helps in keeping up the high standard of instruction at our club.
Thanks to Sensei`s Jane and Richard for the invite
Below photo of the six with Sensei Brennan.
Sensei Frank Brennan lesson 3 July 2021
Club Kyu Grading and lesson with Sensei Frank Brennan
On Saturday the 12th of December, we finally managed to hold our only grading at the club this year.
Its been a long time waiting, because of Covid19,
but we were lucky to have Sensei Frank Brennan 8th Dan, for the first time conduct our club grading.
Everyone passed HOORAY.
The day started off with a lesson for 1st Kyu`s and above, which everyone enjoyed and learnt a thing or two from.
Then the grading followed, Sensei was very impressed with everyones attitude.
Sensei Adam was very pleased and proud of all the students who trained and graded today.
Below social distance photo of the high grade class and those who graded.
Special lesson with Sensei Brennan
Grading with Sensei Brennan 12 Dec 2020
Young Leaders Award for Skye
Skye becomes the latest student at the club to be gain a KUGB Young Leader Award.
Skye has been helping instruct the low grades in the junior class for over 10 hours now and has achieved her level bronze certificate.
Congratulations to her, below she is being presented her certificate from club Chief Instructor Sensei Adam.
Skye youngleaderbronze
As Eloise heads back to Hertfordshire University she is seen here presenting Sensei Adam a portrait she had drawn of the late Sensei Bob Poynton. Sensei Poynton had quite an effect on Eloise`s Karate, as he did with so many other people. Eloise thought it would be a good tribute to the man we all miss so much. We also say good luck to Andrew as he starts his first year at Falmouth University, we look forward to seeing both of them again at Christmas as well as Annalisa who had already returned to Nottingham University.
Return to the Dojo
As of Monday the 17th of August Stock SKC will be opening its doors again after nearly 5 months of shut down due to the covid-19 outbreak.
We have had lessons via the Zoom app and training in the field when the weather has been good, but now is the time for us to go back to the Dojo.
There are obviously some stipulations we have to abide by to keep everyone safe whilst we train.
Please make sure you read the following.

Anyone with a cough or cold must not enter the dojo

Any students with symptoms of Covid-19 they must not come to the Dojo and should arrange to be tested immediately

Only students will be allowed into the hall, all parents must wait outside (not in the corridor) 

We will have a one way system in force, students will wait outside and be called into the hall via the main entrance and leave through the fire exit doors at the side of the dojo 

Members must arrive in a fresh and laundered Gi 

Wear a face mask on entering and leaving the dojo 

If you have a hand sanitizer bring it and use before and after lesson we will have some at the club but try to bring your own please 

Avoid contact with door handles if possible 

Bring your own drinks as the kitchen will be shut.

The toilets will be in use, but please try not to use them unless you need to.

No physical contact with each other

Trainers must be worn at all lessons from everyone

Payment must be in a sealed envelope with students name and amount on ( not a bad idea to pay for more than one lesson in advance so you don’t have to use up so many envelopes)

New Training Times (for the time being)

As to get everyone training again and back into the dojo the training times have had to change due to space and social distancing

New Training Times

Monday and Thursday nights

Children all Kyu grades 6.30-7.30

Children Black Belts 7.30-8.30

Adults (16 and over) 8.30-9.30

Tuesday night training will continue as before, but students will need to book a place to make sure we have enough room.

Anyone who has had their licence renewed during the shut down, please bring the slip with them on returning to training.

Stay Safe and hope to see you all training soon.

Success in Abingdon
On Saturday 14th of March 2020, 7 members of Stock SKC travelled to Abingdon in Oxfordshire,
to train on the first KUGB Southern Region Black and Brown Belt course of 2020.
The two lessons from Sensei Andy Sherry 9th dan and Sensei Bob Rhodes 8th dan were both very well attended.
The main reason for going was for Lucie and Louise, as the pair of them were taking their grading on the day.
Lucie was going back for kumite only for her Shodan and Louise was attempting her 2nd dan for the first time.
We are pleased to announce that both of them passed,
so the club has a new Black belt and another 2nd dan in the ranks.
Congratulations from all of us at Stock SKC.
Below photos of the two girls with the Sensei`s after the grading
and the group photo of Stock SKC members with Sensei Sherry and Rhodes.
Sensei Poynton
With a heavy heart we have to announce the untimely death of our clubs grading examiner Sensei Bob Poynton.
Sensei Poynton has been our friend and grading examiner for the past 13 years.
Our deepest condolences to his family the KUGB and the Karate family and friends, he will be truely missed by so many.
Sensei Bob Poynton
Course with Sensei Sherry
On Sunday the 1st of March, 2 of the clubs younger members,
Casey and Oliver had the chance to train under the KUGB Chief Instructor Sensei Andy Sherry 9th dan.
The course held by Chelmsford SKC at the Dovedale Sports Centre was once again very well attended.
Its the first time the two boys had trained under Sensei Sherry and we hope they both learned something.
Sensei Sherry will be their grading examiner when they are ready to go for their Shodan grading.
Can you spot the boys in the photo.
We would like to thank Sensei Jane and Richard for the invite and the use of the photo.
87990252_3010386372325065_1444170027291901952_o - Copy
Magnificent 7
The first competition of 2020 took place on Sunday 2nd of February.
The Presentation Cup held in Clacton saw Karate-Ka from different styles and associations compete for the medals.
Stock SKC won a total of 7 medals on the day.
Skye and Emily won Gold in the Childrens Pairs Kata and Emily also went on to take Silver in the individual event.
Lee came away with a Bronze in the Cadet Boys Kata.
Sam and Harry both won Bronze medals as they finished in 3rd place in the Senior Pairs Kata.
Sam also picked up another Bronze this time in the Senior mens Kumite losing to the eventual winner in the semi-finals.
Great start to the new year, long may it continue.
The medal winners
Central Region Kata Squad
Saturday 1st of February Sensei Adam, Sensei Sam and Young Leaders Lee and Skye drove up to Loughborough University.
The selection was taking place there for the Central Region Kata Squad under Sensei Frank Brennan 8th dan.
Everyone wishing to try out for the squad would have to perform one of the Heian katas of Sensei Brennan choice.
All four of them made it onto the squad for 2020 as did over 100 other people.
Congratulations to them all.
Below Adam, Sam, Lee and Skye with Sensei Brennan
Sam and Lee make England squad again
On Sunday the 26th of January the Kugb held its Junior and Senior England Kumite Selection.
It was a change of venue, as this time it was held in Burton upon Trent.
The KUGB Chief Instructor Sensei Andy Sherry 9th dan and KUGB Vice Chairman Sensei Frank Brennan 8th dan, 
were both there, to test everyone who wanted to get onto the squad for 2020.
Sensei Sam and Young Leader Lee along with club Instructor Sensei Adam
and driver for the day, Lee`s Mum Lindsey 
drove up the M1 for the 11am start.
Both lads would have one fight to show what they could do and to impress Sensei Sherry.
For Sam this was his first time as a Senior.
Well, we are pleased to announce that both Sam and Lee were successful and made the squad for 2020.
Congratulations to them both.
Below Sam and Lee pictured with Sensei`s Sherry and Brennan
Stock SKC 2019 Awards Night
Thursday the 19th of December was the 2019 Stock SKC Awards Night.
The evening started off with a short class from the junior members of the club.
This was followed by two demonstrations.
The first from Skye and Emily, as they performed the Kata Kanku-Sho.
The two girls then put some of the kata to use,
as both of them attacked and defended against each other with moves from the kata.
Then Sam, Lee and Harry were on, with their display of Karate skills.
Lee had to defended himself from Sam and Harry`s attacks.
Two great demonstrations which everyone enjoyed.
There was also time for a quick couple of games of over and under,
which some of the parents also got involved with.
Once the mats had been put away and the tables and chairs rearranged the buffet began.
Then the presentation started with Sensei Adam explaining what the club has been up to over the last year.
The awards were given out to the winners and they were:-
Best Junior Attendance - Skye Taylor
Best Senior Attendance - Samuel Campbell
Best Newcomer - Erin Harper-Penman
Most Improved Junior - Casper Saben
Most Improved Senior - Andrew Scott
Junior Competitor of the Year - Emily Stanford
Senior Competitior of the Year - Harry Russell
Junior Star Student -  Anna Compton
Senior Star Student -  Louise Hardy
Junior Student of the Year - Connor Coleman
Senior Student of the Year - Harry Russell
There were also 2 students who received their
Long Standing Club Members Certificates.
Samuel Campbell for 15 years
Louise Hardy for 10 years.
Congratulations to them all.
Another great evening at the club, long may it continue.
Below photos from the evening, one of all of the winners from the night.
Then a group photo of everyone who has competed and won a medal or trophy,
representing the club in 2019.
Photos taken by AJB Event Photography.
Thanks to them for taking the photos on the night.
Final Central Region Kta Squad of 2019
Sunday the 1st of December Sensei Adam and Sensei Sam drove up to Nottingham,
for the final Central Region Kata squad training session of 2019.
Lee unfortunately was ill and unable to attend this time.
After the warm up and usual combo of Sensei`s choice we started on the Kata`s.
Today`s katas were, Bassai-Dai, Bassai-Sho, Jion, Jitte and Jiin.
Sensei Brennan`s lessons always brings out the best in you and well worth the 6 hour round trip.
We now look forward to February, when selection takes place again and may be,
we will have some more students from the club attend.
Below Sensei Brennan with Adam and Sam.
Last Black and Brown Belt Course of 2019
Saturday 30th of November saw the last Free Black and Brown Belt course of the year take place in Egham.
KUGB Senior Instructors Sensei Andy Sherry 9th Dan and Sensei Frank Brennan 8th Dan took the lessons.
The first lesson which Lucie trained in was for the Brown belts and she worked on her grading syllabus.
The second lesson for Black Belts Sensei Adam, Skye, Emily and Connor all trained in.
The 1st Dans worked on  some combinations then pair work and the kata Jion.
The second Dan`s and above had Sensei Sherry first and they worked of different footwork with punching techniques in pairs and then perfoming ushiro geri and ushiro mawashi geri on each other.
Sensei Brennan then took over and we worked on the Kata Bassai-Sho before finishing the lesson in pairs with 3 different attacks and defences.
Below photo of the Stock gang with Sensei`s Sherry and Brennan.
Charlotte achieves Silver Young Leader Award
Charlotte was last night presented with her Silver Young Leaders certificate.
This award was after she has been helping in the junior class, where she has had to teach for 20 hours over a ten month period.
She now has to work hard and keep instructing for another 30 hours to achieve her Gold award.
Below Charlotte with Sensei Adam
Another Five medals at SRK Open
The last competition of the year was held in Basildon the SRK Open.
Connor was once again on fire as he won 2 Silvers.
His first came in the Boys kata and then later in the day in the Boys Kumite.
Emily also brought home 2 medals both Bronze, one in Girls Kata and the other in Girls Kumite.
Skye fought her way to win a Silver in the Girls Kumite.
Congratulations to them all and to everyone who has represented the club throughtout the year.
The three children with their medals
More Silverware won at Kent Open
Another great day on the competition circuit as the medals and trophies keep coming at the Kent Open.
Once again held in Gillingham, Connor was the outstanding member of Stock SKC as he won Gold in Kata and a 4th place in Kumite.
Skye also grabed 2 as she fought her way to Silver in Kumite and a 4th place in Kata.
Lee brought home another Silver in the Cadet Kumite.
Silver medals also went to Sam and Harry for Senior Pairs Kata.
Sam took 4th place in the mens Kumite.
Bethany got a respected 3rd place in the womens Kata event.
Below the winners with their medals and trophies.
Five medals won in Clacton
Hard day of competing in Clacton as it was one of the busiest days there with some massive groups.
Bethany came away with a Bronze medal in the cadet girls kata and along with Lee scooped Silver in the Senior Pairs kata event.
Emily and Connor both took 3rd place in the childrens dan grade Kata event.
They are pictured below with their medals.
New colour Belts at the Club
Thursday the 7th of November saw our last club Kyu grading of the year take place.
Sensei Bob Poynton 8th Dan was the grading examiner and we are pleased to say that everyone who graded passed.
Young Erin performed so well on the night, Sensei doubled graded her from a white to red belt (novice-8th Kyu).
After all the celebrations and photos there was the lesson for just the Black and Brown belts of the club.
Sensei got us doing different combinations, so to get us out of our comfort zone.
We also studied the kata Heian Shodan.
Another excellent night at the club.
Below photos of the successful grading group and those who trained.
Tigers Competition Success
On Saturday November the 2nd, 14 of the clubs younger students took part in the under 16s Tigers Kata and Ippon Kumite Competition. 
The Competition was once again held at South Woodham Ferrers Sports centre by Chelmsford Karate Club.
Between the young fighters they won Fifteen medals. 
The outstanding student on the day was 9 year old newcomer Erin who, competiting in her first competition won Gold in the novice to 8th Kyu Individual Kata.
Then along with team mates, 9 year olds Anna and Annie, Annie also in her first competition, won Gold in the novice to 4th kyu Team Kata. 
Anna also went on to claim a Silver medal in 7th to 4th Kyu, Kata category. 
There was an all Stock final where team mates, Henri 11 and Connor 10 fought it out in the finals of 10–11yrs Ippon Kumite.
Henri got the judges vote and was crowned champion. 
Henri picked up the second of his three medals, that he won on the day in the under 16s Black Belt Kata coming away with a silver this time. 
Skye and Emily both 12, won 3rd and 4th place respectively in the same event. 
The three of them then competed in the Brown and Black Belt Team Kata, finishing with a respectable second place. 
Skye won her third medal when she was the only girl to make it into the last four of the 12-15yrs Ippon Kumite and secured a bronze medal place.
Lucie also 12 won a Bronze medal in the Brown Belt Kata event.
Other students who performed on the day where Casper, Eva, Grace, Oliver, Katie and Alfie.
No medals this time for them but some valuable experience gained. Below photo of the winners from the day.
Special Course with Chief Instructor
Sunday 13th of October saw the KUGB Chief Instructor and Chairman,
Sensei Andy Sherry 9th Dan return to Essex as he was in Chelmsford for a course and grading.
Emily and Henri trained in the Black belt class that was held at the Dovedale Sports Centre.
As always a well attended course and another excellent lesson from Sensei Sherry.
Thanks to Sensei`s Jane and Richard from Chelmsford SKC for the invite.
Below Emily and Henri with Sensei Andy Sherry.
EmilyHenriSensei SherryOct2019
Grading Success in Bath
On Saturday 6th of October Sensei Sam travelled to Bath University
and with Lee, trained on the Special Dan Course held there.
The 2 hour lesson is just for Black Belts and Sensei Sherry, Poynton and Brennan are the instructors.
The class is focused on the Dan grade syllabus of, Khion, Kata and Kumite for their own repected grade.
Once the lesson finished, there was an 1 hour break 
before those grading for 3rd Dan and above began their exam. 
Sensei Sam was one of those attempting his Sandan (3rd dan) grading.
The grading takes place behind closed doors and it was a busy day with
13 KarateKa passing their 3rd Dan grading.
We are pleased to say Sensei Sam was one of those 13.
Congratulations to him on this achievement.
Here he is pictured with the 
KUGB Chief Instructor Sensei Andy Sherry 9th Dan and
Sensei`s Bob Poynton and Frank Brennan both 8th Dan.
Massive Medal Haul in Clacton
Sunday 29th of September saw nine students compete at the Southern England Karate Cup in Clacton-on-Sea.
In total they won an impressive 18 medals and 1 trophy, thats 7 Golds, 4 Silvers and 8 Bronzes.
 Sensei Sam won the blue ribbon event at his first attempt,
as he won the Champions Cup Trophy for Senior Men’s Kumite.
He was not finished there, as he picked up a Bronze in the Mens Kata
and then another Gold with team mate Harry in the Senior Pairs Kata.
Harry was also a double Gold winner as he won the Male Cadet Kata event
and in the same category Lee finished in second place.
Lee dominated his gold medal bout and was crowned the Male Cadet Kumite Champion,
he teamed up with Bethany in the Senior Pairs Kata and finished in 3rd place.
Bethany then gained another Bronze in the Womens Cadet Kata.
There was more Gold for Henri and Connor as they beat fellow club mates
Skye and Emily into second place as the two boys won the Childrens Black Belt Pairs.
Emily won another Silver in the Dan grade under 4ft 10in Childrens Kata Event
and Connor finished in 3rd place.
Bronze medals also went to Skye for Girls over 4ft 10in Kumite,
Henri in the Childrens over 4ft 10in Kata and Liberty in 3rd-1st Kyu Girls Kata.
Well done to them all,
below photo of all the medal winners
Lancaster 2019
Once again Sensei Adam, Skye and Emily had a weeks training in Lancaster on the,
"Train with the Champions" course run by the Senior Sensei`s of the KUGB.
The course has nine lessons on offer,
starting on Monday morning at 8am and then again at 11.30am through to Friday morning.
Sensei`s Sherry, Poynton, Rhodes, Higgins and Brennan
gave some great lessons on foot work and making distance in Kumite
other combinations there was also Katas with bunkai to learn.
Skye and Emily also took part in the Superstars competition on the Thursday afternoon.
This is a friendly competition between the Dan grades and the Kyu grades.
 The games consists of shooting the most hoops in basketball,
scoring the most goals in a penalty shoot out, sumo wrestling and a sprint relay race.
The Dan grades won AGAIN!
On the Friday after the final lesson there was a grading for kyu grades and a dan grading.
We had no-one grading this time but went along and watched
and pleased to say everyone passed, so it finished off a great week for everyone.
Below photos on the first day and then the last day with the Sensei`s.
Young Leaders Gold for Harry
On Thursday the 18th of July, Harry reached his 30 hours of teaching mark
and was awarded his Young Leaders Gold Award from club Chief Instructor Sensei Adam.
Harry becomes the second student in the club to reach this milestone.
He has been helping in the junior class with the warm ups and teaching the lower grades. 
His next step will to start the KUGB Assistant Instructors qualification when he gets to 18 years of age.
Congratulations Harry.
Harry brings home the Gold
The London Open Karate Cup was held in Clacton-on-Sea on Sunday the 14th of July.
Stock SKC had a small team enter and they all performed well to win a total of 6 medals.
Harry was once again on top form as he won the Cadet boys Kata event for a second time.
Connor won two medals, he finished with a Bronze in the Childrens Kata event and then a Silver in the Boys Kumite.
Emily also won 2 medals, she won Silver in the Childrens Kata and Bronze along with Skye in the Pairs Event.
Well Done to them all, below photo of them with their medals.
Grading Success
On Thursday the 11th of July, the Stock SKC Kyu grading was held and Sensei Bob Poynton KUGB 8th Dan
was once again our grading examiner.
We are pleased to announce that all 12 students passed on the night
with Sue double grading from novice jumping 9th Kyu straight to 8th Kyu.
Congratulations to her and all who passed.
After the grading had finished, there was the usual lesson just for the Black and Brown belts of the club.
Sensei had us using our brains with a ten piece combination.
We would step forward with Jodan Shuto Uchi right then Teisho Uchi left, step across into Kokutsu Dachiwith right
Shuto Uke, front leg Kin Geri land with right Jodan Nukite, left Chudan Mawshi empi uchi,
right Sukui Uke, left Jodan Teisho Uchi with right arm prepared ready for,
and then right Uraken uchi and to finish left Gyaku Tsuki.
Made all of us think and was great fun to do.
Another great lesson and successful grading.
Thanks to Sensei Poynton who travelled down from Liverpool for conducting our grading and lesson.
Below group photos of the grading party and the lesson group.
Another great weekend at Thriftwood
At the start of July the club returned to Thriftwood Scout Camp for a couple of days of karate training and fun.
22 members attended the course this year and they all enjoyed the weekend away.
As usual we had the two quiz nights on Friday and Saturday evening.
The pea relay was once again played along with rock, paper, scissors and many other games.
The weather was once again excellent and it made it so we could train outside.
The course started with everyone working on the kata Heian Shodan.
Then groups were formed and the bunkai from the kata was practiced.
There was also some different training methods used to help improve the students agility, which went down well.
On the Sunday, the weather was good enough so we could all enjoy a good old waterfight.
Students tested their bravery this year, as we had a new activity, the zip line as well as the cresta run, air rifles,
bouldering wall and assault course.
We will be retuning to Thriftwood in 2020.
Below group photo but go to the gallery page for more photos from the weekend.
Bethany catches top Sports Award at Seevic College
Congratulations to Bethany as at the Seevic College Sports Presentation she won Female Athlete of the Year.
She has won this award due to her hard work in her Karate training and competing during this last academic year.
Since last September.
She was part of the KUGB National Kata squad and
Bethany has won a total of 3 Golds, 3 Silvers and 4 Bronzes
and she was also the Stock SKC Senior Student of the year 2018.
This is a great achievement for Bethany as she was runner up the previous year,
so to win it came as a bit of a shock to her.
Congratulations from all of us at the club
Here she is with club Instructor Sensei Adam and of course her winning shield. 
KUGB National Youth Championships
The KUGB National Youth Championships was once again held in Chesterfield.
Stock SKC had 7 students compete on the day Sensei Sam, Annalisa, Lee, Eloise, Skye, Henri and Connor.
All of them performed very well on the day and had to, as the standard of the competition was very high.
The childrens team Kata of Skye, Henri and Connor made it to the semi-finals where they finished in 6th place.
It was Annalisa who had the best success of the day,
as she made it to the final of the Junior Female Kata 16-20 year olds.
In the final she performed the kata Gojushiho-Sho and finished with a 4th place medal, her first National medal.
Congratulations to her and the whole squad including the parents.
Below Annalisa with her medal.
Great weekend of training
First on Saturday 22nd of June Sensei Adam, Sensei Sam and Lee went to Loughborough University
to train under Sensei Frank Brennan 8th dan on the Central Region Kata Squad.
Then on Sunday Sensei Adam was joined by Henri as they both trained at Chelmsford SKC
as they had the KUGB Chief Instructor Sensei Andy Sherry 9th dan down for a course.
As usual both lessons were excellent, thanks to Chelmsford instructors Jane and Richard for the invite on Sunday.
Below photo of Sensei Sherry with Henri and Adam.
Chelmsford coursewith senseisherryJune2019
Lee Retains KUGB Southern Region Title
For the second year running and 3rd time overall Lee was crowned the boys Kumite Champion
at the KUGB Southern Region Championships, held this year at the K2 Sports Centre Crawley.
Lee dominated his division, from the first fight, scoring a perfect ippon all the way through to the final,
where he was once again crowned Champion in the Boys over 5 foot 5 inch kumite.
There was also Silver medals for Connor in the boys 10-11 year old Kumite
and for Skye in the Girls under 5 foot 3 Kumite.
The pair of them along with Henri went all the way to the final of the Childrens Team Kata event.
There they secured 4th place to much older children.
Liberty came away with her first individual medals, 2 Bronzes. 
The first of them came in the Girls over 5 foot 3 Kumite and the second in the Childrens Kyu grade Kata.
Sensei Sam also won a Bronze medal in the 18-20 year old Kumite.
The entire squad were excellent on the day with some of them just missing out on a finals spot.
Well Done to them all.
Below the whole squad plus the Winners
Southerns squad 2019
More Success at Clacton-on Sea
Jason, Bethany, Harry, Skye, Emily and Connor were all winning medals again at the
East England Karate Cup in Clacton -on-Sea on Sunday the 19th of May.
Jason finished with a 3rd place medal in the Mens Kata.
Connor also came away with a 3rd place medal in Childrens Dan grade under 4`10  kata event.
Emily went one better and gained 2nd place in the same event.
Emily also won a 3rd place medal for Girls under 4`10 Kumite and
along with Skye picked up another Bronze medal for Childrens Pairs Kata.
Skye picked up another Bronze in the Girls over 4`10 kumite.
Bethany secured the Silver medal in the Cadet Girls Kata.
Harry took home the Bronze in the Boys Cadet Kata and with Bethany,
the pair of them finished in 2nd place in the senior Pairs Kata.
There was also some good performances from fellow team mates
Sam, Charlotte, Liberty, Oliver and Charlie, but unfortunately no medals for them this time.
Congratulations and well done to them all.
Below the medal winners
Clacton may comp2019
Charlie gains Silver Award
Charlie has now gained his Silver Young Leader award from Sensei Adam.
Charlie has been helping in the junior class for over 20 hours to achieve this.
He now will have to work hard and over the next year to gain his Gold.
Which he will have to teach for up to 30 hours.
Below Charlie and Sensei Adam
Charlie silver Young Leaders award
KUGB Nationals & Kent Open Championships
The weekend of May 11th and 12th, saw Stock SKC compete at two different competitions.
First on the Saturday the 53rd KUGB National Championships was being held at the Morningside Arena in Leicester.
The Team had some great performances on the day, with many of them getting very close to a finals spot.
For the first time Lee got to the quarter-finals in the Boys over 5`5` Kumite.
Annalisa and Bethany made it to last round, just before the seeds are involved in the womens Kata.
Young Connor was also on form but just missed out to a much older opponent in the Childrens Kata.
Henri made it to the last eight which was the last round before the finals.
Henri did secure a Bronze medal in the Boys 10-11 year old Kumite.
Emily also won a Bronze medal in the Girls 10-11 year old Kumite.
Thats the first time the club has had two medalist at one KUGB Nationals.
The next day the team were a bit closer to home as they were in Gillingham,
Kent for the 7th Kent Open Championships.
On this day we would only be entering the Kata events as doing two competitions
on one weekend can take its toll on both competitors and parents.
The big winners on the day were Sensei Pete and his youngest daughter Liberty
as they won the Parent and Child pairs Kata event.
Sensei Jason finished in second place in the Mens Kata
and along with Sensei Sam won another Silver in the Senior Pairs.
Connor also won a Silver in the 8-10 year old Kata.
Finally, Bethany came 3rd in the Ladies Kata.
Another good weekend for team Stock below the medal winners from both competitions.
7th Kent Open 2019
Torbay 2019
The week of 15-19 of April, Sensei Adam was away on the Train with the Champions Course down in Torbay.
Another great week away with the Karate family training and having fun.
Looking forward to Lancaster later in the year.
Can you spot Sensei Adam in the photo below?
Torbay 2019
More medal success
For the 37th consecutive competition, members of Stock SKC came home with medals.
The 1st EUKF Championships was held in Clacton on Sunday 24th of March
and Sensei Jason, Sensei Sam, Bethany, Harry, Charlotte, Skye, Emily and Connor all represented the club.
The competition was very well attended, a full house in fact, with many different associations and
England squad members from those groups, it made for some fierce competition.
Our eight club members performed some excellent Katas and had some difficult fights.
Five of them came away with medals.
Skye and Emily won Silver in the childrens Pairs Kata.
Jason and Sam Bronze in Senior Pairs Kata.
Bethany Bronze in Cadet Girls Kata.
Emily Bronze in Girls Kata.
Jason Bronze in Mens Kata and Bronze in Champions Cup Kata.
Well Done to the whole squad you all done your club proud.
Below the five medal winners
Fantastic Four Pass Dan Grades
Stock SKC are pleased to annouce that it has 4 new Dan grades at the club.
On Saturday 16th of March a group of ten students and Instructors travelled to Abingdon
in Oxfordshire to attend the first Black and Brown belt course of the year.
These regional course`s are free to KUGB members of 3rd Kyu and above and as always
Sensei Sherry 9th Dan the KUGB`s Chief Instructor is present as well as one of the other
Senior Instructors of the KUGB, this time it was Sensei Billy Higgins 8th Dan.
The course began with the brown class, which Lucie, Henri and Connor took part in.
They worked on their grading syllabus as they were going to attempt their Dan grading later in the day.
The second class for Black Belts only started with the 1st Dans working on their grading syllabus with Sensei Sherry.
The 2nd Dans and above were with Sensei Higgins, first he had us working in groups of three.
We started off using only shuto-uke for blocking and countering and movement of our feet
to get out and then back into distance. Then it was kata, Tekki Nidan with some Bunkai.
Sensei Sherry then took over and the group went through the kata Meikyo.
As always, great lessons had by all and it was a first for a number of our students,
who had never trained with Sensei Higgins before and they said they all enjoyed it.
After an Hour break the grading began.
We are pleased to say that Henri and Connor are now Stock SKC
newest Black Belts and Charlotte and Harry both passed their 2nd Dan gradings.
Lucie also graded and passed 2/3rds as she has Kumite only next time,
but we know she will succeed later in the year.
Congratulations to them all.
Below group photo after training and the successful new Dan grades with Sensei Sherry and Sensei Higgins.
First Club Kyu Grading of 2019
The first club Kyu grading of 2019 took place at Stock SKC on Thursday the 14th of March.
Sensei Bob Poynton 8th Dan was once again our grading examiner.
We are pleased to announce that all ten students successfully passed their grading.
One of our students, Andrew, impressed Sensei so much he was doubled graded,
from a Novice straight to 8th Kyu (red belt).
It was the last time Alfie would be grading at the club, as he gained his 1st Kyu
and will now be working hard towards his Dan grading.
There was just enough time for the Black and Brown Belts to have their usual lesson with Sensei Poynton.
 The lesson was focused on the Dan grade syllabus.
During the class we all learned something new, some were told about little corrections
they needed to work on or a different way of doing it.
Another interesting lesson from Sensei Poynton.
Congratulations to all who passed on the night and to all who trained.
Below photos of the grading group and training group.
Course with Sensei Sherry
Sunday 3rd of March, Sensei Adam and club members Harry, Charlotte, Lucie, Henri and Connor
went to the Dovedale Sports Centre in Chelmsford
as Sensei Andy Sherry was once again there conducting a course.
The lesson consisted first of some kihon, this was followed by pair work
and then Kata, Brown belts worked on Bassai-Dai and the Black belts Jitte.
Another great lesson to attend, thanks to Sensei`s Jane and Richard from Chelmsford SKC for the invite.
Below club members with Sensei Sherry
Sensei Sherry course March 2019
Tigers Competition success
Another good day on the Competition circuit for Stock SKC youngsters.
Battling against the virus that is doing the rounds again,
9 students took part in the Shotokan Tiger`s Kata and Ippon Kumite Competition,
held once again in South Woodham Ferrers.
This friendly and local competition is for the under 16s only.
Charlie was ruled out on the day due to being ill
but he was not alone as Emily, Henri, Connor were all under the weather but managed to battle on.
The day started with the Individual Kata events.
New comers to competition Anna and Eva, were in the novice-7th Kyu group
and both of them perfomed some good katas, both getting through a couple of rounds each.
Anna just missed out on the medals losing in the last round before the final.
In the next group up 6th-4th Kyu, Oliver was once again in action, performing well but no medal this time for him.
Katie in the same group was on fire as she made it through to the final 4.
There she got to do the Kata of her choice and with a fantastic performance of Heian Godan she took the Gold Medal.
The next division was the Brown belts and we had Lucie, Henri and Connor in this group.
All were worthy of the final, but Lucie fell short in the last round.
Connor and Henri made the final four, where Connor performed the kata Bassai Dai
and finished with a 4th place medal and Henri performed the kata Enpi
and won the event for the 3rd time (this goes with his 3 other 1st places at different levels).
In the Black belt event, this was always going to be a difficult day for Emily and Skye as they were up against much older opposition.
Emily found herself up against the reigning Champion and England squad member from Chelmsford.
Emily put in a strong performance but the judges went against her.
Skye made it to the finals, she finished in 4th place with the kata Enpi.
In the team kata events we had 3 different teams.
Oliver and Anna were joined by Eva at the last minute as she was stepping in for the ill Charlie.
No medals for them this time but valuable experience nevertheless.
The team of Lucie, Connor and Katie with their kata of Heian Nidan just missed out on a final spot.
The last team of Emily, Skye and Henri made it to the final again
where they were once again the youngest team there and finished in second place for the 3rd time running.
In the kumite events, it was only Emily, Lucie and Henri who made it to the finals.
Emily was up against Lucie in the first semi-final.
In a tight contest Emily was victorious leaving Lucie with a 3rd place medal.
Henri also won his semi-final, so he would meet Emily in an all Stock final.
It was a impressive perfomance from both of them but there has to be a winner
and the judges went with Emily, she retained her title she won last year.
Another magnificent day concidering how some of the children felt.
Below photo of the medal winners
tiger medal winners 2019
Presentation Cup Success
Sunday the 3rd of February was the first competition of the year for Stock SKC.
The English Karate Classic Championships was being held again in Clacton-on Sea.
The Presentation Cup, is so called, because as well as it being a competition,
the EKCC present awards to the top Male/Female, Boy/Girl competitor and Club/Coach from the previous year.
Sensei Adam unknown  to him finished in 3rd place overall in the Mens events.
Well we had ten students competiting on the day and they won between them 15 medals.
No Gold this time but very close.
Some of the children have now gone into different groups depending on age and grade.
Silver Medal winners on the day were, Lee in Black Belt Kata under 15s,
Harry Cadet Boys Kata, Bethany and Harry Senior Pairs Kata, Skye and Emily Junior Pairs Kata
and Connor in the boys Kumite.
Bronze medal winners were, Bethany in Cadet Girls Kata, Henri Brown Belt Kata,
Sensei Jason and Sensei Sam both joint 3rd in Mens Senior Kata and 3rd in the Senior Pair Kata,
Henri and Connor Junior Pairs Kata.
 Liberty no medal this time, but did make it into the last 6 in her event finishing just outside the medals improving all the time.
Well done to all of them
Presentation Cup 2019
Central Region Selection
Sensei Adam, Sensei Sam and Young Leader Lee were once again back on the road,
as they travelled to Loughborough University for the Central Region Kata Squad selection
under Sensei Frank Brennan.
The 3 of them had to perform a Heian Kata of Sensei Brennan`s choice before being selected for the squad.
They now will have another year of training and learning under the KUGB Vice Chairman Sensei Brennan.
What they will learn, they will be able to bring back to the Dojo and pass on to the club members.
On the day Katas worked on, were, Heian Yondan, Jion and Bassai-Sho.
Below photo with Sensei Brennan.
Central Region Kata Squad 2019
England Squads for Sam and Annalisa
Congratulations to Sensei Sam and Annalisa, as they both retained their places on the KUGB Squads for 2019.
Annalisa travelled by train, from her University to Liverpool on Saturday 26th of January.
She was once again going for the KUGB England Kata Squad.
The selection takes place at the famous Red Triangle Dojo in Liverpool.
Annalisa had to perform the Kata Heian Yondan,
she must of been ok as she was selected for a second year running.
Sam went to Liverpool on the following day to the Firefit centre.
There he fought his way onto the KUGB Junior Kumite Squad for a 4th successive year. 
Once again massive Congratulations to them both.
Below photos of the two squads, courtesy of the KUGB.
Sam with Sensei Sherry and Brennan
Annalisa with Sensei Sherry
Kata Squad 2019
Junior Kumite Squad 2019
Sam Junior Kumite squad 2019         Annalisa Kata Squad 2019
Charlotte gains Bronze Award
The KUGB has a program for young students that are of 12 to 17 years of age and of 3rd Kyu and above.
The Young Leaders help in taking the warm ups and teaching some of the younger members at the club in Kihon, Kata and Kumite.
There are 3 levels Gold, Silver and Bronze.
Charlotte has now achieved has Bronze award after 10 hours of instructing at Stock SKC.
Congratulations to Charlotte, here she is pictured with her certificate presented by Stock SKC Chief Instructor Sensei Adam.
Charlotte Young Leader Bronze Award
The 2018 Stock SKC Awards Night
The Stock SKC 2018 Awards night was held on Thursday the 20th of December.
The night started off with the children, showing the parents, what they do on a usual night at the club.
This was followed by a demonstration of the Kata Heian Nidan led by Emily along with Skye, Lucie, Henri and Connor.
After the kata had finished, Emily had to defend herself against the other four using moves from the same Kata.
Lee and Harry also put on a display of kumite with Harry doing the attacking and Lee defending himself.
There was time for a couple of games which some of the parents joined in with and enjoyed very much.
Once the mats were put away, the tables and chairs were repositioned ready for the buffet.
After everyone was fed and watered the presentations of the Awards began.
Sensei Adam spoke of what the club has achieved during 2018.
From the many competition wins, to all the different courses club members have attended during the year.
Inbetween his speach trophies and certificates were handed out.
Sensei Pete King gained his 15 year Long Standing Membership with the club.
Ann Purkiss attained her 30 year Long Standing Membership.
Other Awards went to
Tom Waters - Senior Star Student
Lucie Smith - Junior Star Student
Competitor of the Year
3rd place Emily Stanford with 80 points
2nd place Henri Goddard with 88 points
1st place Skye Taylor with 102 points
3rd place Harry Russell with 34 points
2nd place Samuel Campbell with 62 points
1st place Bethany King with 75 points
Senior Attendance Winner 
Lee Brittney
Junior Attendance Winner
Skye Taylor
Senior Most Improved 
Liberty King
Junior Most Improved
Connor Coleman
Junior Student of the Year
Skye Taylor
Senior Student of the Year
Bethany King
Once again well done and congratulations to everyone.
below photo of the award winners on the night and photo of all the clubs medals and trophies won this year.
Award Night Winners 2018
2018 Awards night
Skye gains her SHODAN
On Saturday the 1st of December a number of Stock SKC students travelled to the other side of the M25 to Egham.
The last Free Black and Brown Belt course and Dan grading of the year was taking place in the Egham Sports Centre.
Instructing on the day was the KUGB Chief Instructor and Chairman Sensei Andy Sherry 9th Dan
and Sensei Frank Brennan 8th Dan the KUGB Vice Chairman.
We had 3 members in Liberty, Skye and Connor train in the Brown Belt lesson.
This was then followed by the Black Belt lesson which Sensei Adam, Sensei Pete, Young Leader Lee and Emily all took part in. 
As usual both lessons were outstanding and we all learned something to improve on.
After both lessons had finished there was an 1 hour break then the grading started for those taking 1st and 2nd dan.
Skye was one of these people and she was called up in the first group.
They all started with their basic moves and combinations.
Then they all have to perform the kata Bassai-Dai.
This was then followed with the Kumite.
Once this was completed they all rested and the next group began and so on.
After a tense 2 hour wait, Skye`s name was called and she ran to her spot to perform her second kata,
this time one of Sensei Sherry`s choice and it would be one of the 5 Heian`s.
The kata was Heian Yondan, which she performed perfectly.
Once again we had to wait until Sensei called all those he wanted to see again, then the grading was over.
All the hopefuls were called over towards the table where Sensei Sherry and Sensei Brennan were sitting.
They all sat on the floor quietly hoping to hear Sensei`s words "Passed SHODAN".
These were the words that Skye heard after her name was called out and she is now the newest member of our club to acheive this grade.
Was it in doubt, never, she has put in all the hard work and now it has paid off.
Congratulations Skye 
Below Skye pictured with Sensei Sherry and Sensei Brennan and with Sensei`s Adam and Sam
Skye pass Shodan
skye club cert BB
Skye strikes Gold again
The last competition of 2018 for the Stock SKC squad, came at the SRK Open Championships held in Basildon.
With over 250 Karate-ka from different styles, which some had travelled from as far as Plymouth
and even a team from Belgium, it was going to be another good day of competiting.
The day started with the Kata events.
Oliver in only his second competition, won a bronze medal in the boys 8-10 yrs 6th - 4th Kyu Kata.
Then Katie went on to also win a bronze in the mixed 9th-4th Kyu 11-12 yrs Kata event.
Henri competing in the boys 8-10 yrs 3rd Kyu and above Kata event,
went all the way to the final and finished with the silver medal.
Henri was then joined by Connor and the pair won bronze in the childrens Team Kata.
Emily made it to the final in her category, the girls 11-12 yrs 3rd Kyu and above Kata.
She put in a great performance of Kanku Sho and walked away with the silver medal.
In the Kumite events, Sensei Sam fought his way to 3rd place in the mens senior Kumite.
Connor had some tough fights and won a silver in the boys 8-10 yrs event.
It was Skye who won Gold, in the last event of the day,
Skye made it through to the last fight of the day, where she won the girls 11-12 yrs Kumite title.
Great effort from everyone and from the parents support as usual, another long day, but worth it.
Well done to all the medal winners and also to Sensei Jason and Charlotte who missed out this time.
below the winners.
SRK Winter Open 2018
Bethany achieves Silver Award
Monday the 12th of November, Bethany reached a new level in the KUGB Young Leader program.
She has been helping with the first class over some months now and has clocked up the 20 hours needed
to achieve her Silver Young Leader Certificate. She will now have to work hard towards her Gold award.
Congratulations to her, below photo of Sensei Adam presenting Bethany with her Silver certificate.
Bethany Silver Young Leaders
The Stock squad was striking gold at the 6th Kent Open Karate Championships held in Gillingham.      
The day started with Henri  and Connor, competing in the Black and Brown Belt Kata under 10s event.   
It was the two Stock competitors who ended up in the finals against each other. 
Henri took the Gold and Connor the Silver.     
It didn’t stop there, as this time they worked as a team and took Gold in the under 10s mixed Team Kata. 
Next it was the turn of the girls as Emily and Skye won Gold in the 11-16 yrs Team Kata.
   Emily also secured 3rd place in the 11-13 Girls Kumite. 
Lee took home Gold in the 11-16 yrs Kata.      
Harry and Sensei Samuel were competing in the men’s Kata category
in which Sam came 3rd and Harry, in his first Senior men’s event put in a stunning performance,
taking 1st place.  
The pair then joined forces and won the Senior Team Kata. 
Bethany was also on top form winning the Ladies Kata event.    
Bethany hadn’t finished there as she and her father, Sensei Pete,
 who hadn’t competed for 20 years,
entered the Parent and Child Team Kata and after several rounds won another Gold.
Another great day from the squad keep it up photo of the winners below.
2018 Kent Open
More Success at Shotokan Tigers Competition
Once again our younger members at Stock SKC did not fail to impress.
Emily, Liberty, Skye, Henri, Lucie, Connor, Katie, Jasmine and Oliver
all represented the club at the Shotokan Tigers Kata and Ippon Kumite Competition
held by Chelmsford SKC in South Woodham Ferrers.
For Oliver and Jasmine this was their first taste of competition and they were both excellent.
Oliver progressing through a few rounds in both Kata and Kumite
was great to see and for Jasmine she worked her way to the final of the under 10`s Kihon Ippon Kumite.
In the final, it was an all Stock affair, as Jasmine found herself up against the more experienced Connor.
Both were strong in attacks and defence, but there has to be a winner and the judges went with Connor.
Liberty, Lucie and Katie all put in some great displays in Kata and Kumite but were unsuccessful this time.
In the Team Kata event, Stock`s new team of Lucie, Katie and Connor finished in 5th place just missing out on a place in the final.
The usual team of Emily, Skye and Henri did make it to the final and they secured second place with the Kata Enpi.
Henri and Skye picked up 3rd place medals in the 10-11 yrs Ippon Kumite event.
Emily made it to the final in the same group and after some debating from the judges, Emily was ruled the winner.
Henri also made it through to the Brown Belt Kata Final, where he retained his title that he won in March.
Another excellent day from the young squad and thanks to Sensei Sam and Young Leader Lee
with all the coaching as Sensei Adam had to judge on the day.
Below the full squad and then the medal winners
Tiger squad
Tigers Medal winners
Course with Sensei Sherry
Sunday the 14th of October, 9 members of Stock SKC attended a special course with the KUGB Chief Instructor Sensei Andy Sherry 9th Dan.
Sensei Pete, Lee, Harry, Charlie, Charlotte, Liberty, Henri, Lucie and Connor all trained.
Sensei Sherry first worked the class on correct hip movement before using it with some punching.
Then there were different stepping methods to make distance using the same punches.
The group paired up and performed this together and then repeated the steps using mawashi-geri and ushiro-gegi.
The class then worked on their Kata for their next grading.
Another great lesson from Sensei Sherry.
Thanks to Chelmsford SKC for the invite.
Below Stock SKC members with Sensei Sherry.
Sensei Sherry Course Chelmsford Oct 2018
Bethany beats them All
The EKCC Southern England Cup was held in Clacton on Sunday 30th of September
and Stock SKC was represented on the day by
Sensei Jason, Bethany, Harry, Charlotte, Charlie, Emily, Liberty, Skye, Henri and Connor.
All of them performed well and the club came away with a total of 10 medals.
Bethany was on top form again as she won the Cadet Girls Kata Event.
Then along with Harry they came 3rd in the Senior Pairs Kata.
Harry also won a bronze medal in the Cadet Boys Kata.
Young Henri and Connor both won bronze medals for the 3rd -1st Kyu Junior Pairs Kata.
Charlotte a last minute sub for sister Emily teamed with Skye
and they finished in 3rd place in the brown and Black belt Junior Pairs category.
Skye went on to win another bronze, this time in the Girls 4ft 10" - 5ft 3"  Kumite division.
Sensei Jason was also a winner of a Bronze medal in the Champions Cup Kata class.
Once again well done to all who represented the club.
Below all the medal winners from the day.
EKCC Southern Cup 2018
The Skye`s the limit at Shotokan Cup
Saturday the 22nd of September 2018 saw the KUGB`s 43rd Shotokan Cup take place at the Queens Park Sports Centre in Chesterfield.
The Shotokan Cup is an individual competition open to Black and Brown Belts only, there are no team events.
Stock SKC had a squad of seven this year competing, Samuel, Annalisa, Bethany, Lee, Emily, Liberty and Skye.
Always a tough competition, as the European Championships is fast approching
and all the National squad members are all on show to gain a place onto the final Team.
Our squad of 7 performed brilliantly in both Kata and Kumite and for Bethany, Emily and Liberty this was their first time experiencing the Shotokan Cup.
Bethany along with fellow team mate Annalisa
(competing in her last competition for a while, as she heads off to University)
both reached the semi-finals of the Junior Ladies Kata event.
Bethany finished in a respectable 6th place and Annalisa 7th.
Lee also made it through to a semi-finals but not in Kumite in which he is known for, he reached the Boys Kata Semi-finals and finished in 6th place. 
It was young Skye that stole the show as she fought her way to the final of the Girls 10-11 year old Kumite event.
In the final, Skye dominated her opponent, but was just falling short with her punches.
Then her rival scored and Skye had to dig deep and equalized with a punch to the head with seconds to go.
Extra time was needed and once again Skye pushed forward for that winning point.
Yet once more her opponent scored first, but Skye was not to be denied and drew level with another head punch.
Time was up and the decision of who was going to be crowned champion was in the hands of the 4 judges.
3-1 in favour of Skye, Shotokan Cup Champion 2018
Skye wins the Trophy and we all blow a sigh of relief, especially Mum and Dad.
Well Done to all who represented the club once again.
Below team photo before the day began and Skye with her Trophy and medal.
Shotokan Cup 2018 squad
 Skye Shotokan Cup Champion
Lancaster 2018
In August, 5 members of the club, travelled up to Lancaster to train with the Senior Sensei`s of the KUGB.
The week long course "Train with the Champions" started back in 1981 and was a way of former
KUGB International competitors passing on their vast wealth of knowledge and experience.
Once again it was another first-rate weeks training.
It was great, catching up with old friends from across the country and making news ones along the way.
It was a splendid week in Lancaster and we all learnt something new during our training.
Below Senior Sensei`s with Stock SKC members.
(more photos on the facebook page)
Lancaster 2108 Senior Senseis
100% Success at Club Grading
Thursday the 12th of July, Stock SKC held their second club Kyu grading of the year.
Sensei Poynton 8th Dan was the examiner once again,
he had a 6 hour drive down from Liverpool and due to traffic was only 30 minutes later than planned.
That gave Sensei Adam time to run through all the grading again with the students and help get rid of them last mintue nerves.
All 14 students passed and were very happy with the result as was Sensei Adam.
For three of the students, Henri, Lucie and Connor this was the last time they will grade at the club as their next grading will be for their Black Belt.
There was a lesson after the grading for Black and Brown Belts and it was well attended by the younger members of the club.
Well done to them as it was another warm night to train on.
below photos of the grading class and the lesson class.
Well Done and Congratulations to All.
Club Grading 12-7-2018
Lesson with Sensei Poynton 12-7-2018
Thriftwood Karate Weekend 2018
The weekend of Friday 6th - Sunday 8th of July Stock SKC held a Karate camp at Thriftwood Scout Camp in Brentwood.
Once again staying in the rooms at `Oaklodge`, 20 students arrived to train and have fun.
The weekend had two quiz nights one on Friday and the other on Saturday
both full of fun and new games from the pea relay with chopsticks
and the baked bean relay with cocktails sticks to name a few.
There was also the site activities of the Inflata Bull, Pedal Cars, Air Rifles, Boulding Wall,
Demolition Derby and the Creasta Run.
Due to the great weather we had all weekend, there was also time for a waterfight which everyone enjoyed.
We were there for some Karate training too and it was great to be able to train outdoors.
3 lessons, two on Saturday and one on Sunday, Sensei Terry instructed the lower grades, preparing them for their up and coming grading.
The remainder with Sensei Adam, as they worked on the kata Sochin and the Bunkai from the kata. 
Another successful weekend away, next time Thiftwood 2020.
Below group photo more photos from the weekend on the galley page.
KUGB National Youth Championships
More success for the club happened at the weekend, as on Saturday 30th of June,
9 club members travelled to Chesterfield to compete in the KUGB National Youth Championships.
Great performances from everyone as usual, Annalisa, Bethany and Connor,
just missed out in their Kata events as they all were beaten in the last round before the finals.
Better news was that Henri and Skye had made it all the way into the last four.
Henri finished 3rd in the boys Brown Belt Kata
and that was the same fate for Skye in the Girls Brown Belt Kata another 3rd place finish.
Skye had also fought her way to the 10-11 yr old Girls Kumite final where she fought against a good black belt girl.
Skye went half a point down early on in the fight, but could not find a way back and finished with a silver medal.
Sam, Lee, Eloise and Liberty all had tough days, but that happens sometimes.
Well Done to all of them.
Below Henri and Skye with their medals
Skye & Henri KUGB Youths 2018
Sensei Sherry Course
Sunday 24th of June, Sensei Adam and Joe, took the short trip to Chelmsford SKC
to train under the KUGB Chief Instructor Sensei Andy Sherry 9th Dan.
The lesson began with Sensei Sherry who is 75 years young, taking the warm up as he always does.
He then got the class working on hip and chest movement with Kizami tsuki, Gyaku tsuki techniques.
The next stage was to use these punches in pairs, so we all stood toe to toe with our partners.
First we punched on the spot.
Next we used two steps, moving the front foot forward first to make distance before stepping with a full step with the back foot.
Then 3 steps, back foot to front foot, front foot move foward then step through with the back foot all whilst doing the punches.
Then it was 4 steps, front foot move forward, back foot upto, front foot forward again then step through.
We also performed Ushiro geri and Ushiro mawashi geri (not with the steps).
Then it was onto Kata and the brown belts practiced Bassai Dai and the Black Belts Kanku Sho.
There was still time at the end of the lesson to pair up again.
This time 3 punch attack, 1st Jodan, blocking with nagashi uke and countering with 3 empi`s.
The 2nd attack was to Chudan, blocking with osae uke and 3 punch counter.
The last attack was once again 3 Jodan punches blocking again with nagashi uke and countering with 3 teisho tsuki`s.
Another great lesson under Sensei really enjoyed it, thanks to our friends at Chelmsford SKC for the invite.
Below Joe and Adam with Sensei Sherry.
24 of June 2018 Sensei Sherry Course Chelmsford
KUGB Southern Region Championships 2018
The day history was made, the 9th of June 2018 at the KUGB Southern Region Championships
held in Reading, four new Champions were crowned.
What a day the club had, the whole squad put in some great performances.
The club had 11 students competing on the day and 10 of them made it through to the finals.
The results.
Samuel GOLD 18-20 yrs Male Kumite
Charlie GOLD 16-17 yrs Boys Kumite
Lee GOLD Boys 5ft 5" and over Kumite
Skye GOLD Girls 10-11 yrs Kumite
Jason SILVER Mens Kumite
Annalisa SILVER Womens Kata
Emily SILVER Girls 10-11 yrs Kumite
Connor SILVER Childrens Ippon Kumite
Annalisa BRONZE 16-20 yrs Female Kumite
Bethany BRONZE Womens Kata
Skye BRONZE Childrens Kyu grade Kata
Emily BRONZE Childrens Team Kata
Henri BRONZE Childrens Team Kata
Skye BRONZE Childrens Team Kata
Once again Well Done to them all, also to Liberty no medals this time, but improving all the time.
All their hard work in the Dojo is paying off keep it up.
Below the winners.
2018 Southern Region Championship Winners 
Special Course
Our friends down in Brighton at the Seishin Shotokan Karate Club were celebrating their 10th anniversary.
They were holding a special course with Sensei`s Jimmy Brennan, Frank Brennan and Garry Harford all 8th Dan`s.
There were 3 lessons on offer and Sensei Adam, Sensei Samuel and Lee trained in two of the classes.
They missed Sensei Jimmy Brennan lesson, but did make it in time for Sensei Frank Brennan`s Kata class.
After a warm up and some Kihon the class worked first on the kata Jion then its sister Kata Jiin.
Samuel and Lee then trained under Sensei Harford which was a kumite lesson working on tactics and distance.
We would like to thank Seishin SKC for the invite and we enjoyed being there on their 10 year anniversary.
Below Adam, Samuel and Lee with Sensei`s Jimmy and Frank Brennan and Garry Harford.
Seishin 10 year Anniversity
Essex Karate Cup Open Championships
On Sunday the 20th of May, Sensei Adam, Sensei Samuel, Young Leader Bethany, Liberty, Skye
and Connor all competed at the Essex Karate Cup Open Championships held in Clacton.
It turned out to be another great day for the club as Samuel was crowned Grand Champion
winning both the mens Kata and Kumite events.
He also nearly made it a hat-trick of wins but he and Bethany were beaten into 2nd place in the Pairs Kata.
Bethany won two more medals, both of them,
this time the colour was Bronze, one in the Girls Cadets Kata and one in Girls Cadets Kumite.
Connor fought hard and won a couple of fight`s before losing in the semi-finals
to the eventual winner of the Boys kumite, he picked up a 3rd place medal.
Sensei Adam entered at the last minute due to Sensei Jason being unable to compete on the day.
He took 2nd place in the over 30s Kata and 1st place in the over 40s Kata events.
No medals for Liberty and Skye this time, but both put in excellent performances.
One Trophy and 8 medals won from 6 competitors
Well Done to all of them.
EKCC Essex Cup 2018
52nd KUGB National Championships
Saturday the 5th of May, 9 members of Stock SKC took to the road and travelled up to
Leicester for the 52nd KUGB National Championships.
It was a young squad, Sensei Sam was the oldest at 19 yrs of age and Connor being the youngest at 9
(it was his Birthday on the same day) also competing were Annalisa, Bethany, Lee, Emily, Liberty, Skye and Henri.
All nine of them performed brilliantly, as they all managed to progress through a couple of rounds or more.
It was young Emily who shined on the day finishing in 3rd place for girls 10-11 yr old kumite.
The Children`s team Kata of Emily, Skye and Henri made it through to the semi-finals and finished in the top 8.
Sensei Adam also received his 30 year LSM (Long Standing Membership) certificate from KUGB Chief Instructor Sensei Andy Sherry.
Once again well done to all of them and thanks to the supporters.
Below the Stock SKC Squad with Sensei Adam, 
Emily on the podium (far right)
and Adam with Sensei Sherry.
Nationals squad
Emily 3rd Nationals 2018
Adam 30 yrs LSM
Sensei Brennan Course
Saturday 28th of April saw Sensei Frank Brennan 8th Dan and Vice Chairman of the KUGB return to Essex.
Chelmsford SKC were hosting a lesson with one of the most respected Instructors in the Karate world, this time at Writtle College.
Sensei Adam and Sam both attended the lesson, which was over far too quick.
Once again, we all worked hard on Kihon and then some Kumite drills.
Sensei Brennan always brings out the best in you and its such a great honour to train under him.
Below photo of Stock members with Sensei Brennan.
Sensei Brennan course Writtle collage 2018
Girl Power @ SRK Spring Open
A long day at the SRK Spring Open Championships saw Stock SKC come away with four medals.
A very competitive day, as 31 different clubs with a total of 310 Karate-Ka, fighting it out for the medals.
Emily was the pick of Stock SKC as she won Gold in the Childrens 8-10 years 3rd Kyu and above Kata.
Skye picked up a Silver medal for Girls 11-12 years 3rd Kyu and above Kumite.
Eloise finished with a 3rd place medal in the womens 3rd Kyu and above Kumite.
Bethany also won a Bronze medal in the Girls 15-17 years Kata event.
Another successful day and great performances from everyone who entered.
Below the girls with their medals.
More success at Shotokan Tigers Kata and Ippon Kumite Competition
On Saturday 24th of March, eight Stock SKC junior students travelled to South Woodham Ferrers
to take part in the under 16s Shotokan Tigers Kata and Kihon Ippon Competition.
Lee, Charlotte, Emily, Skye, Lucie, Henri, Connor and Charlie all competed and all performed very well on the day.
Charlotte, Connor, Lucie and Charlie (entering his first ever Karate Competition)
all performed well on the day, but unfortunately all of them were unlucky just missing
out in the last round before the finals or losing to the eventual winner in their group.
Young Henri was on top form again as he became Grand Champion in the Brown belt section.
He won both the Kata and the Kumite events, below the results of Stock SKC members.
Henri 1st place in the Brown belt Kata event and Skye taking 2nd place.
Henri also won the 10-11 year old Kihon Ippon Kumite with Skye finishing in 3rd place.
The team Kata of Emily, Skye and Henri finished runners up in their event.
Lee finished with two bronze medals in Kata and Ippon Kumite.
Once again Well Done to all who took part.
Below the medal winners
New Black Belt in Town
A massive Congratulations to Eloise Platt.
On Sunday the 18th of March 2018 Eloise along with Sensei Adam, Jason and Samuel
all travelled to Abingdon, Oxfordshire,
to train with Sensei Andy Sherry and Sensei Bob Poynton on the Free KUGB Black and Brown Belt Course.
In the Brown belt lesson Eloise worked on her grading syllabus.
In the Black Belt lesson we also worked on some of the grading syllabus and the Kata Gankaku.
Then after both lessons had finished there was a short break before the grading started.
We are pleased to say Eloise passed her Shodan grading making her the 98th person to pass a Dan grading at Stock SKC.
Below group photo at Abingdon with Sensei Sherry and Sensei Poynton
and a photo of Eloise with Sensei Sherry and Sensei Poynton
after the grading and at the club with her new Black Belt and Club certificate.
Course Abingdon 2018   
Eloise with Sensei`s Sherry and Poynton  Eloise Black Belt
New KUGB Instructor and KUGB Assessor at Stock SKC
On the night of the club grading, Sensei Adam gained his KUGB Assessor qualification
and Daniel Adams was assessed by Sensei Adam and became a KUGB qualified Instructor.
Congratulations to them both
Adam Assessor  Daniel Instructor
First Club Kyu Grading of 2018
Success, at the first grading of the year.
Sensei Bob Poynton 8th Dan made the long journey from Liverpool to Stock SKC on Thursday 15th of March.
He was caught in the traffic on the M25, which made him a little bit late, but that just gave the students more time to practice before he got there.
The grading started and all 12 students passed, young Charlie impressed Sensei Poynton so much, he made him a 8th Kyu bypassing 9th Kyu.
After the grading the Black and Brown Belts had a Kata lesson.
First everyone worked on the Kata Bassai Dai, then the Black Belts moved on to Tekki Nidan and Brown Belts Tekki Shodan.
Another excellent Grading and lesson from Sensei Poynton Congratulations to all who passed.
Below the successful students after the grading and the Black and Brown Belts with Sensei Poynton.
Club Kyu Grading 15th March 2018
Black & Brown Lesson with Sensei Poynton 15th March 2018
Gold Award for Lee
Congratulations go to Lee Brittney as he becomes the first person at Stock SKC to gain his
KUGB Young Leader Gold Award.
Lee has been helping in the junior class for the last couple of years,
from taking the warm ups, to teaching the 3 K`s ( kihon, kata and kumite).
Well Done Lee.
Lee Gold Young Leader
Course with KUGB Chief Instructor
After all the snow had thawed out, Sunday the 4th of March saw Sensei Andy Sherry return to Essex.
He was once again at Chelmsford SKC and Stock SKC Club members
Sensei Adam, Samuel, Lee, James and Eloise all went to train under the KUGB Chief Instructor.
Once again another well attended course and well worth the effort of a Sunday morning.
Working on hips first with different punching techniques then Ushiro Geri`s in pairs.
We then moved on to Kata where the brown belts worked on Bassai Dai and the black belts Nijushiho.
Thanks to Chelmsford instructors Sensei Jane and Richard Naylor Jones for the invite.
Below photo of the Stock members with Sensei Sherry.
Course with Sensei Sherry 4th Feb 2018
Quadruple Success at Central Region Kata Squad Selection
Congratulations to Jason, Samuel, Lee and Sensei Adam as they were all selected by
Sensei Frank Brennan 8th Dan for the Central Region Kata Squad for 2018.
The course and selection took part in Nottingham on Saturday 10th of February
and even though the four of them are from the Southern Region the course
and selection is open to all KUGB members,
who are 3rd kyu and above and over 13 years of age.
They all had to perform a Heian Kata of Sensei`s choice and after they had all been selected,
the class worked on the following Katas,
Heian Yondan, Bassai-Dai and Nijushiho.
They now look forward to another 7 squad sessons with Sensei Brennan during the year.
Photo of Sensei Brennan with Lee, Jason, Samuel and Adam.
Central Region Kata Squad 2018
First Competition of 2018
The first competition of 2018, the EKCC Presentation Karate Cup Championships
were once again held in Clacton on Sunday the 4th of February.
Another great start to the year as the Stock SKC Squad came home with 9 trophies and 6 medals between them.
The day started with the Kata events.
The first trophy of the day went to Emily, as she finished in second place in the under 4`10 Dan grade Kata event.
This was followed by Harry, another second place in Kata, this time, in the male cadet category.
Annalisa and Bethany tied for first place in the female cadet Kata event
after their first Kata and had to perform a second Kata to decide the winner.
Annalisa came out on top as she won and Bethany finished second.
Eloise also came second in the Novice to 1st Kyu Kata.
Sensei Adam walked away with the Veterans over 40`s Kata title.
In the pairs Kata events, Lee and Charlotte gained second
and Emily and Skye third in their under 16`s 3rd Kyu to Dan grade event.
This time Annalisa and Bethany joined forces and won the Senior Mixed Pairs Kata Title.
In the Kumite, Emily, Eloise and Samuel, all finished with 3rd place trophies, from their respected events.
Another successful day for Team Stock.
EKCC Winners 2018
KUGB England Squad Selection Success
Over the weekend of January 27th/28th the KUGB held its England Squad Selection for 2018 in Liverpool.
On the Saturday, it was the Kata Squad selection and on Sunday the Kumite Squad selection.
Annalisa and Bethany travelled up to Liverpool on the Saturday and Samuel and Lee on the Sunday.
We are pleased to say that all four of them were selected for the Squad for this year.
They will all be working very hard to try and make the final team
that will represent KUGB England at the European Karate Championships later in the year in Serbia.
Below picture of Stock SKC England squad members.
England Squad 2018
Special Fundraising Course with Sensei Jack Somers
The first course of the year was held in Chelmsford on Saturday the 20th of Janurary.
Chelmsford Shotokan Karate Club were hosting a Special Fundraising Course
with KUGB England Squad member and National Kata Champion Jack Somers.
The course was in aid of the KUGB`s chosen charity for 2017/18 MIND.
Five members of Stock SKC trained, young Henri took part in both the All grades lesson
and then was joined by Sensei Adam, Daniel, Eloise and Skye for the Brown and Black Belt lesson.
Another great lesson working on speed, movement and the kata`s Basai Dai and Enpi.
Thanks again to Sensei`s Jane and Richard for the invite.
Below Stock SKC members with Sensei Jack.
Special Course with Sensei Jack Somers in aid of MIND Jan 2018
Stock SKC Awards Night 2017
The 7th Annual Stock SKC Awards night took place on Monday 18th of December.
The night started off with the junior class being put through their paces from Sensei Adam.
Then followed a number of demos.
First up were Henri, Lucie and Connor performing their team kata of Heian Nidan.
Then it was the turn of Emily and Skye as they demonstrated the kata Bassai-Dai including some of the katas practical uses.
Next, it was Annalisa, Bethany and Charlotte from the senior class and their performance of Gojushiho-Sho.
This was followed by a demo from Eloise as she defended herself from Lee and Harry using the moves from Gojushiho-Sho.
Finally it was the turn of Sensei`s Jason and Samuel and a demo of practical Karate.
After the buffet the award presentation began with Sensei Terry introducing the club Instructors and Ann.
It was Sensei Adam`s turn and his end of year speech, all about what the club has accomplished this past year.
In brief,
3 KUGB England squad members = Jason, Samuel and Bethany
5 KUGB Central Region Kata squad members = Adam, Jason, Pam, Samuel and Lee
2 KUGB Southern Region Champions = Samuel and Eloise
A Coach of the Year Award = Adam
A number of students winning competitions for the first time
Being in the local paper 17 times 
3 successful Club gradings 
1 new Black Belt = Emily 
KUGB 30 Year Long Standing Member = Pete
Stock SKC 10 Year Long Standing Member = Bethany
Winning 160 Medals and Trophies throughout the year in all competitions
The award winners for this year were,
Junior Competitior of the Year 
3rd place Connor Coleman
2nd place Henri Goddard
1st place Skye Tayor
Senior Competitior of the Year
3rd place Annalisa Marano
2nd place Eloise Platt
1st place Samuel Campbell
Club Star Students
Lee Brittney and Henri Goddard
Most Improved Junior
Connor Coleman
Most Improved Senior
Eloise Platt
Senior Attendance Award
Lee Brittney
Junior Attendance Award
Skye Taylor
Junior Student of the Year 2017
Emily Stanford
Senior Student of the Year 2017 
Samuel Campbell
Below Sensei Terry with all the Medal and Trophy winners
Awards Night 2017
Last Road Trip of 2017
The last road trip of the year saw Adam, Pam, Samuel and Lee travel to
Loughborough University for the final Central Region Kata Course of 2017
For the last time this year Sensei Frank Brennan 8th Dan had the class working hard.
On todays course we worked on four different Kata`s, Jion, Bassai-Sho, Sochin and Gojushiho-Sho.
Another excellent course working 
on correct form and timing of movements in the Kata`s 
We all look forward to next year when the squad selection will take place on Saturday 10th of February.
Below Sensei Brennan with, Adam, Pam, Samuel and Lee
Last Central Region Kata Course 2017
Excellent Emily passes her Black Belt Exam
The last Black and Brown belt course of 2017 took place in Egham on Saturday 2nd of December.
Eight members of Stock SKC went and trained under the instruction of the KUGB Chief Instructor and Chairman
Sensei Andy Sherry 9th Dan and Vice Chairman Sensei Frank Brennan 8th Dan.
There were two sessions, the first lesson was for brown belts and then followed a lesson for all the Dan grades.
Both great sessions enjoyed by all.
There was an hour break before the grading began for those attempting their Shodan and Nidan.
We are very pleased to announce that young Emily passed her Black Belt grading first time with flying colours.
Big Congratulations to her.
Below group photo of everyone with the Sensei`s after the lessons
and a photo of Emily with Sensei Sherry and Sensei Brennan after passing her Black Belt exam.
Stock SKC training Egham Dec 2 2017
Emily Black belt grading Dec 2 2017
SRK Winter Open Karate Championships
The last competition of the year for Stock SKC members took place at the Basildon Sporting Village on Sunday the 19th of November.
The competition was open to all styles of Karate and had 4 matted areas to compete on.
For the final time this year Stock SKC students were once again bringing home medals.
There were great performances from everyone if they won medals or not.
Winners on the day were,
Annalisa getting a full house of medals.
Winning Gold along with Bethany and Eloise in the Adult Team Kata.
Annalisa also won Silver in the Girls Cadet Kata and then Bronze in the Cadet Girls Kumite.
Bethany also won a Bronze in the Cadet Girls Kata.
Skye won Gold in the Girls Kumite and Silver in the Girls Kata.
Henri won Gold in the Boys Kata and with Lucie and Connor won Silver in the Childrens Team Kata.
Connor finished with a Bronze medal in the Boys Kumite.
Jason won a Silver in the Mens Kata and with team mates Adam and Samuel finished with Silver medals in the Adult Team Kata.
Lee was once again in a tough group and he walked away with the Bronze medal in the Boys Kata event.
Charlie and Liberty once again performed well but fell short of the medals this time.
Below the medal winners with Sensei Terry.
SRK Winter Open 2017 
Grand Karate Cup Championships
On Sunday the 12th of November, 13 members of Stock SKC took part in the
Grand Karate Cup Championship[s of 2017.
Once again the club had an outstanding day on the Tatami.
Overall the club came home with 13 trophies and 2 medals.
Sensei Jason had an exceptional day winning the Mens Kata event and then the Champions Cup Kata. 
He also picked a 3rd place medal up with Sensei Samuel in the Pairs Kata, Samuel went on to come 3rd in the Mens Individual Kata.
Harry won his first Individual title winning the Male Cadets Kata event.
The young girls at the club smashed all oncomers as Emily won her Kumite event for the under 4ft 5s and came second in the Kata.
Skye won the 4ft 5 to 4ft 10 Girls kumite and came 3rd in the kata.
Eloise finished with a second placed trophy for her Kata event and so did Sensei Adam for the Vets Kata.
Bethany won a 3rd place Trophy for Girls Cadets Kata,
Lee won a 3rd place for kumite and the youngest member of Stock SKC
competing on the day Connor won a 3rd place trophy for Kata.
Well Done goes to Charlie, Charlotte and Liberty as they all performed well on the day just missing out this time.
Below photo of the winners.
Grand Karate Cup Championships 2017 
Tigers Kata and Kihon Ippon Competition
Saturday the 2nd of November the under 16 year olds of Stock SKC were on the road again,
this time to South Woodham Ferrers for the Tigers Kata and Kihon Ippon Kumite Competition
held by Chelmsford SKC.
Eight students competed and they came away with 10 medals between them.
The pick of the day was 9 year old Henri winning 3 Gold medals in Kata, Ippon Kumite and Team Kata.
Lucie and Connor also won Gold medals with Henri in the team event.
Skye won a Silver medal for Kumite and along with sisters Charlotte and Emily, the trio came home with Bronze medals in their Team Kata event.
Lee also won a Silver medal for his Kumite event.
Young Katie taking part in her first Competition, might not have won any medals this time, but came away with some  valuable competition experience.
Well Done to all that competed and thanks to all the parents for your support of your children and the club.
Below the medal winners with Sensei`s Terry and Adam
Tigers Competition 2017
Club Kyu Grading
The last club Kyu grading of 2017 was held on Thursday the 2nd of November.
As usual Sensei Bob Poynton 8th Dan was our grading examiner.
We also had guests from Shoeburyness S.K.C grading.
Once again all Stock SKC members passed with flying colours.
Well Done and Congratulations to you all.
Below Group photo with Sensei Poynton.
Club Grading 2 November 2017
Sensei Sherry Course
Sunday the 15th of October saw Sensei Andy Sherry once again visiting Essex.
The course held by Chelmsford SKC at the Dovedale Sports Centre in Chelmsford was very well attended.
7 members from Stock SKC trained and all of them came away with something more to work on, (as always).
Another excellent course first working on hip and foot rotation when punching and blocking.
Then some Ushiro-geri`s followed by pair work with some stepping and countering without blocking.
The lesson finished with the Brown Belts working on Bassai-Dai and the Black Belts Bassai-Sho.
Another excellent lesson from Sensei Sherry thank you to Sensei Jane and Richard
of Chelmsford SKC for the invite and we all look forward to the next course.
Below photo of Stock members with Sensei Andy Sherry 9th Dan.
Sensei Sherry Lesson Chelmsford Oct 2017
Sensei Jack Somers Course
On Thursday the 12th of October we were delighted to hold a special Kata course with the current KUGB National Kata Champion Jack Somers.
There were 3 lessons on the night, the first of these was an all grades lesson covering some stance work then Kihon Kata and Heian Sandan.
The second lesson concentrated on the Kata Enpi and the third lesson was Gojushiho-Sho with some bunkai from Enpi and Gojushiho-Sho.
An excellent night of training for all that attended, we look forward to another course with Sensei Jack in the future.
Below the group photo`s but look on the galley page for more action shots from the night.
Jack Lesson 7
Jack Lesson 11
 Jack Lesson 16
More Gold, Silver and Bronze at Clacton Competition
The success of the Club continues as the students won a total of 7 Gold, 3 Silver and 8 Bronze medals in their latest outing.
The squad of 12 traveled to Clacton-on-Sea on Sunday the 24th of September
to compete in the English Classic Karate Open Championships.
A tough competition with a number of different styles of Karate competing saw,
Annalisa and Eloise,  walked away with the winners trophies and Gold medal each for their pairs Kata.
In the same event Bethany and Harry took the Bronze medals.
It didn`t stop there, as Annalisa also won the Cadet Black Belt Kata event with Bethany finishing with the sliver medal.
Eloise won her Kata event of Novice to 1`st Kyu and she also took a bronze medal in her Kumite event.
Harry competing for the first time in the male Cadet Kata won a silver medal.
Young Henri beat all on comers and came first in his Kata event and with his team mate Connor  went on to win gold in Junior pairs Kata.    
Skye kept up her excellent year of competing as she won a silver medal for Kumite and a Bronze for Kata. 
There were also Bronze medals in the Junior Black Belt Pairs Kata, this time awarded to, Lee and Charlotte, competing for the first time as a team.
In the Adult male Kata group Samuel won a bronze as did Sensei Adam in the Veterans Kata event. 
Well Done to all that took part.
Below photo of all the Winners
English Classic Karate Open 2017
2017 Shotokan Cup
Samuel, Lee and Skye represented the club at the 2017 KUGB Shotokan Cup held in Chesterfield on Saturday the 2nd of September.
The competition is open only to KUGB Black and Brown Belts and there are no team events.
The Shotokan Cup brings together the top KarateKa from KUGB clubs from England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland.
In the Kata events the competitor can choose their own Kata.
All three of our students performed very well in their own Kata events, the standard was very high, but unfortunately none of them reached the final (this time).
In the kumite events it was once again another tough day, Samuel fought his way to the semi-finals.
There he met the Current National and reigning Shotokan Cup Champion.
It was not meant to be this time and Samuel finished in 3rd place losing to the overall winner.
This was also the fate for Lee and Skye, both of them had hard fights, but both losing out to the eventual winners.
One medal won and loads of experience gained not only from competing but by watching the best the KUGB has to offer.
Below Samuel with his medal flanked by Lee and Skye.
Skye, Sam and Lee Shotokan Cup 2017
"Train with the Champions" Lancaster 2017
It was that time of year again, the begining of August, that means only one thing.
The KUGB Karate Summer School, it was held as always at Lancaster University.
Sensei Terry, Sensei Adam, Samuel and Lee were once again in attendance and this year they were joined by Skye.
The five day course has 9 lessons on offer and you get to train under the Senior Sensei`s of the KUGB.
The class is split into 4 groups, 2nd dans and above, 1st dans, brown belts and 4 kyu and below.
Each class is taken by a different instructor and they rotate after each lesson so everyone gets to train under all the Sensei`s.
These courses began in 1980 and were devised by former KUGB International Competitors as a way of passing
on their vast wealth of knowledge and experience, which is the origin of the title "Train with the Champions".
The Instructors are all the senior members of the KUGB.
Sensei Andy Sherry 9th Dan
Sensei Terry O`Neill 8th Dan
Sensei Bob Poynton 8th Dan
Sensei Bob Rhodes 8th Dan
Sensei Billy Higgins 8th Dan
Sensei Frank Brennan 8th Dan
Emphasis is placed on the correct learning and development of the fundamentals of Kihon, Kata and Kumite.
Each Sensei has their own way of instructing so you receive a different style of lesson each time.
Again I can not say how good these courses are, you have to go on them yourselves to find out.
Below some photos from the weeks course, credit goes to the KUGB for the use of some of these photos.
Lancaster 2017 (2) Lancaster 2017 (3)
Lancaster 2017 Lancaster 2017 (4) 
Lancaster 2017 (7) Lancaster 2017 (9)
Lancaster 2017 (8) Lancaster 2017 (6)
Lancaster 2017 (10) Lancaster 2017 (5)
Another KUGB Young Leader Award
On Thursday the 27th of July Charlie Sharp became the 5th member of Stock SKC to gain his KUGB Bronze Young Leaders Award.
Charlie has taken the warm ups and helped teach the younger members of the club on a Tuesday night.
Congratulations to him from all at Stock SKC.
Below Charlie with club Instructors Sensei Terry Irving and Adam Purkiss.
Charlie Young Leaders Bronze
Sensei Brennan in Ipswich
Once again the club was on the road again, this time up to Ipswich to train under Sensei Frank Brennan 8th Dan.
Pam, Lee, Emily and Skye all attended the course.
The class worked first on various kihon techniques that was followed by the Kata Heian Nidan.
Then the brown belts worked on Heian Godan and Bassai Dai and the black belts Jion followed by kata of their own choice.
There was still time for some kumite at the end, which everyone enjoyed.
Thanks again to Ipswich Higashi for the invite, below photo of Sensei Frank and Stock SKC members.
Frank Ipswich July 2017
Another Successful Grading
On Thursday the 6th of July 2017 Sensei Bob Poynton was once again at Stock SKC for our Club Kyu grading.
We had guests from Ipswich Higashi SKC and Shoeburyness SKC also taking their grading.
Sensei Bob was delayed for some 45 mintues because of an accident on the A127,
but that gave Sensei Adam time to put everyone grading through their syllabus a few times.
On a whole the grading was a success with all Stock SKC members passing with flying colours.
White belts Tom and Jasmine impressed Sensei Bob so much,
he gave Tom a Temporary 8th Kyu and Jasmine a full 8th Kyu bypassing 9th Kyu well done to them both.
Sensei was very happy with the high standard at the club and that all the students had improved from the last time he saw them. 
After the grading there was still time for a lesson for the Black and Brown Belts which we worked on Kumite tactics.
Once again well done to all those at the grading.
 Below photos of the grading class and the lesson with Sensei Bob.
club grading 6 July 2017
lesson with Sensei Poynton 6 July 2017
More Success at National Youth Championships.
Five members of Stock SKC took the long journey up to Chesterfield on Saturday the 1st of July.
The KUGB National Youth Championships was once again being held there.
Samuel, Lee, Eloise, Skye and Connor all represented the club in Kata and Kumite.
All of them put in impressive performances but it was Samuel and Skye that came away with medals.
Samuel came 3rd in the Male under 21 yrs Kumite whilst
Skye came 3rd in the Girls Novice to 4th Kyu Kata.
Well done to them both and all who competed on the day.
Below Skye and Samuel showing off their latest medals.
Skye and Sam National Youth Championships 2017
Silver Award for Lee
Lee was presented his KUGB Silver Young Leader Award on Thursday the 22nd of June.
He now has 30 hours of Instructing before he can gain his Gold Award.
Keep up the good work.
Below Lee with Club Instructors Sensei Terry and Sensei Adam
Lee Silver Award
Sensei Sherry Course
On a very hot Fathers Day 18th of June 2017 four of Stock SKC members travelled to the Mildmay Sports Centre
in Chelmsford for a course with KUGB Chairman and Chief Instructor Sensei Andy Sherry 9th Dan.
The course held by Chelmsford SKC was a 1 and half hour lesson for brown and black belts.
The group first worked on 3 different combinations of  Sanbon tsuki, age uke gyaku tsuki gedan barai and then shuto uke nukite shuto uke.
Then it was into pairs and using 3 stepping combo with different punches.
Kata was next with Bassai Dai for the brown belts and Bassai Sho for the Dan grades.
To finish the lesson a bit of jiyu kumite hands only.
Thanks to Sensei Jane and Richard from Chelmsford SKC for the invite and another great lesson from Sensei Sherry.
Below Adam, Pam, Sensei Sherry, Lee and Annalisa.
Sensei Sherry Course June 18 2017 @ Chelmsford
Seaford Karate Club Invitational Championships 2017
On Sunday the 11th of June, Sensei Adam, Sensei Samuel and Skye travelled down to Seaford in East Sussex for their Invitational Championships.
It was once again a busy day, with many competitors from different styles of karate.
In the Kata events everyone gets to perform two Katas which are scored on points.
Then the two scores are added together to make a final total and decide the winner.
Sensei Adam performed the Kata`s  Gojushiho Sho and Sochin, and won the Masters Kata Title for a second time.
Samuel also performed the kata Gojushiho Sho and also Nijushiho Sho but just missed out finishing in 4th place in his category.
Adam and Samuel teamed together for the Pairs Kata but unfortunately finished in 4th place.
Skye put in a magnificent performance of Heian Yondan and Heian Nidan and finished with a 2nd place trophy in her Kata event.
In the Kumite events Samuel lost out to the winner of his group.
Skye won a couple of fights before losing to a boy of a much higher grade.
Well Done to all 3 of them, below photo of our winners.
Seaford 2017
Sensei Rhodes Course Brighton University
Seishin Karate Club held a Special Course on Saturday the 3rd of June with KUGB Senior Instructor Sensei Bob Rhodes 8th Dan.
The lesson was for black belts only and it was a Kata and Bunkai course on one Kata `Gankaku`.
Sensei Adam and Lee were in attendance.
After a brief warm up and a little bit of kihon to get the blood pumping, Sensei had the class working on the Kata.
Then he had us in groups of 4 and we worked on some of the movements from the kata and what they can be used for.
Another excellent lesson to take part in, thanks to our friends from Seishin Karate Club for the invite.
Below Adam and Lee with Sensei Bob.
Sensei Rhodes lesson Brighton June 3 2017
More Medals and Trophies won at Essex Cup
Sunday the 21st of May saw seven members of Stock SKC take part in the Essex Karate Cup Open Championships held in Clacton. 
Once again our members shone on the tatami (mats).
Altogether the club won a stunning Nine Trophies and Six Medals.
Sensei Jason was the pick of the adults winning both the Mens Kata event and the Champions Kata Title.
He also paired up with Sensei Samuel to take second place in the Senior Pairs Kata.
Samuel had to wait most of the day to fight and finished with a second place trophy.
Sensei Adam also picked up a second place trophy for the over 40s Veterans Kata.
In the children`s events Skye Taylor kept up her run of success as she won the children`s 5th to 4th Kyu grade Kata.
In the same category Connor was placed 3rd and the two of them joined forces
and went on to win 1st place in the 5th to 4th Kyu Junior Pairs Kata.
Skye didn`t stop there as she also won a 3rd place trophy in her Kumite event.
Lee and Harry were also successful as Lee won second place and Harry 3rd in the Junior 3rd Kyu to Dan grade Kata event.
The two of them united and came away with 2nd place medals in the Junior 3rd to Dan grade Pairs Kata.
Another triumphant day on the competition circuit.
Well Done to all and thanks to the parents for their support as always.
Below the medal and trophy winners.
Essex Karate Cup Open Championships 2017
Young Leader Award
On Monday the 8th of May Bethany King was awarded her Bronze certificate as a Young Leader.
The Young Leaders Award is for 12-17 year olds and Bethany has achieved this by teaching in the children class.
The KUGB already has a Instructor programme for over 18`s and all of our Instructors are fully qualified.
Bethany has been taking the warm ups and then teaching the younger students in Kihon, Kata and Kumite.
Bethany becomes the fourth student at the club to gain this award and she has had to do 10 hours of instructing to achieve this.
Congratulations to her from all at Stock SKC.
Bethany Bronze Young Leader 
SRK Spring Open Championships 2017
Sunday the 7th of May, six members of Stock SKC competed at the
10th SRK Spring Open Championships held in Basildon.
It was a long weekend as we were at the KUGB Nationals the day before
and it was going to be another tough day of competing.
This did not stop our students as Skye Taylor was once again winning medals.
This time she won a silver in Kata and a bronze in Kumite.
Bethany King also won a silver in kata and she teamed up with Samuel Campbell and Harry Russell
to take home a bronze medal each for the team Kata event.
Well done to all that took part and represented the club.
Below our medal winners.
SRK Spring Open Championships
51st KUGB National Championships
Saturday the 6th of May, 10 members of Stock SKC took part in the 51st KUGB National Championships,
which was held at the Barclaycard Arena in Birmingham.
There was some great performances from our club members.
Skye Taylor being the pick of them as she won her way through to the Kyu grade Kata final.
There she was up against 3 higher grades boys.
But this didn`t deter Skye as she was the very first person to perform in the finals on the day.
She chose the kata Heian Nidan and finished up in 4th place overall.
Other notable performances came from Connor Coleman in the Kihon Ippon Kumite just missing out on a finals spot.
This was also the fate for Henri Goddard in his Kata event and
also Bethany King as she had won her sheet but lost out one round before the semi finals.
Just before the finals started Sensei Pete received his
KUGB 30 year Long Standing Membership Certificate from Sensei Andy Sherry 9th Dan.
Well done to all that took part and thank you to the club supportors that attended.
Below photo of the Stock SKC squad with Sensei Terry and credit to the KUGB for the use of the photos of Skye and Pete.
Stock SKC Squad for the 2017 Nationals
Skye 4th place KUGB Nationals 2017
Pete 30 years LSM 
Course in Ipswich with Sensei Brennan
Sensei Adam was on the road again as he attended a special course held by Ipswich Higashi SKC.
Once again Sensei Brennan was the guest Instructor on Sunday the 30th of April.
After the warm up, the class worked on combinations.
We started with stepping forward Age uke gyaku tsuki and then gedan barai gyaku tsuki.
Next stepping backwards Soto uke, empi uchi, uraken and gyaku tsuki.
Finally stepping forward again Uchi uke, kizami tsuki, gyaku tsuki, rear leg mae geri step back and land with gyaku tsuki.
Next was pair work and today all the attacks were jodan oui tsuki`s.
The 1st defence we stepped back to the other leg block with left nagashi uke and step forward with a right empi uchi.
2nd defence stepping the same way blocking the same but this time kizami tsuki as the counter.
The last defence was stepping back block with the right shuto nagashi uke,
then right leg yoko geri kekomi land with right empi uchi and
then pivot into zenkutsu dachi and empi with the other arm.
Jiin was the kata once more to work on for the black belts and Bassai Dai for the brown belts.
Just like yesterday another outstanding session thanks to all at Ipswich Higashi for the invite.
Below Sensei Brennan and Sensei Adam.
Sensei Brennan Course Ipswich April 2017 
Course in Chelmsford with Sensei Brennan 
Saturday the 29th of April saw a course hosted by Chelmsford SKC at the Mildmay Sports Centre.
Sensei Frank Brennan 8th Dan was the guest Instructor and Sensei Terry, Sensei Adam
along with Pam and Samuel took the opportunity to train under this world renowned Karate Ka.
The lesson started with the usual warm up and then we practised some kihon.
We would first step forward with age uke followed by empi uchi then gedan barai and gyaku tsuki.
Next it was soto uke with a shuto uchi and again gedan barai and gyaku tsuki.
Always working on correct hip and body movement and not the front leg moving from side to side.
Then there was some pair work 3 different attacks.
The 1st attack was with a Left kizami tsuki jodan,
defender steps left slightly blocks right nagashi uke and steps through
with the right leg and then pivots with two empi uchi`s first left then right.
The 2nd attack was oui tsuki jodan, the defender steps back blocks right shuto nagashi and counters with two teisho uchi`s.
The last attack was a double step and a right gyaku tsuki.
This time the defender would double step back as well and block and strike.
First using the left hand with osae uke then counter with shuto uchi, this was followed by a right gyaku tsuki.
After we practised these techniques many times we finished with kata.
For the black belts it was the kata Jiin and Bassai Dai for the brown belts in the class.
Another magnificent lesson to be part of, thanks to Chelmsford SKC for the invite.
Below Sensei Brennan with Stock SKC members.
Sensei Brennan Course Chelmsford April 2017 
Young Leader Award
Harry becomes the third student at the club to achieve his Bronze certificate as a Young Leader.
The Young Leaders Award is for 12-17 year olds and Harry has achieved this by teaching in the children class.
The KUGB already has a Instructor programme for over 18`s and all of our Instructors are fully qualified.
Harry has been taking the warm ups and then teaching the younger students in Kihon, Kata and Kumite.
Harry has had to do 10 hours of instructing to achieve this bronze award.
Congratulations to him from all at Stock SKC.
Harry Bronze Young Leader Award
KUGB Southern Region Masterclass with Sensei Billy Higgins 8th Dan.
On Saturday the 22nd of April Sensei Adam and Lee travelled to Brighton to train under Sensei Higgins.
The course was held in the sports centre on Falmer University next to Brighton and Hove football stadium.
The course was a Kata and Bunkai session for two hours.
In the first hour we worked on the Kata Chinte and some of the application of the moves.
Then in the second hour it was the Kata Gojushiho Sho and once again some of the Bunkai from the Kata.
Another first-rate session and some great ideas on bunkai to bring back to the club to work on.
Below Adam and Lee with Sensei Higgins.
Southern Region Masterclass Brighton 2017
The Spring Karate Course, Paignton, Devon
The second week in April the `Train with the Champions` Spring Karate Course was once more held in Paighton, Devon.
This week long course is now in its 32 year and is run by the Senior Instructors of the KUGB all former Champions hence the name.
Sensei Adam was again in attendance and he stayed with friends from Seishin SKC.
Pam also attended the course with her two boys who train at Chelmsford SKC.
Training would start every morning at 8 am until 9.30 am and then again at 12 noon until 1.30 pm.
Nine lessons in total on offer.
Twice a day from Monday to Thursday and one lesson on Friday, (as there would be a grading after the last lesson).
The Instructors would rotate every lesson so everyone could train with a different Sensei.
If that was not enough, there were two Bo lessons with weapons expert Sensei Ian Maclaren free of charge.
Sensei Sherry and Sensei Brennan would also hold two extra lessons for those students taking any Dan grading within the next year.
There were also two Lectures, one with Sensei Ian Maclaren 6th Dan and one Sensei Ivan Birch also a 6th Dan.
Two very good lectures only 30 mintues each but well worth attending.
Another excellent weeks training with the worlds best Instructors.
Below some photos from the weeks training credit goes to the KUGB for use of these photos thank you.
Torbay 2017 (8)
Group Photo
Torbay 2017 (3)  Torbay 2017
Torbay 2017 (2)  Torbay 2017 (4) 
Torbay 2017 (5) 
Torbay 2017 (7)        Torbay 2017 (6)  
New Champions at KUGB Southern Regions
The 2017 KUGB Southern Region Championships was held in Reading on Saturday the 1st of April.
Stock SKC had a team of 14 representing the club on the day.
Another successful outing in Reading for the club as two new Champions were crowned and many medals won.
The winners on the day were Charlie taking 3rd place in the Boys over 5 foot 5 Kumite.
Young Connor at the age of 7 winning a silver medal for Children`s Ippon Kumite.
Annalisa now fighting in a new age group, she finished in 3rd place for the Junior Ladies Kumite.
Bethany also came 3rd this time in the Ladies Dan Grade Kata event, her first year in this new category.
Eloise along with Annalisa and Bethany all fighting as a team for the first time, took the 3rd place medals for the Ladies Team Kumite.
Eloise made it to the final of the Adult Kyu Grade Kata event where she performed the Kata Enpi.
She was crowned the new Southern Region Champion beating the other 3 competitors in the final.
It was an all Stock affair in the Junior Mens Kumite event as James and Samuel fought their way to the final.
It was Samuel`s day,as he got the points he needed and was crowned Southern Region Champion for a second time,
leaving James with a well deserved Silver medal.
Well Done to all who competed on the day, below group photo with Sensei Terry and then the winners photo.
Group photo Southerns 2017
2017 Southern Region Winners
Young Leaders Award
Annalisa becomes the second student at the club to achieve her Bronze certificate as a Young Leader.
The Young Leaders Award is for 12-17 year olds and Annalisa has achieved this by teaching in the children class.
The KUGB already has a Instructor programme for over 18`s and all of our Instructors are fully qualified.
Annalisa has been taking the warm ups and then teaching the younger students in Kihon, Kata and Kumite.
Annalisa had to do 10 hours of instructing to achieve this bronze award.
Congratulations to Annalisa from all at Stock SKC.
Annalisa Young Leader Award
Black and Brown Belt Course
The first Southern Region Free Black and Brown Belt course of the year,
took place in Abingdon on Sunday 19th of March.
Sensei Andy Sherry 9th Dan and Sensei Bob Rhodes 8th Dan were Instructoring,
Jason and Pam both were in attendance and practised the kata Chinte.
Below Jason and Pam with Sensei Sherry and Sensei Rhodes.
Jason & Pam Abingdon 2017
East England Karate Open Championships 2017
On Sunday the 12th of March a squad of 11 travelled to Clacton to take part in this years East England Karate Open Championships.
Once again we came away with a bumper amount of medals and trophies.
There were 3rd place trophies in kata for Eloise, Emily, Harry, Lee, Bethany and Sensei Adam.
Annalisa finished in 2nd place in Cadet Girls Kata event.
Samuel won his first Individual Kata event in the Male Cadet`s category.
Eloise won a 3rd place in the Cadet Girls Kumite.
Lee and Harry paired togather and finished in 2nd place in the Junior 3 kyu and above event.
Annalisa and Bethany also won 2nd place medals for their Pairs Kata in the Champions Cup.
Sensei Adam and Samuel won the Senior Mixed Pairs Event.
Below Photo of all the winners.
 East England Championships 2017
Club Kyu Grading
Thursday the 16th of March was the club`s first Kyu grading of 2017.
Sensei Bob Poynton 8th dan was once again our grading examiner.
Ten members from Stock SKC and one from Chelmsford SKC were on the mats performing their stuff to gain their next belt.
We are pleased to announce all of them passed with flying colours.
One young club member (Katie) put on the best display by jumping a grade at her first attempt straight to 8th Kyu well done to her.
As aways, there was the lesson for the Black and Brown belts after the grading,
numbers down due to ill health and injuries but nevertheless
it was still a first-rate lesson working on all the Heian Katas and Bassai Dai.
Below photos from the grading and lesson with Sensei Poynton.
Club Kyu grading March 2017 
Lesson with Sensei Poynton March 2017
17th Legend Open Shotokan Karate Championships 2017
On Saturday the 4th of March, 8 members of Stock SKC took part in the 17th Legends Competition.
It would turn out to be another very good day for our competitors.
This competition is for Shotokan clubs/associations only,
there were many different competitiors that we have not come up against before.
The day started with the childrens Kata events.
Four Tatami (matted areas) were being used and we had Henri, Skye and Emily on all different ones.
Emily was unlucky winning a couple of rounds she would lose out to the Karate-ka that finished in 2nd place for Brown Belt Kata.
Henri had better luck as he made his way to the final of the under 11 year olds 8th to 6th Kyu kata event.
In the final Henri performed the kata Heian Nidan which he scored an impressive 22.1 a full 1.1 better then the second place person.
This was the same result for Skye as she also won her Kata event for under 11s, 5th to 4th Kyu grade belts with a score of 21.2 for the kata of Heian Nidan.
Henri (the machine) doubled up on his gold trophies by winning the Sanbon Kumite event.
Something he had not practised until 5 minutes before starting the event.
In the senior events Samuel won his first fight and then lost out on the eventful winning of the Cadets Kumite.
This is what happened to Annalisa as she also lost in her kumite match to the final event winner.
Jason was in the the mens Kata event which had many competitors.
He made it through the preliminary rounds and was in the semi-finals where he performed the kata Sochin which scored 21.3 this helped him get into the final in 3rd place.
In the final he performed the kata Go ju shi ho sho which scored 21.6 and moved Jason up to second place and thats how it finished Jason taking 2nd for mens Kata.
One of the last events of the day was the Ladies Team Kata Event.
It was past 6pm before they started and the team of Annalisa, Bethany and Eloise in their first competition as a team were first on.
Their chosen kata was Enpi and they scored 21.4 which was enough to win gold as the second placed team only scored 20.6.
So after a long day there were 26 teams competing and our club finished in 5th place overall.
Well Done to all that took part.
Below the winners with their trophies.
Legends 2017
Sensei Sherry Course
Sunday the 12th of February Sensei Andy Sherry 9th Dan was once again at Chelmsford SKC for a course.
Seven members trained under Sensei, working on correct hip movement with combinations.
Pairing up and performing ushiro geri on each other with differant steps and the kata Gankaku
We thank Sensei Jane and Richard from Chelmsford SKC for the invite.
 Below club members with Sensei Sherry
Feb Course @ Chelmsford with Sensei Sherry 2017
Squad Selection
Five members of Stock SKC drove up to the Landua Forte Academy, Amington in Tamworth on Saturday the 11th of February.
The Annual Central Region Kata Squad Selection was taking place there, under Sensei Frank Brennan 8th Dan.
It starts with Sensei taking the class of over 100 Karateka through a brief warm up and a mae geri and double punch combination.
We all moved to the back of the Dojo and the selection begins.
Sensei has a list of everyone there and he calls out up to six names at a time.
They race into position once their name is called and Sensei selects one of the Heian Kata`s to perform.
Once the selection is over we all line up again and Sensei calls out the names of those who will be on the squad for 2017.
We all waited patiently for our names to be read out.
Adam, Jason, Pam, Samuel and Lee were all successful and now will be expected to train on all eight sessions throughout the year.
The first of them was now.
 We studied three Kata`s, the first being Heian Godan then Jion and finally the Kata Niju shi ho.
Its great training as we all work hard, Sensei Brennan makes sure that correct technique
is being taught and we can always ask him just in case we are unsure of something. 
Below photo of Sensei Brennan with Stock SKC members.
2017 Central Region Kata Squad
First Competition of 2017
On Sunday the 5th of February, 12 members of Stock SKC competed at the Presentation Cup Karate Championships in Clacton.
As a squad we came away with 21 medals and trophies.
The pick of the day was Skye, winning her Kata event, coming 3rd in the Kumite and with Henri winning their Pairs Kata event.
Henri also won 2nd place in his Kata competition and
Connor came in 3rd place behind him.
Eloise won the contest for Adult Novice to 1st Kyu Kata.
Eloise along with Annalisa took 3rd place in the Champions Cup Pairs Kata.
Annalisa also went on to finish 2nd in the Girls Cadets Kata and 3rd in the Girls Cadets Kumite.
Harry and Charlotte won joint 3rd place in the Childrens Dan grade Kata.
Lee joined Harry and they were runners up in the Brown and Black Belt Pairs Kata.
Jason took part in two Kata events finishing in 2nd and 3rd place respectively.
He teamed up with Samuel and the pair of them took 2nd place in the Senior Mixed Pairs Kata Event.
Samuel also fought his way to 3rd in the Boys Cadets Kumite.
Unfortunately Charlie missed out this time coming 4th in Kata.
Sensei Adam was presented with a trophy from The English Karate Classic Championship for Best Coach of 2016.
What a great first Competition of the year, may it continue.
Below all the winners.
2017 Presentation cup
England Kumite Squad Selection
Congratulations to Samuel.
For the second year running Samuel fought his way onto the KUGB England Junior Kumite Squad.
We congratulate him on his achievement.
Samuel along with Jason and Bethany will train up in Liverpool a number of times this year.
Sensei Sherry and Sensei Brennan will pick the final Team that will go to Italy in September
for the World Shotokan Karate Association Championships
and Portugal in November for the Europeon Shotokan Karate Association Championships.
We wish all three of them luck in making the final Team.
Below Samuel with Sensei Brennan 8th Dan.
Sam & Sensei Brennan England Junior Kumite Squad 2017
England Kata Squad Selection
Congratulations to Jason and Bethany.
The pair of them travelled to Liverpool on Saturday the 28th of January for the KUGB England Kata Squad Selection.
We are very pleased and proud that both of them were successful on being selected for the 2017 squad.
 Below picture of Jason and Bethany with the KUGB Chief Instructor and Chairman Sensei Andy Sherry 9th Dan.
Jason & Bethany England Kata Squad 2017
Club Award Night
Thursday the 22nd of December the club held its annual Award night.
The evening started off with the children along with some of the older children from the senior class performing some moves.
They showed their parents some of the grading syllabus they must know as well as some kata and pair work.
This was followed by a demo of ippon kumite from Annalisa, Bethany, Harry and Lee.
The next demo started with Skye, Henri and Emily performing the Kata Heian Nidan.
Then Grace defended herself from Jason and Samuel using moves from the same kata.
After the buffet the award presentation began.
It started with Sensei Terry and Sensei Adam going through all the years events,
from courses to grading and competitions and how well the club has done this year.
The first award of the night was the Competitor of the Year.
In the Junior under 16s 
3rd Place went to Henri Goddard
2nd Place was Bethany King
1st Place and this years winner goes to Skye Taylor
In the Seniors
3rd Place was Grace Thompson
2nd Place went to Samuel Campbell
1st Place Winner was Adam Purkiss
Junior and Senior Attendance Award was next.
This years winners were
Junior Winner Skye Taylor
Senior Winner Lee Brittney
The next award was for Most Improved Junior and Senior Student.
Junior Winner Emily Stanford
Senior Winner Charlie Sharp
Star Student winners were
Junior Winner Connor Coleman
Senior Winner Eloise Platt
The Stock SKC Student of the Year
Junior winner Henri Goddard
Senior Winner Lee Brittney.
At the end of the evening there was a special presentation to Sensei Terry.
Sensei was awarded a certificate and a photo album to commemorate the 40 year anniversary of him forming Stock SKC.
Well Done to all our winners
below photos of the 140 medals and trophies won throughout the year
and Sensei Terry receiving his Certificate from Sensei Adam.
Trophies and Medals 2016
 Sensei Terry Club 40 year Certificate
Central Region Kata Squad
The last Central Region Kata Squad session took place on Sunday the 4th of December.
It was well attended and Sensei Adam along with Pam and Samuel went to Tamworth
to train under Sensei Frank Brennan for the last time this year.
The lesson started with some basics in the way of kizami tsuki, oi tsuki, gyaku tsuki.
This was followed by the special Brown belt combination for taking black belt,
of mae geri, oi tsuki, gyaku tsuki, step back gedan barai, gyaku tsuki and then come forward with yoko geri kekomi, uraken, oi tsuki.
After that litttle warm up we moved onto kata and today we worked on 4 different kata`s.
First was Bassai Dai, then Jitte, next it was Sochin and to finish off it was Goju shi ho sho.
Then that was it.
8 Squad sessions throughout the year with Sensei Brennan, hard work but well worth the effort and travelling.
Look forward to next years training.
below Adam, Pam and Samuel with Sensei Brennan.
Central Region Kata Squad 2016 last lesson
The boys all done good
The last Black and Brown Belt course and Dan grading of 2016 took place on Saturday the 3rd of December at the Egham Sports Centre.
Stock SKC had four members go and train under Sensei Andy Sherry 9th Dan and Sensei Frank Brennan 8th Dan.
In the first class for Brown Belts Charlie and Vishal were put through their paces for their Dan grading which was to follow later in the day.
The second class was for the Black Belts and Sensei Adam was in one half of the class and Lee was in the other,
once again Lee being put through his paces for his Second Dan grading.
After the lessons had finished there was an hour break before the grading started.
The grading started at 2.30pm and after 3 and a half hours the grading was finished.
We are pleased to say that Charlie and Vishal both passed their Shodan (1st Dan) grading and Lee passed his Nidan grading (2nd Dan).
100% pass rate for Stock SKC what a way to finish off the year.
Well done to all 3 of them.
Below Charlie, Vishal and Lee with Sensei Sherry and Sensei Brennan.
Young Leader Award
Lee Brittney has become the first member of Stock SKC to reach the bronze level of this new programme the KUGB set up this year.
The Young Leaders Award is for 12-17 year olds and Lee has achieved this by teaching in the children class.
The KUGB already has a Instructor programme for over 18`s, all of our Instructors are fully qualified in.
Lee has been taking the warm ups and then teaching the younger students in Kihon, Kata and Kumite.
Lee had to do 10 hours of instructing to achieve the bronze award.
Congratulations to Lee from all at Stock SKC.
Lee below with club Instructors Sensei`s Terry, Adam and Jason
Lee Young Leaders Award
SRK Winter Open Championships 2016
The last competition of 2016 for our club to enter took place on Sunday the 20th of November.
The SRK Winter Open Championships held In Tilbury had over 250 competitors of different styles and ages.
Stock SKC winners on the day were
Gold -  Sensei Adam - Vets over 35`s Kata
Gold - Annalisa - 15-17 yrs Girls Brown & Black Belt Kata
Gold - Eloise - Kyu grade Kata
Gold - Henri - Junior Kyu grade Kata
Silver - Sensei Jason - Mens Kata
Silver - Sensei Jason - Mens Kumite
Silver - Skye - Girls Kyu grade Kata
Silver - Harry - 15-17 yrs Brown & Black Belt Kata
Silver - Adult Team Kata - Jason, Samuel & Annalisa
Silver - Junior Team Kata - Bethany, Harry & Lee
Bronze - Sensei Samuel - Mens Kumite
Bronze - Annalisa - Cadet Girls Kumite
Bronze - Bethany 15-17 yrs Girls Brown & Black Belt Kata
Bronze - Lee - Junior Boys Dan Grade Kata
Bronze - Skye - Junior Girls Kumite 
Well Done to them All
Below group photos of the winners
SRK Winter open 2016
Sensei Frank Brennan Course Ipswich
Friday 18th of November 2016 

Sensei Adam and Lee went up to Ipswich to train at Ipswich Higashi Karate Club on Friday the 18th of November.
Sensei Frank Brennan 8th Dan was there for an all grades lesson and grading.
After the warm up, Sensei Brennan put all the kyu grades through their respective blocks and punchs for their grading.
With the black belts we worked on different little combinations,
all of them concentrating on correct body movement,
not just with our chest but feet also.
The first one we worked on was age uke gyaku tsuki, gedan barai gyaku tsuki.
Next it was soto uke gyaku tsuki, uchi uke gyaku tsuki.
We then moved forward into kokutsu dachi with shuto uke followed
by a mae geri using the same arm shuto uchi on landing and numite with the other hand.
The last combo Sensei had us working on was
a mae geri step back then come forward with the same leg yoko geri kekomi uraken gyaku tsuki.
Next was kata and once again the kyu grades all worked on their own grading kata,
the black belts practised the kata Niju-shi-ho.
Last was pair work and the kyu grades practised their gohon kumite ( 5 step),
kihon ippon kumite (basic 1 step) and jiyu ippon kumite (freestyle, 1 step sparring).
The dan grades made 3 different attacks first was a left kizami tsuki,
which was blocked with a right arm nagashi uke at the same time moving the left foot to the side slightly
then countering by stepping through with the right leg spinning and empi uchi with the left arm.
The second attack was a right oi tsuki,
this time we blocked with the left arm nagashi uke
moving our front foot back and stepping forward with our right leg and empi uchi to the face.
The last attack was a right gyaku tsuki this was used with a double step,
back foot then front foot movement.
The defender would move backwards first moving the front then back leg,
block with the left arm osae uke (pressing block) and then counter with a right gyaku tsuki.
Another excellent lesson with Sensei Brennan, thanks to all the instructors at Ipswich Higashi for the invite.
Below Adam and Lee with Sensei Brennan after the lesson.
Sensei Frank with Adam & Lee Ipswich 2016
 More Success at Clacton
At the Grand Karate Cup Championships held in Clacton on Sunday 13th of November,
7 members of Stock SKC came home with 8 trophies and 6 medals between them.
Skye and Henri were in the same group for Kata with Henri just piping Skye for Second place.
A second and third place trophy between them not bad.
They also competed in the junior grade Pairs event this time they were good enough for second place.
Bethany won first place in the junior Dan grade Kata event and then teamed up with Lee to take second place in the Pairs Kata.
Annalisa was in the Cadet Kata event and she went on to win first place she also picked up a third place trophy for the cadet girls kumite.
Samuel Competed in the mens Kata and came 3rd and in the cadets Kumite he once again won a 3rd place trophy.
Samuel along with Adam came second in the senior Pairs Kata.
Sensei Adam also won first place in the Vets over 40 Kata event.
Another great day on the competition circuit for Team Stock.
Below photo of the medal and trophy winners
Grand Karate Cup 2016
Club Grading and lesson with Sensei Bob Poynton 8th Dan
Thursday the 10th of November saw our last club grading of 2016.
We had 11 students in total grading, 10 from Stock SKC one from our friends from Shoeburyness SKC.
We are pleased to say they all passed.
After the grading there was a lesson for Black and Brown belts and Sensei Bob worked the class on sanbon tzuki and some blocks.
We also worked on the katas Bassai Dai, Tekki Shodan and Tekki Nidan.
A great lesson that everyone enjoyed.
Below group photo of grading group and training group.
Club Grading Nov 2016 
 Club Training Nov 2016
Training with the Brennan Brothers in Brighton
Sunday the 30th of October Sensei Jimmy and Frank Brennan (both 8th Dans) were in Brighton.
The course was held by Seishin and Ichi-Ban Karate Clubs.
There were 3 lessons on offer.
The first lesson was a kumite class Black Belts in one class and all the Kyu grades in another.
The second lesson was a Kata class Black Belts worked on the kata Niju-shi-ho and the Kyu grades worked on their grading Kata.
The third lesson of the day was just for Black belts
This time the class was split into two, one for 1st and 2nd Dans, they worked on the kata Chinte with Sensei Jimmy Brennan.
The other class was for 3rd Dan and above and we worked on the katas Tekki Nidan and Tekki Sandan with Sensei Frank Brennan.
Sensei Adam and Lee attended and completed all 3 lessons.
As usual the Sensei`s get the best out of you and we really enjoyed the lessons and came away with stuff to remember and improve on.
Thanks again to Seishin and Ichi-Ban for the invite.
Below a couple of photo`s of Lee and Sensei Jimmy Brennan
and Adam and Lee with the two Sensei`s at the end of the 3 lessons.
Lee and Sensei Jimmy Brennan  Sensei Jimmy Brennan putting Lee right
Brighton Course October 2016
Sensei Sherry in Chelmsford
Five members of Stock SKC travelled to Chelmsford on Sunday the 16th of October,
to train under the Chief Instructor and Chairman of the Karate Union of Great Britain Sensei Andy Sherry 9th Dan.
Sensei Sherry took the warm up, then followed it up with some hip rotation work.
First using Gyaku tsuki, second Kizami, Gyaku tsuki and then the third time kizami tsuki, Gyaku tsuki and Kizami tsuki.
Still working on the hips we stepped forward with age uke-gyaku tsuki and on the spot followed it up with soto uke-empi uchi,
uchi uke-shuto uchi and finally gedan barai-teisho uchi.
The next thing we worked on was the kicking and hand combinations we have to do for Black belt grading.
Mae geri, oui-tsuki gyaku-tsuki, then yoko geri kekomi, uraken gyaku-tsuki, mawashi geri, uraken gyaku-tsuki and to finish ushiro geri, uraken gyaku-tsuki.
We all moved on to Kata with the brown belts performing Bassai Dai, the 1st Dans Kanku Dai and 2nd Dan and above Goju-shi-ho Sho.
Twice to the count studying the kata and once in our own time to finish the lesson.
Another great lesson from Sensei Sherry we would like to thank all at Chelmsford SKC for the invite and look forward to the next course.
Below photo of Sensei Terry, Sensei Adam, Pam, Charlie and Joshua with Sensei Sherry.
Sensei Sherry course October 2016
Bunkai Course with Sensei Rhodes
On Sunday the 9th of October Sensei Adam trained at  Canterbury Christ Church University under Sensei Bob Rhodes 8th Dan.
This was the second special Kata and Bunkai course for Black and Brown Belts that the Canterbury Karate club had hosted.
For the first hour we worked on the kata Heian Godan followed by some bunkai.
Then in the second hour, Sensei Bob had the class working on the kata Chinte.
Once again it was followed with some great bunkai from the kata.
Another great course with Sensei Bob Rhodes.
Thanks to Canterbury Christ Church Karate Club for the invite to train and thanks for the group photo below.
See you all at the next one.
CCCKC 2016
12 more trophies for Team Stock SKC
At the South East Open Karate Cup Championships held in Clacton the Squad of
Jason, Grace, Samuel, Annalisa, Lee, Charlotte, Emily, Skye and Connor came home with 12 trophies between them.
Jason won 3 trophies coming second in the mens Kata, third in mens Kumite and second in pairs kata with Grace.
Grace also won a second place for the ladies kata event.
In the Cadet Boys Kumite Samuel won a second place trophy.
Annalisa won two trophies, a third place in Cadet girls kata and a third in the kumite.
Lee came third in the boys kumite.
Skye and Connor came 3rd in junior pairs kata and Skye also came 2nd in her kata event.
Charlotte and Emily just missing out this time.
Well Done to all of them 
Below photo of the trophy winners
South East Open 2016
Shotokan Cup 2016
Stock SKC sent a small squad to Chesterfield for the KUGB Shotokan Cup in mid September.
Jason, Grace, Samuel and Annalisa all competed in Kata and Kumite in this very tough competition.
The Shotokan Cup is for Black and Brown Belts only and most of the competitors are of the national squads of England Scotland Wales and Ireland.
This being the case all four of them performed very well on the day
and Grace was the pick as she got through to the Ladies Kata final where she finished in fourth place.
Well Done to all of them, below group photo and Grace with her medal.
Group shotokan cup 2016
grace shotokan cup
Lancaster Karate Summer School 2016
At the beginning of August Sensei Terry, Sensei Adam, Samuel and Lee,
went on the week long training course held at Lancaster University.
These courses began in 1980 and were devised by former KUGB International Competitors as a way of passing
on their vast wealth of knowledge and experience, which is the origin of the title "Train with the Champions".
The Instructors are all the senior members of the KUGB.
Sensei Andy Sherry 9th Dan
Sensei Terry O`Neill 8th Dan
Sensei Bob Poynton 8th Dan
Sensei Bob Rhodes 8th Dan
Sensei Billy Higgins 8th Dan
Sensei Frank Brennan 8th Dan
The classes are divided into groups in accordance with grade.
Two lessons a day with extra lessons for those attempting Dan grading within the next year (which Lee took part in).
Each lesson is with a different Instructor.
Emphasis is placed on the correct learning and development of the fundamentals of Kihon, Kata and Kumite.
Samuel took his KUGB Instuctors Qualification and passed and is now Stock SKC youngest qualified Instructor.
Congratulations to him.
Throughout the week there were other activities going on.
On Monday night it was the social where we chilled out after the first day`s training and caught up with old friends and some new ones. 
On Thursday afternoon there was the Superstars Competition.
The annual, Dan grade vs the Kyu grades competition consists of 5 events.
Basketball, penalty shootouts, relay, sumo wrestling and tug of war.
Samuel and Lee took part and once again the Dan grades won.
Another great course with the best Instructors in the world of Shotokan Karate.
Below some photos from the course.
Thanks Ann for taking the photos and to Richard Naylor-Jones and the KUGB for the use of some of the photos.
Sensei Adam Lancaster 2016 Sensei Terry Lancaster 2016 
 Sam Lancaster 2016 Group Training 2016 
 Sensei O`Neill and Lee 2016 Sensei Terry with Sensei Terry 
Sam @ Lancaster 2016 Lee @ Lancaster 2016
 Stock SKC @ Lancaster 2016
Lancaster 2016 group
Sensei Bob Rhodes Course 
Sunday 31st of July 
Adam and Pam were once again on the road, this time time over the Dartford bridge and down to Canterbury.
Sensei Rhodes was having a kata course and anyone that has been on one of these before will know how good they are.
After a warm up, the class started with the Kata Heian Nidan and then Bassai Dai as a extra bit of warm up.
Sensei  then worked on the Kata Goju-shi-ho-Dai teaching a number of moves then the application of what the moves are used for
We just about got through the whole kata and once again another great lesson.
Thanks to Canterbury Christchurch University Karate Club for the invite.
Below Adam and Pam with Sensei Bob Rhodes 8th Dan. 
Sensei Frank Brennan Course
23rd of July 2016 Ipswich
Saturday 23rd of July Sensei Frank Brennan 8th Dan and Vice Chairman of the KUGB was at the Ipswich Higashi Dojo.
Sensei Adam and Pam went up to Ipswich to train under Sensei Brennan who`s lessons are always worth the journey.
The lesson started with some kihon and Sensei had us working on combinations.
First was age uke, empi uchi, gedan barai and gyaku tsuki.
That was followed by the combo of soto uke, shuto uchi, gedan barai and gyaku tsuki.
The last one was a mae geri step back same leg yoko geri kekomi land forward uraken oui tsuki.
We then paired up and one side would attack just jodan oui tsuki punch the defender would use 3 different blocks and counters.
The first was block with haiwan nagashi uke on the inside and a half step back, step back in counter with empi uchi.
The second one was block with te nagashi uke on the attackers inside
(opposite hand to what we blocked with first time) and counter with uraken and gyaku tsuki.
The final defence was a step to the outside of the attackers arm, blocking with haiwan nagashi,
this time using the legs to counter with first,
mawashi geri chudan then jodan mawashi geri followed by a ura mawashi geri
(all without putting the leg down) then land and spin with uraken to the body. 
To finish the lesson we had kata, the Brown belts worked on the kata Bassai Dai,
1st Dans (shodans) kata Jion and 2nd Dan and above the kata Bassai Sho.
Once again another great lesson with Sensei Brennan
We would like to thank all the instructors at Ipswich Higashi for the invite to train.
Below Pam and Adam with Sensei Brennan after the lesson.
Pam & Adam Sensei Brennan Course 23 July Ipswich
It was a hot, sunny Sunday on the 17th of July and 9 members of Stock SKC competed at the
 International London Karate Championships at the O2 Arena, London.
Between them they won 13 medals.
Bethany and Harry won the Junior Dan Grade Pairs Kata with the kata Goju shi ho Sho.
Bethany also won 3rd place in her individual Kata event, with Harry just missing out on a medal.
The Junior Kyu Grade Pairs Kata was won by Skye and Henri with the Kata Heian Nidan.
Henri went on to win a Silver medal and Skye the Bronze in the Individual Junior Kyu Grade Kata event.
In the Adult Team Kata Grace, Samuel and Adam won 3rd place with the Kata Goju shi ho Sho.
Grace won a Silver medal in the Womens Dan Grade Kata event
and Adam came 3rd in the veterans over 36 yrs Kata event both with the same kata Goju shi ho sho.
Samuel went on to win a 3rd place medal for the Cadet Male 15-17 yrs Kumite.
Jason and Connor were unlucky this time,
but it was good to see Jason back competing after a long lay off due to injury.
Well Done to them all and thanks to all the parents who supported them and the club on the day.
Below the medal winners from the O2.
 O2 comp 2016 
Thriftwood Karate Weekend
The Biannual Thriftwood Karate Weekend took place over the weekend of the 8th,9th and 10th of July.
The course was well attended, there were 4 lessons and 7 site activities to take part in,
as well as the usual 2 quiz`s on the Friday and Saturday night.
The lessons focused on the Kata`s, Heian Nidan and the Kata Jiin and the bunkai from both.
There were also self defence lessons from different scenario`s.
Three of the 4 lessons were held outside but the last one was inside due to rain.
Between lessons there was time for the on site activities of the
pedal cars, inflanta-bull, bouldering wall, cresta run, demolition derby, assault course and air rifles.
Everyone had a great weekend and look for to the next one in 2018.
Below group photo after training, the rest of the photos can be found on the gallery page.
Training group
National Youth Championships 2016
A small squad of 3 went up to Chesterfield on Saturday the 2nd of July, to compete in the KUGB National Youth Championships.
This was the first time our club had entered this competition and we were represented by Annalisa, Skye and Henri.
The Championships are open to any grade and under 21 years of age.
In the Girls Kumite event Annalisa lost out to one of the eventual finalists and in her Kata event she just missed out on a finals spot, losing one round before the final.
This was also the fate for Henri as he also lost to the finalist in his Kihon Ippon Kumite Event and then also missed out losing in the last round before the finals.
So close for both of them, gutted,
but Skye did manage to get to the Kihon Ippon Final, where she met the boy that beat Henri, a 1st Kyu.
Skye performed very well, but the judges voted for the boy and Skye walked away with a 2nd place Silver medal.
Skye also lost out on her Kata event losing to the girl that came second overall.
Not a bad day, first time there, the kids did really well and with a little bit more luck and training we will get more of them into the finals.
Below Skye with her medal.
Skye 2nd Youth Championships 2016
Club Kyu Grading and lesson with Sensei Bob Poynton 8th Dan
Thursday the 30th of June the club held its second Kyu grading of the year.
All the students passed with flying colours.
Young Sasha a white belt taking her first grading, performed so well Sensei Poynton double graded her to 8th Kyu (red Belt).
After the grading had finished there was a special presentation as Sensei Poynton presented Sensei Adam with his 5th Dan certificate.
There was also time for Black and Brown belt lesson at the club.
Everyone worked very hard on a hot and humid night.
Well Done to everyone that passed their grading and to those that trained on the night.
club grading 30 june 2016
Sensei Poynton presents Sensei Adam his 5th Dan certificate
lesson with Sensei Bob Poynton 30th June 2016
Course with Sensei Sherry
Sunday the 19th of June Sensei Sherry was at Chelmsford SKC for a course and grading.
Pam along with Sensei Adam attended and it was well worth it.
Over 50 students lined up for the Black and Brown belt lesson and they ranged from 3rd Kyu to 5th Dan`s training.
As usual Sensei Sherry took the warm up, a 72 year old man stretching better than most of the class could do, the man is immense.
The lesson started with some Kihon, working on some of the dan grading syllabus.
We then moved onto the Kata Kanku Dai for Black Belts and Bassai Dai for the Brown Belts.
At the end of the lesson we had time to pair up and attack with Oi tsuki Jodan and Chudan then Mae geri followed by a Yoko geri Kekomi.
The blocks and counters where different than usual just to keep us on our toes which was great.
Another great lesson from the great man Sensei Sherry.
Thanks again to Richard and Jane Naylor-Jones for the invite.
Below Pam and Adam with Sensei Sherry 9th Dan.
Course with Sensei Sherry Chelmsford June 2016 
KUGB SouthernRegion Championships 2016
At this years KUGB Southern Region Championships, Stock SKC had a squad of 14 looking to bring home some medals and trophies.
They didn`t disappoint coming away with ten medals and one winners trophy.
The Children`s Kihon Ippon Kumite was the highlight of the day,
with both Skye and Henri beating everyone on the way to the final (including students of a much higher grade).
They faced each other in the final and Henri was victorious with a 3 to 2 vote from the judges and was crowned Southern Region Champion.
In the Women`s Dan grade Kata event, Grace made it to the finals and finished in second place.
Bethany for the second year running made it to the finals in the Girls under 5`3 Kumite.
She lost out to a England squad member with a very good mawashi geri jodan.
Martin, James and Samuel all won 3rd place medals for their kumite events.
The Children`s Team Kata of Bethany, Harry and Lee made it through to the Finals and finished with 4th place medals.
Those that just missed out, the Adult Team Kata of Grace, Adam and Sam finished 3rd in their group only top 2 go to the final.
Eloise losing in the Adult`s Kyu grade kata in the last round before the finals.
As did Skye in the children`s Kyu grade event.
The Men`s team Kumite of Martin, James and Sam losing in the quarter-finals.
Annalisa lost out to the girl that won the Kumite and came second in Kata.
Grace losing to the eventual winner in the womens kumite.
Bethany having to wait for an opponent to finish on another area and then having to do kata after kata and lost out just before the final spot.
Henri losing to a brown belt in Kata.
Pam, Charlie, Harry and Lee also getting through some rounds before losing out.
Another successful day, below the winners and everyone that competed on the day.
Henri - Gold Children`s Kihon Ippon Kumite
Skye - Silver Children`s Ippon Kumite
Grace - Silver Women`s Dan Grade Kata
Bethany - Silver Girls 5`3 under Kumite
Martin - Joint 3rd 18-20yrs Mens Kumite
James - Joint 3rd 18-20s Mens Kumite
Samuel - Joint 3rd 16-17s Mens Kumite
Bethany, Harry Lee - 4th Children`s Team Kata
Squad for Southerns 2016
Southern 2016 winners
More success at Clacton
At the Essex Karate Cup Open Championships held in Clacton on Sunday the 22nd of May Stock SKC members came away with 9 trophies.
Coming first in Kata was Skye Taylor in childrens kata and Sensei Adam in the Veterans kata event.
Samuel and Adam also came second in pairs Kata.
Bethany won a third place trophy for Children`s Black belt Kata.
Henry won 3rd place for Kata and he teamed up with Connor to win a 3rd place trophy for pairs kata.
Emily also won a trophy for coming third in the childrens kumite.
Well done to all who took part.
Below photo of the trophy winners.
Essex Karate Cup Winners 2016 - Copy
Kata Bunkai and BO Course in Maidstone
Sensei Adam and Pam drove down to Maidstone on Sunday 15th of May to train at Shiseikan SKC.
They held a course with Sensei Bob Rhodes 8th Dan KUGB and Sensei Simon Oliver 7th Dan JKR.
The first hour and a half was with Sensei Rhodes working on the katas Heian Nidan and Hungetsu and the bunkai for those kata`s.
The next hour and a half was with Sensei Oliver working with the bo.
First of all we worked in pairs, performing blocking and striking techniques.
Sensei Oliver then taught the class Kata, the bo kata Sunakake No Kun.
A very enjoyable and educational couple of lessons.
Thanks to Sensei Chris Mulville of Shiseikan SKC for the invite.
Below Pam and Adam with Sensei Rhodes and Sensei Oliver
Maidstone course 2016
SRK Spring Open Championships
Another weekend and another competition, this time at the SRK Spring Open Championships in Tilbury.
The club was represented by Skye, Zach, Josh, Lee, Sam, James, Grace and Adam.
With over 250 competitors, this was the largest SRK Championships held and it was a very busy day.
The standard was high and there were Karate-ka competing from a number of different styles.
Not everyone won this time but we did come home with some bling.
Lee came 3rd in the Childrens Dan grade Kata event.
Skye won the Childrens Kyu grade Kata event.
Grace won the Womens Dan grade Kata event.
Adam won the Mens Veterans over 35 Kata event
and Grace, Sam and Adam also came 3rd in the Team Kata event.
Another successful day well done to all that took part.
Below photo of the winners.
SRK Spring Open 2016
Sensei Adam Passes 5th Dan 
On Sunday the 17th of April, Sensei Terry and Sensei Adam went up to Chesterfield for the Special Dan Grade Course.
The two hour lesson is based on the grading syllabus.
Sensei Frank Brennan instructed the class through Kihon, Kata and Kumite.
Sensei Andy Sherry and Sensei Bob Poynton walked around correcting people when needed.
After an hour Sensei Sherry took the student`s taking 5th Dan and above grading`s.
First was to practise their favourite Kumite techniques and then into groups to practise the application of different kata`s.
After the lesson had finished there was the grading for 3rd dan and above.
We are pleased to say that Sensei Adam passed his 5th Dan grading.
Congratulations from everyone at Stock SKC.
Below a happy Sensei Adam with the grading examiners.
From L-R Sensei Brennan 8th Dan, Sensei Sherry 9th Dan and Sensei Poynton 8th Dan.
Sensei Adam passes 5th Dan Chesterfield 2016
Shotokan Tiger`s Kata and Kihon Ippon Kumite Competition success
The first Shotokan Tigers Kata and Kihon Ippon Kumite competition of the year
took place in South Woodham Ferrers on Saturday the 16th of April.
The standard of the children competing was very high.
Clubs from Essex, Suffolk, Kent, West Sussex and London all took part.
We had a squad of ten compete and between them they won a total of 12 medals.
In the Individual Kata for White, Orange and Red Belt Event.
Henri Goddard won the Gold medal
Lucie Smith won the Silver Medal and Connor Coleman won the Bronze medal.
In the Individual Kata for Yellow, Green, Purple and Purple/White Belt Event.
Skye Taylor won the Gold medal.
In the Individual Kata for Black Belts
Annalisa Marano won the Silver medal.
In the Ippon Kumite - under 10 years
Skye Taylor won a Silver medal
and Henri Goddard won the Bronze medal.
In the Ippon Kumite - 12-15 years 
Annalisa Marano won the Silver medal and
Lee Brittney won a Bronze medal.
In the Team Kata for Black and Brown Belts
the team of Bethany King, Harry Russell and Lee Brittney won the Bronze Medal.
Joshua and Zachariah Fazzani also performed well on the day but just missed out on the medals this time.
Well done to all that took part and congratulations to the winners.
Below photo of the medal winners with Sensei`s Terry and Adam.
Tigers Comp April 2016 
The Spring Karate Course, Paignton
 For the second year running Sensei Adam attended the week long course under some of the top Sensei`s within the KUGB.
The class is split into four groups, 2nd Dans and above, 1st Dans, Brown belts and a final group of all the other Kyu grades.
Monday to Thursday there are two lessons a day and on Friday there is only one lesson followed by a grading.
Every lesson the Sensei`s rotate so you have a different Instructor each time.
There are also two extra lessons for those taking Dan grading within the next year.
Also on offer are two Bo lessons (staff/pole), a lecture, a social night and the Kata competition.
Another great course with great Instructors and great friends.
Below some photos from the course thanks to the KUGB for letting us use the photos.
Torbay 2016 1  
Torbay 2016 3  Torbay 2016 2  
Torbay 2016 4
 Torbay 2016 5
More Success at Kaizen Cup
Sensei Adam, Samuel and Eloise went to the Kaizen Cup held in Ilford on Sunday the 20th of March.
All three of them came away with something.
Eloise was first up, in her event of 13-16yrs old 8th-6th Kyu Kata
and for a second week running she walked away with the winners trophy.
What a week, Eloise wins her first competition one weekend,
passes her grading at the club during the week and then finishes the week off with another 1st place.
Adam was next up and this time competing in the over 17yr old Kata event.
Sensei Adam was the oldest in the event and he had to beat people half his age on the way to winning a 2nd place medal.
Last event of the day and it was Samuel`s turn in the over 17yr old Kumite.
Samuel put up a good fight but lost to the eventual winner in the semi-finals and walked away with a 3rd place medal.
Below Adam, Eloise and Samuel with their 1st, 2nd and 3rd place trophy and medals.
 Kaizen Cup Ilford winners 2016 - Copy
Lesson and Club Kyu Grading
On Thursday the 17th of March Sensei Bob Poynton was once again at Stock SKC.
First there was the club Kyu grading, which everyone passed with full grades.
Henry and younger brother Thomas at their first grading, did really well as they passed a grade and a half and went to Temporary 8th Kyu.
Lucie, Henri and Conner did even better and passed the full double grade from novice to 8th Kyu.
Congratulations to them and everyone that passed.
After the grading there was time for a lesson with Sensei Poynton just for the Black and Brown belts.
Below the successful grading group and photos from the lesson.
Club Kyu Grading March 17 2016
Lesson with Sensei Poynton March 2016
Lesson with Sensei Poynton March 2016 (2)  Lesson with Sensei Poynton March 2016 (3)
Lesson with Sensei Poynton March 2016 (5)
15 Trophies from East England Championships
Stock SKC, had one of its best day`s at the East England Karate Open Championships in Clacton on the 12th of March 2016.
Seven members went to Clacton, to compete in Kata, Kumite and Pairs Kata.
They didn`t come home empty handed as they won 15 trophies between them.
The winners were:
Skye - 2nd in Junior Kata Novice-8th Kyu,
 3rd in Girls Kumite Novice-6th Kyu.
Henri - 3rd in Junior Kata Novice-8th Kyu,
Winner of the Boys Kumite Novice - 8th Kyu.
Lee - 3rd in Junior Dan Grade Kata,
2nd in Junior Pairs Kata.
Bethany - 2nd in Junior Dan Grade Kata,
2nd in Junior Pairs Kata,
3rd in Girls Kumite 5th Kyu & Over.
Eloise - Winner of the Senior Mixed Kata Novice-6th Kyu.
Samuel - 3rd in Cadets Male Kata,
2nd in Senior Pairs Kata,
Winner of the Male Cadet Kumite. 
Adam - 2nd in the Senior Pairs Kata,
Winner of the Veterans over 40 Kata.
Below all the winners with their trophies.
East England Karate Open Championships 2016
Harry Gains Black Belt
The first Southern Region Black and Brown belt course of 2016 was held at Abingdon in Oxfordshire on Saturday 12th of March.
Sensei Sherry and Sensei Rhodes were the two instructors on the day and there were two free lessons with both of them.
The first lesson was for brown belts followed by a lesson for black belts only.
Sensei Adam and Lee trained in the black belt lesson and Harry trained in the brown belt lesson.
After both lessons had finished there was a 1 hour break and then the grading would begin for those student`s attempting their Black Belt.
We are pleased to say that Harry passed his grading and is now the newest Black Belt at Stock SKC.
Many Congratulations to Harry from everyone at Stock SKC.
Below photos after training with the Sensei`s and Harry with Sensei Sherry and Sensei Rhodes after passing his Black Belt exam.
Abingdon 2016
Harry passes black belt 
Sensei Bob Rhodes Kata and Bunkai Lesson
Sensei Terry, Sensei Adam and Lee had the chance to train under Sensei Bob Rhodes 8th Dan on Friday 4th of March.
Sensei Bob was teaching at the Chelmsford Karate club.
He was there to teach the kata Enpi and the bunkai (application of the moves) to the black and brown belts.
Sensei broke the kata down, so after only a few moves, we would get into groups of four and practise the bunkai from it.
Sensei Bob`s lesson`s are always very enjoyable and we would like to thank Jane and Richard from Chelmsford SKC for the invite.
Below Terry, Adam and Lee with Sensei Bob Rhodes 
Sensei Rhodes Kata Bunkai Course 2016
Sensei Frank Brennan Course
This week on Sunday 21st of February Sensei Adam and Lee went to Higashi Karate Club in Ipswich.
They had Sensei Frank Brennan 8th dan, down for a course and club Kyu grading.
Another excellent lesson from Sensei Brennan always brings out the best in everyone that trains under him.
Thanks to all the instructors at Ipswich Higashi for the invite.
Below Sensei Frank with Adam and Lee.
Sensei Brennan Ipswich Feb 2016
Course with Sensei Sherry
Chelmsford Shotokan Karate Club held a course with Sensei Andy Sherry 9th dan on Sunday 14th of February.
Sensei Terry along with Sensei Adam and Lee went to train under the Chairman and Chief Instructor of the KUGB.
Many students turned up from different clubs across Essex, Kent and Suffolk.
After the warm up Sensei taught the class on the use of correct hip movement.
We would then use different hand techniques making the hips to work the same way for each different combination.
Pair work was next with some kicking and making correct distance.
The brown belts then practised the kata Bassai Dai while the black belts worked on Bassai Sho.
To finish the lesson we paired up again and went over the kicks we worked on earlier but this time adding some hand techniques.
Great lesson with Sensei Sherry today, again many thanks to Richard and Jane Naylor-Jones for the invite.
Below Sensei Sherry with Stock SKC members
Chelmsford course Sensei Sherry Feb 2016 
Success at first Competition of 2016
The first competition of the year was held in Clacton on Sunday the 7th of February.
The Presentation Cup Karate Championships was an all styles event.
Stock SKC had 6 members represent the club in Kata and Kumite.
Young Skye missed out on the trophies this time but we are sure she will be winning some soon.
The winners on the day were Bethany and Lee as they won the Junior pairs Kata.
Bethany also came 3rd in the Black Belt Kata event and 3rd in Kumite.
Eloise came 3rd behind a brown belt and a black belt in her Kata event.
Sensei Adam and Samuel won the Champions pairs Kata event.
Adam came 3rd in the Vets Kata and Samuel also won a 3rd place trophy for Cadets Kumite.
9 trophies in total, a great start to the year.
Below photo of the winners
Clacton Feb 2016
Central Region Kata Squad 2016
Sunday 31st of January, Sensei Adam along with Samuel and Bethany travelled to Lichfield in Staffordshire.
Selection for the Central Region Kata Squad was taking place and as usual Sensei Frank Brennan was in charge.
Over 90 Karate-ka turned up to attempt to join the squad including our 3 club members.
Everyone was called up in groups of 6 and Sensei Brennan called out one of the Heian Katas to perform.
After almost an hour of selection everyone lined up to wait for their name to be called out to see if they were succussful in joining the squad.
Pleased to say that our three members were and are now on the 2016 Central Region Kata Squad.
It didn`t finish there, as after selection the training started.
After a quick warm up the class worked on some punching and kicking combinations.
Then we moved onto kata. The first one to practise was Heian Godan, followed by Jion and then Bassai-Sho.
This was the first of 8 squad sessions for the year and we wish them well on the next 7.
Below photo of Samuel, Bethany and Adam with Sensei Frank Brennan 8th dan.
Central Region Kata Squad 2016
KUGB England Junior Kumite Squad
Saturday 23th of January, Samuel went to the famous Red Triangle Karate Club in Liverpool,
to attempt to get onto the 2016 England Junior Kumite Squad.
We are proud to announce he was successful and is now on the squad.
Samuel had one fight to prove himself in front of Sensei Andy Sherry and Sensei Frank Brennan.
He got through and then the training began, a 3 hour lesson.
Samuel will have another 3 squad sessions throughout the year,
and 2 Grand Slams in Chesterfield to compete in.
We wish him the very best of luck.
Congratulations from everyone at Stock SKC.
Below Samuel in the Red Triangle Karate Club flanked by Sensei Sherry and Sensei Brennan.
Sam England Junior Kumite Squad 2016
Course with 5 x European Team Kata Champions
Sensei Adam and Lee drove up to Ipswich on Saturday 16th of January 2016,
to train under the current ESKA European Team Kata Champions,
the England team of Hisham Saif, Stuart Amos and Jack Somers.
There were 67 students of all different grades training.
After a warm up taken by Sensei Jack, the class was split into 3 different grades depending on grade.
Each instructor took a different group for 1 hour of Kata and then changed groups.
Adam and Lee trained in all 3 lessons and first up was Sensei Jack Somers 3rd Dan.
The first Kata of the day for them was Goju-shi-ho-sho.
After a 5 minute break, Sensei Hisham Saif 3rd Dan took the next lesson and the Kata this time was Gankaku.
Another short break and the final instructor Sensei Stuart Amos 3rd Dan and he put the class through the Kata Unsu.
Great day of training from the Kata Champions.
Thanks again to everyone at Ipswich Higashi for making us feel welcome.
Below Sensei Adam and Lee with the European Team Kata Champions
Course with England Team Kata Champions
2015 Awards Nights

The end of year Awards Night took place on Tuesday the 22nd of December.
The night started with the children performing some of the basic combos they must do in their grading.
This was followed by some Kata and then Kumite.
Some of the Black Belts performed a high grade Kata with Sensei Adam and Sensei Samuel.
There was also time for a kumite demo from Sensei Adam and Sensei Samuel that everyone enjoyed.
There was the usual games for the children to enjoy and some family members joined in as well.
After the buffet, Sensei Terry spoke about what the club has achieved in 2015.
From the many courses we have attended and the Competitions the club has competed at this year.
The awards this year went to,
 Junior Attendance winner   Lee Brittney.
Senior Attendance winner   Roy Smith.
Best Newcomer for 2015    Henri Goddard.
Most Improved Student of 2015    Bethany King.
Junior Student of the Year winner     Lee Brittney.
Senior Student of the Year winner      Samuel Campbell.
Also winners of the Star Student awards of 2015 went to
Emily Stanford and Joshua Fazzani.
 Another great night at the club congratulations to all the winners on the night and throughout the year.
Below proud Sensei Terry amongst the winners of over 70 medals and trophies this year. 
paper copy
Girl Power at last Black and Brown Belt Course of 2015
The last Black and Brown Belt Course of 2015 was held on Saturday 5th of December at Egham.
The Instructors were Sensei Andy Sherry 9th Dan and Sensei Frank Brennan 8th Dan.
Sensei Adam along with Bethany, Lee, Harry, Charlie, Amelia and Charlotte
all took the opportunity to train under these world class instructors.
There were two classes, the first was for Brown belts and the second class was for the Black belts.
After the two lesson`s there was a short break and then the Black Belt grading started.
We are pleased to announce that after a 3 hour grading exam Bethany gained her 2nd Dan and 
Amelia and Charlotte were both successful in passing their Black Belt exam.
Congratulations to the three of them.
Below group photo after training and the girls with the
KUGB Chairman and Chief Instructor Sensei Sherry and Sensei Brennan KUGB Vice Chairman.
Egham Course December 2015
ABC Egham 2015
Last Competition of the year at the SRK Open Championships
13 members of Stock SKC competed in the last competition of 2015 at Tilbury.
Skye was the champ on the day, winning her Kata event and then
coming away with a silver medal narrowly losing in the final of her kumite.
First time competior Eloise came 2nd in her Kata event.
Young Henri followed up from his first competition winning a bronze medal this time round.
Samuel won two silver medals one for Kumite and one for Kata.
Sensei Adam also won a silver medal for the Vets Kata event.
Missing out this time on the medals were Bethany, Owen, Lee, Amelia, Joshua, Emily, Zach and Connor.
Winners below
SRK Winter Comp 2015
Central Region Kata Squad
Saturday 21st of November saw the last Central Region Kata Squad training session of 2015.
Sensei Adam and Samuel along with Sensei Grace of Shin-Gi-Tai Karate Club,
drove up to Burton-Upon-Trent to train under Sensei Frank Brennan 8th Dan.
After a warm up and some Kihon of sanbon zuki and then
mae geri and kekomi on the same leg with ura-ken gyaku zuki combos we moved onto kata.
First Kata was Empi, followed by Niju-shi-ho then Sochin and the last kata one of our own choice.
Then that was it, all finished for another year Sensei Adam and Samuel had been to all eight squad session`s this year,
Sensei Jason was also on the squad but due to injury had to miss most of them.
We look forward to next year`s training with Sensei Brennan.
Below photo of L-R
Samuel, Grace, Sensei Brennan and Adam
last Central region Kata squad of 2015
Grand Karate Cup Championships
After Saturday`s succuss with the children at the Tigers Competition
it was the turn of Sensei Adam,Samuel and Lee at the
Grand Karate Cup Championships held in Clacton.
Sensei Adam won the Vets over 40`s Kata event
and with Samuel they came second in the Brown and Black Belt Team Kata event.
Samuel also went on to win the Cadets 15-18yrs Kumite.
Lee just missed out, losing in the quaterfinals of the Kumite and coming 5th in Kata.
Below photo from the competition
Grand karate cup championships 2015 
Eleven medal haul at Tigers competition
The Shotokan Tigers Kata and Kihon Ippon Kumite Competition was held at South Woodham Ferrers on Saturday 7th of November.
This is a friendly competition for children under 16 years of age and for those new to competing to have a go and gain some experience.
Stock SKC came away with 11 medals in total.
2 Gold`s, one for Bethany in the 12-15 Kihon Ippon Kumite and one for Henri in his first competition in the white to red belt Kata.
In the same event as Henri, Skye won second place and Connor came 4th.
Harry won 4th place in the Brown Belt Kata Event.Bethany, Lee and Harry took silver in the Black and Brown Belt Team Kata Event.
The team of Lucie, Henri and Conner also won silver medals for the White-Purple Belt Team Kata Event.
 For Lucie, Henri and Connor this was their first competition and they were the only white belts there.
Well done to all the medal winners and the other Stock SKC members that just missed out on medals this time, 
 Amelia, Charlotte, Joshua, Emily and Zach.
Below are the medal winners
Tigers medal winners November 2015
Sensei Frank Brennan Course Shoeburyness 31st October 2015
Early start on Saturday 31st of October as Shoeburyness SKC held a course with Sensei Frank Brennan 8th Dan.
The training started at 8am for an all grades lesson from white belts up to 5th Dan Black Belts trained.
Sensei first put the class through some kihon (basic moves) for their grading.
Then moved on to Kata, a different Kata for different grades.
We finished the lesson with pair work with the lower grades working on grading pair work
and the higher grades working on defences against Kizami zuki attacks.
Another great lesson with Sensei Brennan.
Thanks to Sensei`s Trevor and Jemma from Shoeburyness SKC for the invite.
below Stock SKC members with Sensei Brennan.
Sensei Frank course Shoeburyness 31-10-2015
Sensei Sherry Course Chelmsford Sunday 18th of October
Eleven members of Stock SKC took the short trip up the A130 to Chelmsford to the Mildmay Sports Centre at Angila Ruskin University.
Sensei's Terry, Adam, Jason and Samuel were joined by Bethany, Lee, Charlie, Harry, Charlotte, Joshua and Emily
to train under the KUGB Chief Instructor and Chairman Sensei Andy Sherry 9th Dan.
 As usual there was a great turn out with students from many clubs turning up to train under Sensei Sherry.
After a warm up and some basic moves working on hip movement and arm control, the class paired up for some kicking techquies.
This led onto the use of arm techniques after the kicks and for the higher grades multiple stepping.
The class then performed Kata depending on their grade.
All the Brown belts performed Bassai Dai, 1st dan it was Empi and 2nd dan and above the kata Sochin.
Another inspiring lesson from Sensei Sherry.
Thanks once again to Sensei Jane and Sensei Richard from Chelmsford SKC for the invite.
Sensei Adam was also luckly enough to train on Friday night at Ipswich Higashi SKC with Sensei Sherry.
Thanks to all the instructors from Ipswich for the invite.
Below group photo from Chelmsford course.
 Sensei Sherry lesson 18 October 2015 
Capital Karate Cup Open Championships
Four members of Team Stock competed at the Capital Karate Cup Open Championships in Clacton on Sunday the 27th of September.
Junior members Bethany and Lee just missed out on the trophies.
Bethany by 0.1 in the Kata event after an exellent Niju-shi-ho and Lee in sudden death extra time in the Kumite event.
Sensei Adam won the over 40s vets Kata event with the kata Goju-shi-ho-sho.
 Sensei Adam paired up with Samuel performing the same Kata in the Team Kata event they came second.
Samuel also fought his way to 2nd place in the male 15-18 year old Kumite event.
Another long day but a winning day for our small team.
Well done to them all, below photo of Team Stock.
Clacton competition
Sam comes home with 3rd place at Shotokan Cup
It was a long weekend over the 11th,12th and 13th of September as club members
Sensei Adam and Samuel along with our friend Grace from Rayleigh Karate club,
Shin Gi Tai, travelled up to Chesterfield to compete in the 40th Shotokan Cup.
We drove up on Friday afternoon and stayed in Derby overnight before driving the last leg to Cheterfield on Saturday.
The shotokan Cup is open to Black and Brown Belts only and always attracts a large entry of competitors from England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and Eire.
All the countries squad members were competing as the World Championships are taking place next month.
Sensei Adam and Grace did not win any medals this time but we are pleased to say that Samuel in his first Shotokan Cup walked away with a 3rd place medal.
Samuel won 3rd place in the Boys Kumite 16-17 year olds, a very tough group with some top fighters.
Samuel is having a good year on the competition circuit out of 6 competitions so far this year he has been placed 7 times winning 3 of them and coming 2nd and 3rd in 4 others.
The next day we were able to drive down to Woking to train at the Rising Sun Karate Academy as they had Sensei Andy Sherry there for a Kyu grading and lesson.
Wow what a great weekend of Karate Competition and training.
We would like to thank Sensei Jamie Simms of Rising Sun Karate Academy for letting us come to his Dojo to train under Sensei Sherry which as always was outstanding.
Below Sam with his medal from Saturday and the three of us with Sensei Sherry on Sunday.
40th Shotokan Cup Sensei Sherry Course Woking 2015
Kumite Course with Sensei Chris Cray
Another weekend, another course this time held by Chelmsford SKC.
This weeks guest Instructor was a former KUGB squad member and a former World, Europeon and National Kumite winner,
Sensei Chris Cray 2nd dan.
Sensei Adam, Samuel and Lee were once again in attendance.
A lot of work on reaction and movement with Gyaku Zuki, Kizami Zuki attacks and defences,
always moving forward and not falling away making the punches weak.
Also using ushiro geri and ushiro mawashi geri without any movement before the kick, so not to telegraph your attack to your opponent.
Once again another great course with another great young Sensei.
Thanks again to Sensei Jane and Sensei Richard of Chelmsford SKC for the invite.
Below photo of Stock SKC members with Sensei Chris Cray
 Chris Cray Course 5-9-2015
Kata and Kumite Course Ipswich
Sunday the 30th of August, Lee and Sensei Adam drove up to Ipswich to train under
Sensei`s John Bruce 5th dan and Holly Sterling 4th dan.
Both Instructors have been multiple winners of Kata and Kumite at the KUGB Nationals
and both have also won many medals representing KUGB England at Europeon and World Championships.
The first class was split into two with Black belts in one group and Kyu grades in the other.
I can only tell you what we worked on in the Black Belt lesson.
Sensei Holly was first and we worked on Age Uke, Gyaku Zuki using correct timing of hips to hands and keeping the legs still.
Then the first Kata and it was Sochin once again working on correct timing on turning, landing of stances and hand movements.
The Sensei`s then changed groups and we had Sensei John to take us all through the Kata Jiin.
Once again working on correct form, timing and kime.
Great first lesson, after a short break the second lesson started and this one was just for kumite.
One group this time and first to take the lead was Sensei Holly working on foot movement
of forward and back and then back forward and back.
We then started using our arms with Gyaku Zuki on the first combo and then moving back blocking
then move forward with Gyaku Zuki and back out again. We then paired up and practised on each other what we had learnt.
Half way through and change of Instructor, Sensei John worked on how to move in to an opponent and deliver Kizami Zuki.
Then changing the attack to a flowing punch and then finally how to draw an opponent in, then to side step them and deliver a ura mawashi geri.
Another great lesson from two great Instructors the future looks very bright within the KUGB with young instructors of this calibre.
Thanks again to the Club Instructors of Ipswich Higashi SKC for the invite.
Below photo of Sensei`s John and Holly with Stock SKC club instructor Sensei Adam and club member Lee.
 Sensei John & Holly Course Ipswich 2015
Karate Summer School Lancaster 2015
August time and that means the Train with the Champions, Karate Summer School at Lancaster University.
This year Sensei Adam was not alone as Steve once again joined him as he did last year,
and this year Roy and Samuel also made the journey up to Lancaster to train.
The five day course has 9 lessons on offer and you get to train under the Senior Sensei`s of the KUGB.
The class is split into 4 groups, 2nd dans and above, 1st dans, brown belts and 4 kyu and below.
Each class is taken by a different instructor and they rotate after each lesson so everyone gets to train under all the Sensei`s.
The lessons are taken by Sensei Sherry 9th dan, Sensei O`Neill 8th dan, Sensei Poynton 8th dan, Sensei Rhodes 8th dan, Sensei Higgins 8th dan and Sensei Brennan 8th dan.
All of the Senior Sensei`s have been champions at Kata or Kumite in the Shotokan cup, National Championships, Europeon and World Championships at one time or another.
Thats why it`s called "Train with the Champions".
There is also 2 extra classes on offer for those taking their grading in the near future.
  One of the KUGB 6th dans also takes two classes on the lesson of the Bo,and there`s even time for a lecture with one of the KUGB`s 6th dans.
Another great week of training and nice to catch up with old friends and some new ones.
Below some photos from the course we would like to thank the KUGB for allowing us to use some of the photos.
Lancaster 2015
Steve,Adam,Sam & Roy at the cottage Lancaster 2015Roy going for a roll 
Sam Gojushiho daiSensei Adam Gojushiho dai
Steve TrainingSensei Higgins with Adam & SamSenesi O`Neill with Adam & Sam
Stock Members with Sensei`s Sherry,Poynton,Rhodes and Brennan
Kumite Course with KUGB National Champions Rhianne Blundell and Joseph Rawcliffe
Sensei Adam, Samuel and Lee went to Writtle Collage on Saturday the 25th of July 2015,
to train under the current KUGB National Kumite Champions Rhianne Blundell and Joseph Rawcliffe.
This was the first time Rhianne Blundell and Joseph Rawcliffe held a course and it didn`t disappoint.
The whole class was put through their paces on different kumite drills changing partners all the time.
Both Sensei`s were easy to understand and to be taught by these champions was a privilege.
A must for anyone who wants to improve their kumite.
Thanks once again to Jane and Richard from Chelmsford SKC for organizing a great course.
Below photos of Stock`s 3 members and Sensei`s Rhianne Blundell and Joseph Rawcliffe.
Kumite Course July 2015
Club Kyu Grading and Lesson
On Thursday 16th of July Sensei Bob Poynton was once again at Stock SKC for a club kyu grading and lesson for Black and Brown Belts.
The night started with the Kyu grades and their grading for their next belt.
After an hour and a half the grading was over and they all passed with full grades, congratulations to all of them.
Then the lesson for the higher grades started.
Sensei started the lesson with some turning exercises with one block and one punch.
 He then, to test everyone added some more punchs and kicks to the combination.
 Sensei then got us to turn in different directions performing the same combination to test us again.
Kata was next with everyone working on the kata Bassai Dai concentrating on correct technique.
Sensei also got everyone to do Bassai Dai ura, so you start on the opposite side, very confusing at times, but great fun too.
The brown belts continued with Bassai Dai when the black belts moved on to the kata`s of Niju-shi-ho and then Meikyo.
Another great night at Stock SKC, everyone passed their grading and an excellent lesson from Sensei Poynton.
Below photos of the Kyu grading and the high grades with Sensei Poynton.
club grading July 2015
Lesson with Sensei Poynton July 2015
Southern Karate Open Championships
Sunday the 5th of July, 4 members of Stock SKC drove up to Clacton to compete in the Southern Karate Open Championships.
This was our first time entering this competition even though it has been running for over 35 years.
Another all styles competition, the sports hall had four matted areas to compete on and there was over 50 events going on.
Sensei Adam came 2nd in the vets over 40s Kata, Sensei Jason came 2nd in the mens Kumite and 3rd in the mens Kata events.
Samuel came 2nd in the 15-17 year old Kumite and young Lee just missed out as he came 5th in his group for Kata.
Another good day of competing for Team Stock.
Below photos of the trophy winners.
Southern open Clacton 2015
Course with Sensei Andy Sherry 9th Dan
Club Instructors Sensei Terry, Sensei Adam and Sensei Pete along with club members
Roy and Bethany had the opportunity to train with Sensei Andy Sherry 9th Dan,
Chairman and Chief Instructor of the KUGB on Sunday the 21st of June.
The course was held at the Mildmay Sports Centre in Chelmsford and was hosted by Chelmsford SKC.
As always it was well attended from students from at least 8 different clubs.
Yet again, another great lesson from Sensei Sherry.
Thanks again to Sensei Jane and Sensei Richard from Chelmsford SKC for the invite.
Below some photos of the training & Stock SKC members with Sensei Sherry.
Sensei Sherry Course 21 June 2015
Sensei Pete & Jack Sommers  Sensei Adam & Sensei Richard from Chelmsford SKC
Sensei Terry & Sensei Pete
Roy with Chelmsford Chief Instructor Sensei Dot Naylor  Sensei Terry with Sensei Dot
Sensei Sherry 2015  Sensei Pete and his daughter Bethany with Sensei Sherry
Brown Lesson June 2015
2015 Southern Region Championships
At the 2015 KUGB Southern Region Championships Stock SKC had a small squad of six students competing.
We are pleased and very proud to say all six of them came away with medals.
To start the day, young Skye won joint 3rd place in the Kihon Ippon Kumite event.
This was followed by Charlie winning a joint 3rd place in the boys over 5ft 5in Kumite event.
Samuel, Lee and Bethany won all their fights and were in the finals, as was Harry for Kata and the Childrens Team Kata.
The finals began and out of our finalists Harry was up first for Kata in the Novice to 1st Kyu event.
Harry performed the Kata Bassai Dai and finished with a 4th place medal.
Next up was Lee in the boys 10-11 year olds Kumite.
Lee fought like he did all day and scored with some great punches and he won the Southern Region Title.
Bethany`s turn was next she was facing last years winner.
Bethany was just short with some of her kicks to the head and the other girl scored with an ippon and won, silver medal for Bethany. 
The Children Team Kata was next with Bethany Lee and Harry, they were up first and performed the kata Tekki Shodan.
They finished with a 4th placed medal.
Last up was Samuel in the 16-17 year old Kumite.
Samuel was up against a boy he had lost to a few years earlier and with both boys throwing lots of technquies no one was scoring.
It went to extra time and with about 20 seconds to go Samuel scored with a ushiro geri and became Southern Region Champion.
Well Done to all of them.
Below the winners and their medals and trophy`s
7th Seaford Karate Championships
On Sunday 7th of June, Sensei Adam, Samuel and Lee drove down to Seaford,
East Sussex to compete in the 7th Seaford Karate Championships.
Over 215 karate competiors turned up from different Shotokan Associations and not all from the UK as a team from Italy was there too.
It was the first time our club competed at these championships and we didn`t leave empty handed.
Lee performed an excellent Bassai Dai, but just missed out on a final spot.
Samuel now 16 years old won all of his fight`s and took the Trophy and First place for the under 21 year olds Kumite.
Sensei Adam also won First place and the Trophy for the Masters Kata event.
Another great day on the competition circuit.
Below photo of the three competitors.
Samuel. Seaford comp 2015
 Sensei Garry Harford 8th Dan Course Brighton
Sensei Adam drove down to Brighton on Saturday 6th of June for 3 hours of training with Sensei Garry Harford.
In the first lesson we worked on distance in kumite with punching drills and then with mawashi geri and ura mawashi geri.
In the second lesson we worked on two katas first Jitte and then, the kata Jiin, this was followed by some bunkai.
Thanks goes to Sensei Jason Cunningham of Seishin SKC for the invite to come and train.
An excellent lesson from an excellent instructor, if anyone gets the chance to train with Sensei Harford DO IT.
Below Sensei Adam with Sensei Garry Harford and friends from Brighton and Crawley SKC.
8th Spring Open Karate Championships
Sunday 26th of April in a School Sports Centre in Grays saw the 8th Spring Open Karate Championships held by Seitou Ryu Karate Club.
Over 230 competitors all fighting for medals and trophies.
Stock SKC had a squad of 14 competing, some experienced and some taking part for the first time.
Everyone performed well on the day as the level of competItion was high.
Louise and Bryce just missed out on the medals as they came fourth in their events.
Emily in her first karate competition came away with a Silver medal in her Kata event.
Skye in only her second competition won a bronze medal in her Kata event.
Sensei Jason won a bronze in the Mens Kata and Sensei Adam won Bronze in the Mens Vets Kata event.
The Adult Team Kata of Sensei`s Adam, Jason and Samuel won a Silver medal, not bad since they only practised their kata once together.
Another long day but a good day, much to work on for the next competition.
Well Done to all the competitors that took part,
Skye, Bryce, Emily, Charlotte, Amelia, Harry, Charlie, Lee, Owen, Louise, Samuel, Roy, Sensei Jason and Sensei Adam.
Thank`s goes to Jonathan Stanford Photography for the photos below.
Bryce Harry Owen Charlotte Kids TeamJason Adult Team SPK Group 2015
 Sensei Jason 3rd Sensei Adam 3rd
Emily 2nd place Skye 3rd place Adult Team 2nd
Sensei Brennan in Shoeburyness
On Saturday 25th of April, Sensei Frank Brennan 7th Dan was instructing at Shoeburyness SKC.
Sensei Adam and club student Lee were able to go and train first thing Saturday morning.
After the warm up, Sensei put the Kyu grades (white -Brown belts) through their grading syllabus. The Black Belts worked on some of their grading syllabus but with a difference, with extra blocks and different ways of stepping during the kicking exerices.
Time for Kata, the Kyu grades performed the kata for their grading whilst the dan grades studied the kata Bassai Sho.
Another great lesson from the inspirational Sensei Brennan.
Thanks again to Trevor and Jemma Instructors from Shoeburyness SKC for the invite and look forward to the next one.
Below photo of Sensei Adam 4th Dan, Sensei Frank Brennan 7th Dan and young Lee 1st Dan.
Shoebury course Sensei Brennan 2015
The Spring Karate Course, Paignton
Sensei Adam drove down to devon to train for a week, under the senior instructors of the KUGB.
The Spring Karate Course has been running for 30 years.
Even though Sensei Adam has been a regular at the Lancaster course for the past 8 years this was his first Torbay course.
Sensei`s Sherry, Poynton, Rhodes, Higgins and Brennan were all there.
 Only Sensei O`Neill was not present as he had just had a knee replacement and was recovering.
Too much info to write about, but if any of you get a chance, go on one of these week long course`s you will enjoy them.
Below some photos of the week.
Torbay warm up 
Torbay get ready
Torbay Kata Bunkai  Torbay empi
s class
Torbay Poynton
Torbay Group
Central Region Kata Squad training
The day after the Abingdon Course Sunday 22nd of March,
there was the Central Region Kata Squad training session with Sensei Frank Brennan 7th Dan.
Lisa joined Sensei Adam, Jason and Samuel in Lichfield for the two hour lesson.
Sensei Jason had to go through the selection phase as he was unable to make the first date.
He was once again successfull and joined Adam, Samuel and Lisa on the 2015 squad.
Katas practised over the two hours, depending on the students grade, were Tekki Shodan, Bassai Dai, Empi, Jion, Nijushiho, Gankaku and Unsu.
For those that dont know these training sessions are for Black and Brown Belts of 14 years and over and the training is full on.
Another hard but superb lesson you only gain out of these training sessions by the amount of effort you put in.
Below Stock SKC members with Sensei Brennan.
L-R Samuel, Adam Sensei Brennan, Lisa and Jason.
Central Region Squad members March 2015
Black and Brown Belt Course Abingdon March 2015 
Saturday the 21st of March 2015 saw the first Black and Brown Belt Course in the Southern Region for 2015.
Sensei Andy Sherry 9th Dan and Sensei Bob Rhodes 8th Dan were the Instructors on the day.
Four members from Stock SKC went along and trained.
In The 2nd dan and above class,
Sensei Rhodes gave the group three different combos to work on,
then it was into groups of four to practice the combos on each other.
In the second part of the lesson Sensei Sherry took over the higher grades and we all worked on the kata Chinte.
This was followed by some pair work.
Great lesson from two great Instructors.
Below Photo of Stock SKC members with Sensei Sherry and Sensei Rhodes.
L-R Samuel, Adam, Sensei Rhodes, Sensei Sherry, Roy and Jason.
B Course Abingdon 2015
100% Pass at Club Kyu Grading
Thursday 12th of March 2015 saw Sensei Bob Poynton 8th Dan at Stock SKC.
Once again Sensei Bob was here for a club kyu grading.
We are pleased to say, everyone passed with full grades, well done from all the Instructors.
After the grading there was time for a lesson.
This was for Black and Brown Belts only.
Sensei Bob instructed the class on blocking techniques from Kiba dachi, then we worked on the special combinations for our grade.
Then Sensei picked a kata for each of the respected grades to perform.
After, we would then perform our chosen kata for our next grading.
Another super lesson from Sensei Bob.
Below, photos of the students that passed their grading and some photos from the lesson with Sensei Poynton.
1 Club Kyu Grading 12 march 2015
Lesson with Sensei Bob p1 12 March 2015Lesson with Sensei Bob p10 12 March 2015
Lesson with Sensei Bob p2 12 March 2015
Lesson with Sensei Bob p3 12 March 2015
Lesson with Sensei Bob p4 12 March 2015
Lesson with Sensei Bob p5 12 March 2015
Lesson with Sensei Bob p7 12 March 2015
Lesson with Sensei Bob p8 12 March 2015
Lesson with Sensei Bob 12 March 2015
Medals and Trophys Won
What a busy weekend the 7/8 of March was.
Two competitions both at the same venue in South Woodham Ferrers.
First on Saturday the 7th, six of the clubs junior students were competing at the,
Shotokan Tigers Kata and Ippon Kumite Competition hosted by Chelmsford SKC.
For club members Liberty, Bryce and Skye, this was their first ever competition and all performed brilliantly.
Bryce just missed out on a finals spot losing in the last round before the final of ippon kumite.
The higher grades of Bethany, Lee and Amelia also did very well as they came 3rd in the Team Kata event.
Congratulations to the three of them as Amelia stepped in a the last minute
as team mate Owen was ill on the day, so they had very little practise.
On the Sunday it was the turn of five of the senior members of the club.
 This time at the WKA Essex Karate Championships, an all styles competition.
First up was Louise and Samuel in the 15-17yrs Kata event.
Louise came 5th and Samuel came 3rd.
Samuel went on to win the 15-17yrs Boys Kumite event.
Lisa won a 3rd place in the Ladies Kata and she also won the Ladies Kumite Title.
Sensei Jason came 3rd in the mens Kata and then won the Mens Open Kumite Title.
Sensei Adam won the Mens Vets Kata Title.
With only five members from Stock SKC, we manged to win
Three Bronze Medals
That means Four Essex Champions in the club.
Below photos of the Kids Team Kata from Saturday and Trophy Winners on the Sunday
Jason trophy     Samuel trophy
Lisa trophy      Adam trophy
Sensei Bob Rhodes Course, Brighton, February 21st 2015
Another weekend another course, this time Sensei Adam was off on his own again.
This time to Brighton to train under Sensei Bob Rhodes 8th Dan.
There were two lessons, first an all grades class in which we were put through some combo`s.
 Then into groups of 4 with one in the middle and 3 attackers.
The defender would use the four main blocks of rising, outside, inside and down block and then counter each one in turn.
The Kyu grades then had to work on their own grading kata,
while the Dan grades went over Kihon Kata, but replaced the gedan barai with a yoko geri keage.
In the second lesson just for Black Belts we first worked on a stepping and punching combo.
This was followed with a nice little kicking combo.
Sensei Bob put the class through the kata Jiin and then some bunkai from the kata.
Another enjoyable 3 hour lesson from Sensei Bob Rhodes.
I would like to thank Sensei Jason Cunningham of Seishin Karate Club for the invite.
Below Sensei Bob Rhodes flanked by Sensei Adam and Sensei Jason Cunningham.
Sensei Bob Rhodes
Central Region Kata Squad
Lisa, Samuel and Sensei Adam had a long drive up to Burton Upon Trent on Saturday 14th of February.
This was where the 2015 central region kata squad selection was taking place.
Sensei Frank Brennan 7th dan is the central region squad coach
and we all had to perform a Heian kata of his choice to see if we were good enough to train on the squad for 2015.
We are pleased to say that all 3 members of Stock SKC were selected.
Then the training started.
The first kata was Heian Godan this was followed by Bassai Dai and then Jion to finish.
Below group photo of the 2015 squad and Stock SKC members with Sensei Brennan.
Central Region Squad 2015
Stock Members
Sensei Sherry Lesson in Chelmsford
Five members of Stock SKC trained on Sunday 8th February 2015 at the Dovedale sports centre in Chelmsford.
Sensei Sherry, the KUGB Chief Instructor was at the Chelmsford Karate Club for a training session and grading.
In the first lesson we worked on basic moves, combos the kata Jiin and some pair work.
Those that stayed for the second lesson had some different combos to work on and remember.
Then we all worked on the kata, for our next grading, before finishing with pair work.
What a great 3 hours training with Sensei Sherry.
Thanks again to Jane and Richard the Instructors from Chelmsford SKC for the invite.
Below Stock SKC members with Sensei Sherry.
L-R Lisa, Roy, Lee, Samuel, Sensei Sherry and Sensei Adam.
Sensei Sherry Lesson
Sensei Sherry Lesson in Ipswich
Sensei Adam was lucky enough to travel to Ipswich Higashi Karate Club on Friday the 6th of February 2015.
Sensei Andy Sherry 9th Dan was there for a lesson and a Kyu grading.
Sensei instructed the class through the kyu grade syllabus with the Black Belts having some extra moves added.
Then we worked on ushiro geri in pairs making sure of correct use of the hips in the technique.
Kata next, with the kyu grades running through their grading kata and the black belts practising the kata Jitte.
 Later in the lesson more pair work with multiple attacks and counters.
Fantastic lesson from Sensei as always. 
Many thanks to Steve, Dave and Heston club instructors at Ipswich Higashi for the invite.
Below group photo with Sensei Sherry
Sensei Sherry Ipswich 6 Feb 2015
Sensei Bob Rhodes in Maidstone
On Sunday 25th of January 2015, Roy and Sensei Adam drove down to the Shiseikan Karate Club in Maidstone,
to train under Sensei Bob Rhodes 8th Dan. 
In the first lesson just for Black and Brown Belts, Sensei Rhodes first put the class through one of his world famous combinations.
Next we practised Kata, the Black Belts worked on the Kata Gankaku while the Brown Belts went through the kata Bassai Dai.
Then we practised some of the bunkai from the katas performed.
In the second class, which was for all grades, we started with a punching combination.
After we finished the first exercise we then went on to perform the basic blocks and punches but stepping in different directions.
We all paired up, one side attacked with stepping punch to the face followed by a stepping punch to the body.
This was followed by the kicking attacks of front, side, round and back kick. 
The defender could use any block and counter as long as they stayed close and not stepping out to the side too far. 
To finish the lesson, we revisited the Katas we practised earlier.
Another excellent lesson from Sensei Rhodes.
 We would like to thank Chris Mulville instructor of Shiseikan Karate Club for the invite.
Below group photo and photo of Roy and Sensei Adam with Sensei Bob Rhodes.
 Sensei Rhodes
Sensei Adam
 Jack Somers Lesson
Sensei Adam was on the road for the first course of the new year.
Up to Ipswich to train with Jack Somers a World and European Kata Champion.
The lesson started with the class split into juniors, ladies and men.
The groups were put into two lines.
 One person would go down the line moving from side to side,
first using punching techniques and then kicking techniques as fast as possible.
The lesson moved onto kata with the brown belts practising their grading kata Bassai Dai and for the black belts the kata Unsu.
Before going through the whole kata, it was all broken down into only a few moves at a time.
This was so we could study the kata in great detail.
Thanks for anothor great lesson from Jack Somers.
Below group photo
Jack Somers Lesson 17 Jan 2015
Awards Night 2014
Monday the 15th of December saw the annual Stock SKC Awards night held at the club.
After the usual kids lesson, followed by the buffet the awards presentation began.
This years winners were
Junior Attendance Winner Lee Brittney
Senior Attendance Winner Lisa Ironman
Best Newcomer Winner Bryce Long
Most Improved Winner Kiera Pipe
Junior Student of the Year Winner Zachariah Fazzani
Senior Student of the Year Winner Louise Hardy
We also had two club members that had reached 10 years with the club.
 Samuel Campbell and Steve King recieved the special 10 year certificate for Stock SKC Long Standing Members.
Finally, Joshua Fazzani and Roy Smith were both presented with the Sensei Adam`s Star Student Badge.
Congratatulations to all of the above
Below photos of all the winners and also the Senior members Christmas meal. 
2014 trophy winners
Samuel and Steve
roy and joshua
xmas meal 2014
Two New Black Belts
The last Black and Brown belt Course of the year was held in Guildford on Saturday the 6th of December.
There were two lesson`s both with Sensei Andy Sherry and Sensei Frank Brennan.
The first lesson was for Brown belts and the second lesson for just Black belts.
After both classes had finished, there was a short break and then the grading started for students attempting their Black Belt.
We at Stock SKC are pleased to say that both Kiera and Lee passed first time.
Well Done and Congratulations to you both from all at the club.
Below photo of Kiera and Lee with Sensei Andy Sherry 9th Dan and Sensei Frank Brennan 7th Dan.
Lee and Sensei Brennan 
Kata Course with ESKA European Kata Champion Jack Somers
A week on from Sensei Bob Rhodes lesson and Sensei Adam was once again in Brighton, this time a course with the current
European mens Kata Champion and World Junior Team Kata winner Jack Somers.
There were 3 lessons on the day, two for all grades and one just for black belts.
In the first lesson we practised the Kata`s Heian Shodan and Heian Nidan working on speed and correct technique.
In the second lesson it was all about how to increase our speed and power.
The last lesson was just for Black belts and we went through the kata`s Jitte and Unsu and worked on some Bunkai from the kata`s.
I would like to thank Sensei Jason Cunningham from Ichiban Karate Club for the invite.
Below group photo and Sensei Adam with European Kata Champion Jack Somers and Ichiban club Instructor Sensei Jason Cunningham.
Group Photo with European Kata Champion Jack Somers
Adam, Jack and Jason
Southern Region All Grades Kata Course
Saturday 8th of November saw Sensei Bob Rhodes 8th Dan instructing at the Falmer Sports Center in Brighton.
It was the annual Southern Region All Grades Kata Course.
Sensei Adam and Samuel travelled over the dartford bridge and down the M23 and beyond to attend this course.
Sensei Rhodes chose two Kata`s to focus on.
For the first hour it was the kata Heian Shodan and the second hour it was the high grade Kata Meikyo.
Both Kata`s were followed up with Bunkai ( application of moves).
First time in groups of 5 for Heian Shodan and then groups of 4 for Meikyo.
As aways an enjoyable lesson from Sensei Rhodes with some interesting blocks and counters from the kata`s.
Below group photo and Stock SKC members Sensei Adam and Samuel with Sensei Bob Rhodes 8th Dan.
Southern Region Kata Course 8th Nov 2014
Adam & Samuel with Sensei Rhodes
 A Grading a Lesson and an Instructor`s test
What a busy November the 6th we had at Stock SKC.
Sensei Bob Poynton had travelled down from Liverpool to conduct our club grading.
Before that could start the students were put through a mini lesson from Sensei`s Pete and Jason as they were taking their Instructors exam.
They were both tested on their ability to teach Kihon or Kata and Kumite, as well as knowing KUGB and Stock SKC matters of importance.
We are proud to announce that both of them passed, as we knew they would as they have both been instructors at our club for some time now.
Very well Done Sensei Pete and Sensei Jason.
Also Sensei Terry was promoted to a KUGB Assessor, so he now is able to test people that want to become instructors within the KUGB.
Congratulations Sensei Terry.
On to the club Kyu Grading, not many taking their exam this time, but they all passed.
Well Done all your hard work has paid off.
Last but no means least was the lesson for black and brown belts with Sensei Poynton.
 A lesson that had a punching and blocking combo, followed by distance work with a single punch and kick.
This was followed by Kihon Kata with different blocks and punches and then onto our own Kata of choice.
Another brilliant lesson that everyone enjoyed from Sensei Poynton thank you very much.
Below different photos of the busy evening.
Club Grading 6 Nov 2014
Club Instructors with Sensei Poynton
club training 6th Nov 2014 pic 1
club training 6th Nov 2014 pic 2
club training 6th Nov 2014 pic 3
club training 6th Nov 2014 pic 4
club training 6th Nov 2014 pic 5
Group photo 6th Nov 2014
Sensei Frank Brennan Lesson`s
On Saturday the 1st of November Sensei Frank Brennan 7th Dan was in Essex and teaching at two different Dojo`s.
The first lesson of the day was held by Shoeburyness SKC at 8am in the morning, so a nice early start for Sensei Terry, Sensei Adam and Lee.
The lesson was mostly based on the kyu grading syllabus as some of the class were going to be graded after the lesson, with the dan grades having extra moves added just to confuse them.
Everyone was to perform their Kata next with the Dan grades practising the Kata Chinte.
Excellent lesson with Sensei Brennan and we would like to thank Sensei Trevor Mitcham for the invite.
Below group photo and Stock SKC members with Sensei Brennan.
 Shoeburyness lesson with Sensei Brennan 1st Nov 2014
Stock SKC members with Sensei Brennan
The second lesson of the day was held by Chelmsford SKC, this time Sensei Adam, Roy and Samuel trained.
 There were two lessons at Chelmsford, first was the all grades class which Roy trained in, before Sensei Adam and Samuel joined him for the black and brown belt lesson.
After some punching drills we paired up and practised mawashi geri and ushiro geri on each other using correct hip and knee movement.
Black belts went through the kata Enpi first and then the kata Meikyo.
What a great day of training under one of the worlds best Karateka`s, it was good catching up with old friends as well.
Thanks again to Sensei Jane and Sensei Richard for the invite.
Below group photo and Stock SKC members with Sensei Brennan.
Brown Belt lesson with Sensei Brennan 1st Nov 2014
Stock SKC members with Sensei Frank 
Sensei Sherry Lesson
Sunday the 19th of October Sensei Terry, Sensei Adam, Samuel, Lisa and Lee were lucky enough to train under
the KUGB`s most senior instructor, Sensei Andy Sherry 9th Dan, chairman and chief instructor of the Karate Union of Great Britain.
After a short warm up Sensei Sherry put the class through some punching drills,
concentrating on use of correct tension and using hips in the technique.
Next everyone paired up and we focused on kicking and using the correct distance with front, side, round and back kick.
We also added punches after the kick to work on speed between techniques.
Kata was next and the brown belts worked on Bassai Dai and the black belts Bassai Sho.
At the end of the lesson we paired up again and went through some different defences from a Jodan punch.
As aways another great lesson from Sensei Sherry.
 We would like to thank Sensei Jane Naylor-Jones from Chelmsford SKC for the invite to train with them. 
Below Stock SKC members with Sensei Sherry.
Sensei Sherry lesson 19 Oct 2014
Success at the 7th Winter Open Karate Championships
Sunday the 12th of October, 11 members of Stock SKC competed at the
7th Winter Open Karate Championships held at the The Deanes Sports Centre in Thundersley.
Everyone performed well on the day in this mixed style event.
The club came away with 2 Golds, 1 Silver and 4 Bronze medals.
Sensei Adam Purkiss won 1st place and the Trophy for the Male Veterans Kata Event.
Sensei Jason Sanchez won 1st place and the Trophy for the 18 yrs and above Male Kumite Event.
Jason also won a Bronze in the 18 and over Male Kata event.
Lisa Ironman won Silver in the Ladies Kumite Event.
Lisa also won a Bronze in the Ladies Kata Event.
Louise Hardy won Bronze in Girls Kumite 15-17 yrs.
Samuel Campbell won a Bronze in the Boys Kumite 15-17 yrs.
Just missing out on a medal were Daniel Colby in his first competition, he came 4th in the Boys 11-14 yrs Kumite.
Samuel also came 4th in the 15-17 yrs Boys Kata.
Great efforts on the day from Bethany King, Kiera Pipe, Amelia Skarott, Harry Russell and Lee Brittney.
Well Done to all those that represented the club and thanks also to the Stock SKC supporters club (A.K.A the parents).
Below Photos of the Stock SKC medal winners with the clubs Chief Instructor Sensei Terry Irving.
Medal Winners
Train with the Champions Lancaster 2014
This year Sensei Adam had the company of Steve at this years Train with the Champions week long course held at Lancaster University.
The week consists of 9 lessons spread over 5 days and the instruction is from the KUGB most senior Sensei`s.
Another great course, good to see old friends and new ones.
Below some pictures of the course.
group warm up
Sensei Brennan Sensei Rhodes
neill lesson
 Sensei Sherry
Sensei Poynton
High Grades
Sensei Higgins with Steve
group photo 2014
2nd Dan Success and course at Egham
The day started with a lesson for brown belts only, with instructors Sensei Andy Sherry 9th Dan and Sensei Bob Rhodes 8th Dan.
Thomas and Kiera trained in this lesson.
When they finished it was the turn of the black belts.
Sensei Adam, Sensei Pete, Sensei Jason, Roy, Samuel and Bethany all trained in the second lesson.
There was a break of 1 hour before the grading started.
Students going for black belt went first then it was the turn of the 1st Dans going for 2nd Dan.
Samuel had already passed his Kihon and the Kumite at another course so only had to go back for Kata only.
Samuel performed his chosen kata of Niju shi ho first.
 He then got called up to perform a second kata.
This time it was chosen by Sensei Sherry and the kata was Empi.
Now with both kata`s performed it`s a waiting game until the end of the grading to see who`s passed and who`s failed.
and !!!!! 
Samuel Campbell passed his 2nd Dan grading at Egham on Saturday 19th of July, congratulations from everyone at the club.
below Samuel with grading examiner`s Sensei Sherry and Sensei Rhodes
Father and Daugher, Sensei Pete and Bethany with Sensei Bob Rhodes 8th Dan
Sensei Rhodes and Sensei Pete
Is Sensei Rhodes asking Roy what`s the weather like up there?
Roy and Sensei Rhodes
Stock SKC members with Sensei Sherry and Sensei Rhodes.
s at Egham 2014
below group photo of all the black and brown belts that trained on the course with Sensei Sherry and Sensei Rhodes
Club Kyu Grading & Lesson with Sensei Bob Poynton 8th Dan
Thursday the 17th of July Sensei Poynton arrived at Stock SKC to grade some of the kyu grade students.
We are pleased to say that everyone passed.
One club member from Shoeburyness SKC also graded and passed.
The Black and Brown belts of the club also had a lesson with Sensei Poynton after the grading which everyone enjoyed.
There was also members from Chelmsford SKC as well as Shoeburyness SKC that turned up for the lesson.
We would like to thank everyone that attended and well done to everyone that passed their grading.
below some photos of the training and group photos of the grading.
Club Grading 17 July 2014
17 july 1 
17 july 2
17 july 3
17 july 4
17 july 5
17 july 6
17 july 7
group with Sensei Poynton
Thriftwood 2014
Over the weekend of the 4th-6th of July, Stock SKC held its 4th Karate Weekend at Thriftwood Scout Camp in Brentwood.
Apart from the 4 lessons on offer there was also 9 site activities to take part in.
From pedal cars to the inflata-bull. The demolition derby to the rifle shooting, all the children and the big children (adults) had a great time.
There was also two quiz nights which the team of Roy, Charlie, Nathan, Kiera and Zach won on the Friday night and again on the Saturday night with the help of Samuel joining them.
There was the return of 'Peg It' where the person who gets pegged has to suck on a dummy for 10 minutes.
Below some of the photos from the weekend.
Lesson with Sensei Andy Sherry 9th Dan
Sunday 29th of June, 6 members of Stock SKC trained at the Mildmay Sports Centre in Chelmsford,
under the instruction of Sensei Andy Sherry 9th Dan.
The lesson started with a warm up which was followed by some punching drills.
We then paired up for some kicking, (front, round and back kick)
 we practiced these by stepping in different ways to make more ground on our opponent.
Then on to Kata, the brown belts practiced Bassai Dai and the black belts Jitte.
Change of kata the first dan black belts were kept on Jitte and the higher grades moved onto the kata Jiin.
Another excellent lesson under Sensei Sherry.
We would like to thank Sensei Jane of Chelmsford SKC for the invitation again.
It was also good to catch up with some old friends.
Below group picture can you find Sensei Terry, Sensei Adam, Roy (shouldn`t be to hard) Lisa, Samuel and Kiera.
KUGB Southern Regions 2014
Saturday 14th of June the Southern Regions was once again held at the Lodden Valley Leisure Centre in Reading.
Stock SKC had 18 students competing on the day in both Kata and Kumite events.
The club managed to win 8 medals this year all in the kumite events.
Louise Hardy, Lisa Ironman and Lisa Walker won bronze in the womens team Kumite.
Louise won another bronze medal in the Junior womens kumite event.
Bethany won a bronze medal in girls kumite under 5`3".
In the boys kumite under 5 feet Owen won 3rd place.
Charlie and Samuel both won joint 3rd in the boys over 5`5" and over.
In the Kata events the Children`s Team Kata of Owen, Kiera and Amelia came 4th on their sheet
and the team of Bethany, Harry and Lee came third on their sheet and missed out of the final
as only the top 2 on each sheet went through to the finals.
This was also the fate of the adult team kata of Sensei Adam, Sensei Jason and Lisa Walker
as they missed out of the finals by one spot.
Sensei Jason also lost out in the final round before the finals in the kata.
There was also some students competing for the first time and of Stock SKC students performed very well on the day.
below group photo with the medal winners
southerns group 2014
KUGB National Championships 2014
Stock SKC had a small squad go to the
48th KUGB National Championships held at the NIA in Birmingham.
No medals this time but we will keep trying.
The KUGB has very high standards.
Within the last year there has been a World Championships and Europeon Championships
 and the KUGB Squad won many trophies at both events.
below photos from the Nationals
Group photo L-R
Roy, Sensei Jason, Lisa and Sensei Adam 
Nationals 2014
Roy Nationals 2014
Jason Nationals 2014
Lisa Nationals 2014
Southern Region Masterclass
Saturday 5th of April Sensei Terry, Sensei Adam and junior club member Lee,
travelled down to Brighton University to train on the first KUGB Southern Region Masterclass of 2014.
The course was for Black and Brown Belts only and today, Sensei Bob Poynton 8th Dan was the Instructor.
 Sensei Poynton put the class through the basics for 1st Dan Grading.
 Then there was a discussion on every movement, about correct technique and bad technique and what to look for.
We then all went through the same moves again, hopefully better...
The next part of the lesson we concentrated on Kata.
 The first Kata was Kihon Kata as it is the first Kata we all learn when we start Karate.
The second Kata on the day was Bassai Dai, this kata is the one everyone has to perform to pass their Black Belt grading.
Below, lesson photo, group picture of everyone on the course and Stock SKC members with Sensei Poynton.
masterclass lesson 2014
masterclass group photo 2014
Sensei Poynton with Sensei Terry, Sensei Adam and Lee
Dan Grade Success
Congratulations to Lisa Ironman and Louise Hardy as they passed their Dan grade exam at a course in Abingdon.
Lisa and Louise were put through their paces by Sensei Andy Sherry and Sensei Bob Poynton.
Both passed first time with flying colours.
Well Done from everyone at Stock SKC.
Below from L-R: Sensei Bob Poynton, Lisa Ironman, Louise Hardy and Sensei Andy Sherry
Club Kyu Grading
Thursday 20th of March saw Sensei Bob Poynton, 8th Dan, arrive at Stock SKC to conduct our club Kyu grading.
24 students graded in total, from white belts to brown belts, all passed.
Two of the white belts Charlotte and Daniel performed so well on the night Sensei Bob double graded them,
from Novice straight to 8th Kyu (red belt) leap froging 9th Kyu (orange belt).
For three of the students, Kiera, Amelia and Lee it was the last grading they could take at our club.
 When they grade next time, it will be for their Black Belt.
 They will have to attend one of the Black and Brown Belt Courses held throughout the year,
where students from all the UK will attempt to gain their Dan Grade.
Well Done again to everyone who passed.
 Below, Shouting for Joy, Club Instructors with Sensei Poynton and the successful grading students.
Club Grading
 Legends Competition
Saturday the 8th of March saw the 14th Legends Shotokan Karate Competition held in Bracknell Berkshire.
This was the first time Stock SKC had entered this competition.
The Adult Team Kata of Sensei`s Graham,Adam and Jason
won 2nd place in this event.
Going first in the final they had to set the bench mark for everyone else and they held on to first place until the last team performed their Kata.
They only got beaten by 0.1 of a mark by a team that were half the age of Sensei Graham and Sensei Adam.
Sensei Graham also came 5th over all in the Mens Black and Brown Belt Kata.
Everyone including Lisa Ironman performed well on the day.
Considering that Stock SKC were competing againist Karate Associations and not clubs we feel they all performed exceptionally well.
Below L-R Sensei Adam, Sensei Jason and Sensei Graham
Legends Comp Team Kata 2nd 2014
Sensei Sherry Course
On Sunday 9th February Sensei Sherry was teaching at the Mildmay Sports Centre in Chelmsford.
13 members of Stock SKC went to train with the Chief Instructor and Chairman of the Karate Union of Great Britain.
Sensei`s Terry, Adam, Pete and Graham were joined by
Roy, Samuel, Bethany, Lisa, Louise, Thomas, Amelia, Lee and Charlotte for an hour and a half`s training.
Sensei Sherry Started the lesson with some punching techniques which moved into some basic combinations.
Then some Kata, the brown belts were put through Bassai Dai, the 1st Dans Bassai Sho,and 2nd Dan and above Chinte.
To finish the class, we paired up and practised some light freestyle, hands only.
Another great lesson with a true master of Shotokan Karate.
We would like to thank Sensei Jane Naylor-Jones of Chelmsford SKC for inviting our club.
 Sensei Sherry Feb 9th 2014 course
Sensei Jason makes England Kata Squad
Congratulations to Sensei Jason Sanchez.
 He has been selected for the KUGB England Kata Squad.
The selection was with Sensei Andy Sherry 9th Dan at the famous Red Triangle Dojo in Liverpool.
Below Sensei Jason and the KUGB England Kata Squad for 2014.
Christmas Meal
Thursday 19th of December was the annual Christmas meal.
Twenty two of us turned up for the social evening.
It was good to see Henry and Chloe as they are both back home for the Christmas period from University.
Good to see Chris, he always attends the Xmas meal and we had a visit from our own Lord Lucan, Steve,
who was presented with a calender with all the club training dates for next year !
All the Stock Karate Family enjoyed the evening with much laughter and banter.
There were still some certificates to present to people, that could not make the awards night.
Sensei Terry presented a new award this year.
The new award is called the "Victory Through Endeavour Award" after our club motto.
The winner of this award was Kevin May.
Kevin started with the club in the early 90s and then had some time off due to work commitments.
 He later returned to training in 2009 after some injury`s.
He gives 100% at every lesson he attends.
 It paid off this year when Kevin passed his 1st Dan grading.
Congratulations Kevin from everyone at Stock SKC
2013 xmas meal
The 2013 Stock SKC Awards Night
Monday the 16th of December was the 3rd Award Night for Stock SKC.
The night started with Sensei Terry welcoming everybody,
introducing all the Sensei`s and advising everyone where the facilities are in the dojo.
 This is an open evening for the parents to watch their children train, as well as an award night. 
Sensei Adam began the lesson with the children
and put them through some of the training they do in a normal lesson.
This was followed by a demo of the Kata Heian Yondan with application of some of the moves.
 Sensei Graham, Emma and Samuel put on a great show for everyone.
Then the games started, with Sensei Terry taking charge.
 First the relay game then the famous over and under game which some of the parents took part.
After all the mats were put away and tables and chairs repositioned the buffet started.
The Award presentation started after everyone had eaten enough.
Sensei Adam lead this with a speech about what the club has been up to all year and what we will be doing next year.
Then it was time for the awards.
First was the Attendance Certificates for Bronze, Silver and Gold, followed by the winners.
Best Junior Attendance went to Lee Brittney with 81 lessons out of 90.
The Senior Attendance Award went to Lisa Ironman with 84 lessons out of 90.
Best Newcomer went this year to Emily Stanford.
Most improved winner was Amelia Skarott.
Now for the big two
The Student of the Year Award
The Junior winner of this award was Charlotte Stanford
and this years winner of the Senior Award was Jason Sanchez.
Well Done to all above.
This year we also had some special certificates for Stock SKC Long Standing Members.
These were for members that have reached 10,15 and 25 year membership with the club.
The first to recieve their certificate from Sensei Terry were
for 10 years or more.
These went to Megan Taiani and Sensei Pete King.
Next was for 15 years or more and this went to Sensei Graham Skarott.
Last but no means least was the 25 year certificate and this was presented to
Ann Purkiss the clubs secretary, administrator, belt tie lady and nail clipper lady.
Congratulations to all above.
Below some photos of the night.
charlie over and under game
all in game sensei graham throwing sam
2013 trophy winners
The Last Central Region Kata Squad Training of 2013
Saturday 30th of November was the last of this years Central Region Kata Squad lessons.
Once again 5 members of Stock SKC went up the M1 to Tamworth to train under Sensei Frank Brennan.
On this the last squad training of the year we went over 4 Kata`s.
First was Kanku Dai, followed by Goju-shi-ho Sho then a quick 1 minute break.
Restarted with Sochin Kata and the last kata was Meikyo.
After another 1 minute break we ran through all 4 Kata`s full speed and power one after the other.
That was it, the lesson was over, what a great year of training under such a superb Karateka.
Lets all do it again next year,     we will see...!!!
Below photo of Sensei Brennan with Stock SKC members
Sensei Adam, Sensei Graham, Jason, Emma and Lisa.
Last Central Region Kata Course of 2013
Club Kyu Grading
7th of November was the last club grading of the year.
We had 18 students grading on the night and all of them passed, well done to all Stock Karate-ka.
Newcomer Emily performed so well, the grading examiner, Sensei Bob Poynton 8th dan
double graded her from white belt straight to red belt.
After the grading there was a lesson for Black and Brown Belts which everyone enjoyed very much.
Below photos from the night.
Club Kyu Grading 7 Nov 2013
Lesson with Sensei Bob Nov 2013
Sensei Frank Brennan Course
Sensei Brennan 7th Dan was Instructing at the Mildmay Sports Centre in Chelmsford.
Sensei`s Adam, Pete and Jason went along to train under the former multiple time winner of National, European and World titles.
The lesson got started and after a short warm up Sensei Brennan put the class through their paces with some basic combination work.
We all then paired up and one person would attack with Oui zuki Jodan (stepping punch to the face).
 The defenders would use tai sabaki (body movement) .
 The first 3 attack`s the defender blocked and then countered using punching technique`s,
 the next 3 attack`s the defender blocked and countered with kicks.
We changed partners numerous times for the variety of different attackers and until we all got it correct.
The class finished with kata.
 The brown belts worked on the kata Bassai Dai, the black belts went through the kata Chinte.
Another excellent lesson from Sensei Brennan.
 We would like to thank Sensei Jane Naylor-Jones from Chelmsford SKC
for the invite and for organizing the course.
Below photo`s of the group after training and Sensei`s Adam, Pete and Jason with Sensei Brennan 
Sensei Brennan course November 2013
  Pete,Adam,Sensei Brennan,Jason
Congratulations Jason 3rd Dan
On Saturday 5th of October Jason Sanchez passed his 3rd Dan grading at Bath.
Jason becomes only the 6th person in our club to reach this milestone and the youngest one.
Many Congratulations from everyone at Stock SKC.
Below Jason in the back row, 5th from left, with other successful 3rd Dan`s
jason 3rd dan
Below, Jason and his club certificate with Sensei Terry and Sensei Adam
Jason with club certificate 
38th Shotokan Cup
Sensei Adam, Sensei Graham, Jason, Emma and Lisa travelled up to Chesterfield for the weekend to compete in the 38th Shotokan Cup.
The competition is different than others that we enter as it is only open to Black and Brown Belts.
There are no team events and competitors choose their own Kata (which is scored on a points system).
Kata was first and the Men`s event was spilt into 2 pool`s top four from each pool into a semi-final.
Sensei Adam and Sensei Graham both came up short as they both finished 5th in their pool`s.
Jason however got through to the semi-final`s, he was consistent as he scored exactly the same as in the group stage.
Jason ended up coming 6th overall.
To the girl`s Emma and Lisa were in different groups and like Sensei Adam and Sensei Graham
they also came 5th in their group just missing out a semi-final spot.
Jason was the only one taking part in the Kumite from our club and it was his first time in the senior mens draw.
After getting a bye in the first round, Jason fought through to the quater-finals
where he come up against Joseph Rawcliffe current KUGB National Champion.
On this occasion the winner was Joseph who went on to win the event.
Well Done to all that represented the club and I think we all learned a thing or two for next time.
Some photos below and some more to follow.
Emma at the 38th Shotokan Cup    Sensei Graham 38th Shotokan Cup  Lisa Shotokan Cup 2013
Sensei Adam Shotokan Cup 2013  Jason Shotokan Cup 2013
 Club Picnic
Well, we were very lucky with the British weather on Sunday 11th August, when we held our first club picnic.
Over 45 people turned up to chill out on a Sunday afternoon or thats what some of them thought.
We played games that included rounders and fast cricket which everyone enjoyed.
Look forward to next year`s picnic already, as kids as well as parents got involved in the games.
Below some photos of the day.
club picnic 1  club picnic 2
club picnic 3 club picnic 4
                                                     club picnic 5
Train with the Champions 2013
Sensei Adam attended the week long Karate Summer School Course, at Lancaster University for the 7th year.
The first course took place in 1981 and was devised by former KUGB International competitors
as a way of passing on their vast wealth of knowledge and experience.
Sensei Sherry along with Sensei`s O`Neill, Poynton, Rhodes, Higgins and Brennan taught two lessons a day
with the instruction in Kihon, Kata and Kumite along wth some Bunkai from the Kata`s practised.
Below group photo from the course.
Summer camp2013
Sensei Frank Brennan Course
On Sunday 28th July, 5 members of Stock SKC took the short trip to Sudbury SKC, as they were hosting a lesson with Sensei Frank Brennan 7th Dan.
We would like to thank Tony the instructor of Sudbury SKC for inviting us once again, and what a great lesson it was.
First we started with some basic combination work, then moved onto Kumite and finished with Kata.
Another superb lesson from one of the worlds best karateka.
Below Sensei Frank Brennan with members of Stock SKC.
L-R Lisa, Sensei Terry, Sensei Brennan, Sensei Adam, Emma and Sensei Graham.
Sensei Brennan Lesson 28-7-2013 
There was a Black and Brown Belt Course and Grading on Saturday 20th July, this time held at the Guildford Spectrum Leisure Centre in Surrey.
Sensei Andy Sherry 9th Dan and Sensei Billy Higgins 7th Dan were the Instructors.
Some of Stock SKC members turned up to train in the two lessons and enjoyed it very much, as for some of them it was the first time training under Sensei Higgins.
After both lessons had finished there was an hour break before the Dan Grading commenced.
Kevin, Alex and Owen were grading today and we are pleased to say all of them passed.
Well Done from everyone at Stock SKC.
Three new Black Belts.
Below photo of Kevin, Alex and Owen with Grading Examiners Sensei Andy Sherry and Sensei Billy Higgins.
Dan Grading 20-7-2013
Club Kyu Grading 18th July 2013
On a hot Thursday evening Sensei Bob Poynton 8th Dan put the Stock SKC grading students through their paces. 
Sensei was about 45 minutes later than planed, due to being stuck in the car park of the M25.
Its always a challenge for the students when Sensei Bob is here,
because he does not just get them to perform their grading techniques but asks questions about translation of Japanese terms,
(which keeps us all on our toes).
Well Done to everyone that passed.
Club Kyu Grading 18-7-2013
Southern Region Championships 2013
Stock SKC went to Reading with a team of ten Karateka to compete in the 2013 Southern Region Championships.
Everyone performed well on the day.
Samuel fought his way to 3rd place in the over 5`5ft boys Kumite.
Henry also won a silver medal in the 18-20 year old Kumite.
Young Bradley and Owen both got through many rounds before being beaten close to the Kata finals.
Jason also missed out in the last round before the finals.
The Adult Team Kata of Tony, Jason and Henry won their group to make it into the final, where they manged to come 3rd overall.
Harry in his first competition also performed well in his group.
Kiera, Lee and Sammy also gained more competition experience.
Well Done to all for representing the club.
         Sammy Southerns 2013                      Samuel Southerns 2013
Owen Southerns 2013  Stock SKC Team Southern Regions 2013
Southerns 2013 Team Kata  Southern Region 2013 Medal Winners
Brighton Course with Sensei Jimmy and Frank Brennan 7th Dan
Sensei Adam attended a special course organized by his friends Sensei Robin and Vale Dale 5th Dans
and Sensei Jason Cunningham 3rd Dan of Ichiban Shotokan Karate Club.
This was the second year in a row that they were able to have
Sensei Jimmy Brennan 7th Dan and his brother Sensei Frank Brennan also 7th Dan down to Brighton University for the Day.
The training was split into 3 different lessons,
in the first 2 training sessions the class was split into two groups,
with Black Belts in one and Brown Belts and below in another.
In the first hour and a half lesson it was Kumite training, first with Sensei Jimmy
and then half way through the Sensei`s swaped over and it was then Sensei Frank.
 There was a 30 minute break, then it was back to training for another hour and a half for Kata of Hangetsu
taught by Sensei Frank
and Meikyo with Sensei Jimmy and some Bunkai at the end.
We had a short break and changed rooms to the dojo up stairs in Falmer Sports Centre and this was for Black Belts only,
as we were put through the Kata Jiin,
by Sensei Frank as Sensei Jimmy walked around keeping an eye on us all, no hiding place.
All 3 lessons was as usual excellent.
Below Group Photo and Sensei Adam paired with England Squad Member Jack Somers.
s Lesson Brighton 2013
Sensei Adam and England squad member Jack Somers
47th KUGB National Karate Championships
Saturday 4th of May was the 47th KUGB National Karate Championships at the NIA in Birmingham.
A team of 6 students represented the club, Sensei Adam and Sensei Graham along with Jason, Emma, Henry and Lisa.
The competition numbers were up from last years entries and the quality of the competitiors had also improved.
All of our entries performed well on the day, the team kata of Sensei Graham, Emma and Sensei Adam came 6th overall, may be we will practice next time.
In the individual Kata, Jason and Emma both got as far as the Quarter-finals before losing out.  
No medals this time but a good day was had by all.
The day ended with the finals but before that started awards were given to students for their LSM (Long Standing Membership).
Sensei Terry was awarded his Certificate for 40 years with the KUGB from the KUGB chairman and Chief Instructor Sensei Andy Sherry 9th Dan.
Also our club Kyu grading examiner Sensei Bob Poynton was awarded his 8th Dan at the finals along with Sensei Terry O`Neill.
Congratulations to Sensei Terry on 40 years with the Karate Union of Great Britain and Congratulations to Sensei Poynton and O`Neill on their 8th Dans.
Below Stock SKC Team with Sensei Terry.
Nationals 2013
 Emma Heian Yondan
Emma Nationals 2013
 Henry Heian Yondan
Henry Nationals 2013
 Jason Heian Godan
Jason Nationals 2013
 Lisa Heian Shodan
Lisa Nationals 2013
 Sensei Graham Kumite
Sensei Graham Nationals 2013
 Jason Kumite
 Jason and Henry
Sensei Terry receiving his KUGB 40 years Long Standing Membership certificate,
 from the KUGB Chairman and Chief Instructor Sensei Andy Sherry 9th Dan.
 KUGB 2013 103
Sensei Terry receiving his 40 year certificate from Sensei Sherry
Back at Stock HQ, Sensei Terry shows off his 40 year LSM certificate with the Thursday night senior class
Sensei 40 year
 Club Kyu Grading
Thursday 7th of March was the first Club Kyu Grading of the new year.
Sensei Bob Poynton 7th Dan, graded 19 students from Stock SKC.
All 19 passed, a couple of students had to pull out at the last moment, due to work and ill health.
Three students double graded from novice to 8th Kyu Well Done to Chloe, Danni and Ronnie.
Congratulations to the following:
Charlie 9th Kyu
Billy 9th Kyu
Ronnie 8th Kyu
Danni 8th Kyu
Chloe 8th Kyu
Jamie 7th Kyu
Joshua 7th Kyu
Liberty 7th kyu
Frankie 7th Kyu
Jack Temp 6th Kyu
Sammy 6th Kyu
Harry 6th Kyu
Arabella 6th Kyu
Charlotte 5th Kyu
Amelia 4th Kyu
Keira 4th Kyu
Lee 4th Kyu
Lisa 2nd Kyu
Daniel Temp 1st Kyu
Below photo with Sensei Bob Poynton
After the Grading Sensei Poynton took some of the Black and Brown Belts of the club, through the three Tekki Kata`s.
Below some photos of the lesson.
Tekki Kata
Tekki Katas
Tekki Nidan
Tekki Shodan
Brown Belts Tekki Shodan
Class Tekki Shodan
Sensei Bob Lesson
Sensei Andy Sherry 9th Dan
The KUGB Executive Committee is pleased to announce that the Technical Committee
has awarded the grade of 9th Dan to our Chief Instructor, Sensei Andy Sherry.
Sensei Sherry began his practice of Karate in 1959 and continues to train as enthusiastically
as ever in order to develop deeper insights into his understanding of Karate.
We are extremely proud of him and congratulate him on this tremendous achievement.
Congratulations Sensei Sherry from all at Stock SKC.
Sensei Brennan Course
Chelmsford SKC hosted a lesson with Sensei Frank Brennan 7th Dan on Saturday 23rd of February.
Five members of Stock SKC travelled the short distance to the Dovedale Sports Centre in Chelmsford to train.
After a warm up and some basic drills the Black Belt practiced the Kata Gankaku and the Brown Belts Bassai Dai.
Well Done to Sensei Graham, Samuel, Kevin, Alex and Thomas for attending and representing the club at this course.
Below some pictures taken on the day by Jonathan Stanford of Jonathan Stanford Photography.
Sensei Brennan Course 23 Feb 2013
 Black Belt Kata
Brown Belt Kata
Kata Practise
 Sensei Graham with Sensei Frank Brennan
 Sensei Graham with Sensei Frank Brennan
Central Region All-grades course and Kata Squad Selection and Training
Friday 8th February, 6 members of Stock SKC left Essex for the Central Region all grades course and attempt to get into the Central Region Kata Squad.
Sensei Adam, Sensei Graham, Jason, Emma, Megan and Lisa all arrived at the travelodge in Birmingham to spend Friday night.
It was Saturday morning and it was snowing, not too badly and we all left to travel the 30 mintues to the venue for the course.
Sensei Frank Brennan 7th Dan is the Instructor at these courses, and the lesson, which was for an hour and a half went very quickly.
We then had an hour break and then selection for the squad took place.
Sensei Brennan called out 5-6 karate-Ka at a time, and then asked to see one of the Heian Katas.
Once everyone had performed their kata there was a small break,
and then Sensei Brennan called out the names of successful Karate-ka that made it into the Kata Squad.
We all got in, so now we trained for another hour and a half on kata of Heian Godan, Jion and Niju-shi-ho.
After the lesson we travelled back to another travelodge at Bishops Stortford and spent the night there.
We lost Megan that night as she had to get home for a family function.
In the morning we got up early and left there to travel down to Chelmsford SKC and train under Sensei Andy Sherry 8th Dan.
We met up with Sensei Terry, Samuel, Alex, Thomas and Owen there.
Another great lesson done.
Below the Central Region Kata Squad for 2013
central region kata squad 2013
Below Megan, Jason, Sensei Graham, Sensei Brennan, Emma, Lisa and Sensei Adam
central region course 2013
Below,Group photo of all the Black and Brown Belts after Sensei Sherry lesson at Chelmsford SKC.
Stock SKC members after the lesson
L-R Jason, Sensei Graham, Emma, Sensei Terry, Lisa, Samuel, Sensei Adam, Alex and Thomas, young Owen left too soon for the photo.
Sensei Sherry course 2013 
Open Evening and Awards Night 2012
December 20th was the Open Evening and the 2012 Awards night at Stock SKC.
The children`s class started off the night, with a warm up then a quick game.
This was followed by a lesson from the children and ended with more games, which some of the family members could take part in.
After putting the mats away and rearranging the tables and chairs we started on the buffet.
Then the award presentation commenced.
Everyone received an Attendance Certificate, of either Gold, Silver or Bronze depending on how many lessons they had trained.
This years winners were;
Best Junior Attendance - Jack Thomson
Best Senior Attendance-  Samuel Campbell
Best Newcomer - Harry Russell
Most Improved - Charlotte Stanford
Junior Student of the Year - Owen Sanford
Senior Student of the Year - Emma Burke
Below some photos of the evening
Joshua Jumping Pair Work 2
SAM_1350 SAM_1369
Parents Laughing Fun and Games
                                     2012 Trophy Winners 
Senior Class Christmas meal 
Monday 17th of December, 20 of our senior class went out for the evening for their Christmas meal
at the Bread and Cheese pub in Benfleet.
Everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves, with much laughter
and banter between members about eye make up and the size of Christmas Puddings!!!
Photos below.
Xmas do 1 Xmas do2
Xmas do 3 Xmas do 4
Xmas do 5 Xmas do 6
Emma makes the grade at Egham
The last Black and Brown Belt course of the year was held on Saturday 1st December at the Egham Leisure Centre in Egham Surrey.
Sensei Sherry and Sensei Brennan were the instructors.
The first lesson was for brown belts, this was split into two groups those taking their shodan grading and those not.
The second lesson just for dan grades was split into two as well, this time 1st dans as one group and 2nd dan and above in the other.
It was good to see so many high grades training right up to and including 6th dans.
In the first lesson Emma and sister Lisa trained, and in the dan grade lesson Sensei Adam, Sensei Graham and Jason trained.
As usual the training was fantastic, Sensei Brennan makes you think about every movement in kata
and for Sensei Sherry we are very lucky to have someone of he`s ability as our chairman and chief instructor.
I only wish that we could all execute those ushiro mawashi`s as good as he does.
After a short break the dan grading took place.
Sensei Adam and Sensei Graham managed to watch as Emma was graded.
We are pleased to say she did very well as she was the only women grading, so had to fight against one of the young male karate-ka.
Emma passed her Dan grading with flying colours and is now our newest Black Belt at the club.
Well Done from all at Stock SKC.
Below Emma pictured with Sensei Sherry and Sensei Brennan.     Sensei Adam, Emma and Sensei Graham
Emma with Sensei Sherry & Sensei Brennan             Emma success
Emma with her Black Belt and Club Certificate and group photo with some of the other Dan grades at the club.
Emma with her club certificate  Emma and Dan grades
Southern Region Kata Course
Saturday 10th of November there was a KUGB Southern Region Kata course held at the K2 Sports Centre Crawley.
Sensei Bob Rhodes 7th Dan was the Instructor.
After a short warm up we got straight into kata.
First Kata was Heian Nidan followed by Heian Godan and then to finish Gankaku.
We then got into groups of 5 and Sensei Rhodes taught his perfered Bunkai (application) of some of the moves from each kata.
The two hour lesson went really quickly, but we all enjoyed it and it was good to see some friends from other clubs as well.
Below are the 7 members of Stock SKC who trained with Sensei Bob Rhodes.
Sensei Terry, Sensei Adam, Sensei Graham with Jason, Megan, Samuel and Emma.
Southern Region Kata Course
Sudbury SKC course with Sensei Frank Brennan 7th Dan
On Saturday 3rd November 5 members of Stock SKC took the short trip up to Sudbury to train under Sensei Frank Brennan.
After some Kihon, we paired up for Kumite and then finished the lesson with Kata.
As usual we all learned something new, which is always a good thing and a very good reason why we go on these courses,
because it doesn`t matter what grade you are or how long you have trained for, you always find something new to learn.
Thanks again to Sensei Antonio of Sudbury SKC for organizing this course with Sensei Brennan.
Below Stock SKC members with Sensei Brennan.
L-R Jason, Sensei Adam, Sensei Brennan, Sensei Graham, Emma and Samuel.
Sudbury course with Sensei Brennan
Kyu Grading Success at Stock SKC
1st November saw the last club grading of 2012.
 After one hour delay due to Sensei Poynton sitting in a traffic jam for over an hour the grading commenced.
The wait was worth the delay as everyone passed.
 Even better was our 3 novices performed so well, Sensei Poynton graded them straight to Temporary 8 kyu (red belt) so they jumped a grade.
Well Done to all who Passed.
Lisa 3rd Kyu
Lee 5th Kyu
Amelia 5th Kyu
Kiera 5th Kyu
Arabella 7th Kyu
Harry 7th Kyu
Haydn 8th Kyu
Joshua 8th Kyu
Jamie 8th Kyu
Grading 1-10-2012
After the Grading Sensei Poynton instructed the high grades through the kata`s of Bassai Dai, Hangetsu and Sochin.
Hangetsu Kata Hangetsu Lesson
Sochin Kata group with Sensei Poynton
Tai Ki Do Lesson
Sensei Terry and Sensei Adam instructed recently at Sensei Alan White`s Dojo in Rayleigh.
They were there to teach the class some Kumite techniques.
Sensei Alan teaches from a mixture of Taekwondo ,Kung Fu ,Ju-Jit-Su and Karate.
Sensei Terry lead the lesson with some kumite Techniques about making gaps and stepping combinations.
This was followed by Sensei Adam with foot sweeping and countering and then some self-defence from hook punches.
We would like to thank Sensei Alan for the invitation to teach at his club. 
A few months earlier Sensei Alan had taught at Stock SKC teaching us different warm up exercises
and some wrist locks and pair work.
Unfortunately we don`t have any photos of Sensei Alan and his club when they came to Stock to train.
Below are some photos of the lesson at Tai Ki Do in Rayleigh.
Tai Ki Do LessonTai Ki Do Lesson 1
Tai Ki Do Lesson 2Tai Ki Do Lesson 3
            Tai Ki Do group photo
Double Success at Bath 
At the Special Dan Grade Course held at Bath University on Saturday 6th of October, Sensei Terry and Sensei Graham passed their grading exam.
With an examination panel of Sensei Andy Sherry 8th Dan, Sensei Bob Poynton 7th Dan and Sensei Frank Brennan 7th Dan,
there were Karate-Ka from all over the country grading for 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th Dan.
Sensei Graham was in a big group of 2nd and 3rd dans and they were up first to be put through their paces.
Sensei Graham passed and is now a 4th Dan.
Then it was time for the 4th and 5th Dans to grade a much smaller group with five people going for 5th Dan and just two for 6th Dan.
They all passed so that means Sensei Terry is now a proud 5th Dan one of only around 40 within the KUGB.
Well Done again from everyone at Stock SKC.
Below two very happy Karate-Ka
 Sensei`s passes 5th and 4th Dan  
L-R Sensei`s Bob Poynton,Sensei Graham, Senei Andy Sherry, Sensei Terry and Sensei Frank B
Sensei`s Bob, Graham, Andy, Terry and Frank
Special Course for Cancer Research UK
On a wet Sunday morning on the 23rd September, 5 members of Stock SKC went to Ipswich
to train at Ipswich Higashi SKC.
Two reasons why they did this was,
one being the good cause for cancer research UK,
and the second, a chance to train under Sensei Sherry and Sensei Brennan.
The class was split into two, with Brown Belts and above in one class and all the lower Kyu grades in another.
Sensei Sherry Instructed the higher grades first then swaped with Sensei Brennan half way through the first lesson.
After an 1 hour break we started again for the next 2 hour lesson.
There is far too much to write about what happened in the lessons, but I am sure all of us learnt something new.
We believe there was about 72 students training and they raised £500-£600 for cancer research UK.
Below the five who trained can you spot them?
Sensei Terry, Sensei Adam, Sensei Graham, Emma and Lisa.
Sensei Sherry & Sensei Brennan Course
ipswich course 2012
 lisa ipswich course  senseis terry & adam ipswich course
emma ipswich course 
sensei graham ipswich course pair work ipswich course
2012 Shotokan Cup
Its been a few years, but this year Stock SKC returned to compete at the Shotokan Cup in Chesterfield.
Six Stock SKC members went up the M1 for the weekend.
With five competiting and loyal support from Lisa (The Stig) Beard we had an enjoyable weekend.
Emma Burke, Megan Taiani and Jason Sanchez all taking part for their first Shotokan Cup all learnt valuable
lessons from the day.
Sensei Adam out of Retirement after 4 years, took part in the mens Kata (and quite enjoyed it).
Sensei Graham (Uncle Graham) was the most successful one from the club, he performed the Kata Sochin
and did the loudest Kiai we have ever heard from him, Sensei Adam, Emma and Megan were all in shock, with jaws almost hitting the floor.
Sensei Graham got through to the Semi-finals, where he again performed Sochin Kata but a stumble on the mats did not help him.
Overall he came 7th out of 60 Big WELL DONE, and he was possibly one of the oldest (if not the oldest) taking part in Kata.
Below Stock SKC Competiors
L-R Jason Sanchez, Megan Taiani, Sensei Adam, Emma Burke and Sensei Graham.
Shotokan Cup 2012
Train with the Champions 2012
Once again Sensei Adam went away for the week in August to train under the senior Instrutors within the KUGB.
Below group photo taken after the first lesson.
100% Pass Rate
The club had its Kyu grading on Thursday 28th June, the examiner was as usual Sensei Bob Poynton.
Everyone passed a full grade, so well done all.
A special well done goes to
Harry Russell and Simon Fisher
who performed so well at the grading Sensei Poynton double graded them from novice to 8th Kyu`s.
A lesson for Black and Brown Belts took place after the grading, with some kumite training and kata.
Another successful evening, 100% grading pass rate and everyone who trained learnt something new.
Below, Grading Success students.
Club Kyu Grading 28 June 2012 
Those who trained under Sensei Bob Poynton
Training with Sensei Bob Poynton 28 June 2012
On Saturday 23rd of June the KUGB Southern Region Championships were held at the Lodden Vallay Leisure Centre in Reading.
 Stock SKC took a Team of 14 Students, some hardened veterans of competition and some new comers to the experience of competing.
Overall all performed very well, all the newcomers showed great promise for future competitions.
Stock SKC came away with 9 medals in total,
Bethany King and Bradley Tyler both winning silver medals for their respective kumite events (10-11 year olds).
Lisa Beard Took a Bronze Medal for Novice to 1st Kyu Adult Kata.
The senior Team Kata of Graham Skarott, Paul Johnston and Emma Burke was placed 3rd and 4th place went to the junior Team Kata of Jake Scott, Bethany King and Bradley Tyler.
Great effort from everyone on the day, also great support from the parents.
Below Team Stock photo with Sensei Terry and Sensei Adam. More photos on the gallery page.
Southerns 2012
On Saturday 24th March, young Bradley Tyler attempted and passed his Shodan grading (first time) in Egham.
He Trained for an hour and a half before the grading under the instruction of the
KUGB Chief Instructor Sensei Andy Sherry 8th Dan and Sensei Bob Poynton 7th Dan.
Then after a break of a couple of hours (whilst the dan grades trained) the grading started.
Bradley did extremely well, he was sharp and his techniques were also very good.
Very Well Done from all of us at Stock SKC.
         Sensei Andy Sherry and Bradley    Sensei Bob Poynton and Bradley
Sensei Sherry and Bradley
Sensei Poynton and Bradley     
Bradley with his Black Belt and Club Certificate 
                                                        Bradley with black belt
Club Kyu Grading 23-2-2012
The first club Kyu grading of the year was held on February 23rd.
Sensei Bob Poynton 7th Dan was the grading examiner once again.
Well Done to everyone from Stock SKC all PASSED.
Also well done to members from Kingswood SKC and Chelmsford SKC.
Club Kyu Grading 23-2-2012
Award Night
The first Stock SKC Awards night was held on Thursday 22nd December and was a great success.
The night started with the childrens class demonstrating to their familys what they get up to in a general lesson at the club.
This was followed by games which some of the spectators were allowed to participate in.
There was a buffet after the games and then the award presentation followed.
There was Bronze, Silver and Gold certificates for all students for their attandance throughout the year
the Trophy winners were;
 Best Junior Attandance   Amelia Skarott 
 Best Senior Attandance  Samuel Campbell
 Best Newcomer  Sammy Tyler and Lee Brittney
 Most Improved  Bradley Tyler
 Student of the year Samuel Campbell
samuel    sammy
lee    bradleysamuel1
Congratulations from all at Stock SKC.
Sensei Pete gains 4th Dan
On Saturday 1st of October at the special Dan Grade lesson and Grading held in Chesterfield Sensei Pete passed his 4th Dan,
well done from all at Stock SKC.
Below Sensei Pete and other successful Karate-Ka for 4th Dan.
Club Kyu Grading 29/09/2011
The club held its last grading of the year on Thursday 29th September.
Sensei Bob Poynton 7th Dan was again the Examiner.
Everyone passed Well Done.
Special mention to brother and sister Jodie and Lee who were double graded from novice to 8th Kyu (red belt).
Also well done to members from Kingswood SKC and Chelmsford SKC.
Club Kyu Grading 29/9/2011
Sad Farewell to the Gallay Family
After 7 years with Stock SKC and 9 years living in England, the time had come for the Gallay Family to return to their homeland of France.
This was a hard decision for Christophe and Geraldine to come to and we wish them all the best.
Corentin gained his Shodan with us back in 2009 and then little sister Mallaurie started a year later.
Both of them have represented the club on numerous occasions at County, Regional and National Competitions over the years winning medals in both Kata and Kumite.
Mum and Dad were always involved, driving not only themselves, but other members of the club to the competitions over the years, we thank you.
They will be missed by all of us at Stock SKC we wish them all the best.
Below in the picture Corentin and Mallaurie with their new Stock SKC hoodies with very pround parents 
Christophe and Geraldine and Club Instructors Sensei Terry and Sensei Adam also club secretary Ann.
On Saturday 14th of May a team of seven went to the NIA at Birmingham to compete in the annual KUGB National Championships.
Clubs from across England, Scotland Wales and Ireland took part.
All the children competed well and some of them were picked out especially
by one of the judges for their good conduct and exceptional etiquette.
Bradley Tyler got all the way to the quarter-finals of the Childrens Kihon Ippon Kumite.
Mallaurie Gallay was able to get to the final of the Childrens Kata Novice to 4th Kyu.
Mallaurie then going first in the final of four (and the lowest grade in the final),
performed the kata Heian Nidan, which she got a score of 27.5 just missing out on second place by 0.1 of a mark.
Well Done to all competiors from Stock SKC.
Mallaurie Gallay 3rd and Bronze medal for Childrens Kata Novice to 4th Kyu
Bradley Tyler quaterfinalist Childrens Ippon Kumite.
Other members from Stock SKC were:
Corentin Gallay, Samuel Campbell, Jake Scott, Bethany King and Max Houghton.
Thank you Jake for stepping in at the last moment to enter Team Kata.
Mallaurie 3rd place Children Kata Novice to 4th Kyu
Another successful club Kyu Grading
Well Done to all Stock SKC and Kingswood SKC members
Club Grading 5th May 2011
On Saturday 9th of April 2011, Sensei Adam passed his 4th Dan Grading at a Special Dan Grade Course in Sheffield.
There was a 2 hour lesson with Sensei Andy Sherry and Sensei Bob Poynton, then the grading took place.
Sensei Adam pictured below with the other successful Karate-Ka for 4th and 5th Dan
On Saturday 26th of March there was a Free Black and Brown Belt Course at Egham in Surrey.
The Instructors were Sensei Andy Sherry 8th Dan KUGB Chairman and Chief Instructor to the Karate Union of Great Britain
and Sensei Bob Poynton 7th Dan Senior member of the KUGB Technical Committee.
We had 6 Brown belts and 6 Black Belts go along and train on the day.
After the two lessons had finished there was an hour break and then the grading for Black Belt took place.
We had 3 students attempting their Shodan Grade, and they all PASSED.
Well Done to Samuel, Jake and Bethany.
Here are the newist Black Belts at Stock SKC below with Sensei Sherry and Sensei Poynton.
Dan Grading
On Saturday 12th of February the annual KUGB Southern Regions was held at the K2 Leisure Centre in Crawley.
The club had 10 competitors in Kata and Kumite, with half of them winning medals.
The medal winners, Bethany, 3rd in Childrens Kihon Ippon Kumite, Samuel, 2nd in Boys Kumite 5`- 5`5", Corentin, 2nd in Boys Kumite Under 5`.
and first time competitors Mallaurie, 2nd in Childrens Kata Novice to 1st Kyu and Bradley, 4th in Childrens Kata Novice to 1st Kyu.
Well done to all the medal winners and those who did not win this time but performed well on the day, Sensei Graham, Chloe, Jake, Max and Owen.
  Medal Winners
The last Club KYU Grading of the year was held on the 11th October 2010.
Joining Stock SKC members were members from Kingswood SKC, Sudbury SKC and Hollies SKC.
Sensei Bob Poynton 7th Dan drove down from Liverpool to conduct the grading.
Everyone passed well done.
A special congratulations to Mallaurie who was double graded from novice to 8th Kyu (red belt).
Club KYU Grading 11/11/2010
At the Black and Brown Belt Course and Grading in Bath,
Maresse passed her Black Belt Grading under Sensei Andy Sherry and Sensei Billy Higgins
Well Done from everyone at Stock SKC.
On Sunday 11th of July we had Sensei Bob Poynton come to our club for the Kyu Grading.
Once again we had Club Members from Kingswood SKC come and grade with us
and one member from Sudbury SKC.
Well Done to everyone.
club grading 11-7-2010
At the recent Black and Brown Belt Course in Egham,
under the Instruction of Sensei Andy Sherry and Sensei Bob Rhodes,
Charlie Falco and Dean Palmer both passed their Dan Grading.
Well Done from everyone at the Club.
Dean and Charlie 1st Dan
At the Clubs Kyu Grading on Thursday 18th of March everyone passed their respected grade.
Sensei Bob Poynton took a quick lesson before the grading to warm the students up.
Members from our good friends at Kingswood SKC came along and graded
and a couple from Sudbury skc also turned up to train and grade.
Well Done to everyone .
Club Grading 18/3/2010
At the recent KUGB Southern Region Competition held at the K2 Sports Centre in Crawley, the club won 6 medals.
Everyone that represented the club performed well on the day.
The first medal winner was Maresse when she won a bronze medal for girls Kumite, just missing out on a place in the final losing to the eventual winner.
Then Bethany also won a bronze medal for the childrens Ippon Kumite.
Isaac was in the final of the  boys 5` to 5` 5`` Kumite which he lost to a very good fighter and won a silver medal.
Megan was in the final of the girls under 5` 3`` Kumite and she also came away with a silver medal.
The last two medals come from the Children Kata, Novice to 1st Kyu in which we had two of the four finalists in Isaac and Maresse.
Isaac was second on the floor and performed the kata Heian Yondan, but he lost his balance a couple of times and ended up coming 3rd overall.
Maresse was last up to go, she performed the kata Heian Nidan,
after the marks were added up Maresse was tied for first place and had to perform the Kata again.
This time the two competitors were tied again and the referee`s had to come to a decision
and on the count back system they awarded Maresse as the winner and Southern Region Champion.
 Well Done to everyone who represented the club especially first time competitors, Charlie, Jamie, Jessica and Owen.